Radio Cota

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 63:06:31
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Radio COTA is a weekly podcast hosted by Andy Neil for COTA (Council on the Ageing) Queensland. Each week we explore topical and relevant information for older Queenslanders with in-depth Interviews, News and Event Updates. We're also out and about in the community speaking with Queenslanders of all ages to gather YOUR opinions on a wide range of topics too.



    29/06/2018 Duração: 30min

    This weeks’ Radio COTA Podcast is, sadly, the final episode in the current series. Our special guest this week is Dr Catherine Barrett, Director of Celebrate Ageing and Curator of The Museum of Love .. Dr Barrett has been a tireless and focused campaigner over more than 30 years for challenging ageism, and promoting respect for older people. We also hear from Mark Tucker Evans, the Chief Executive of COTA Queensland who shares his thoughts in regard to the Radio COTA Podcast over the last two and a bit years. So … make yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and enjoy all that Radio COTA brings to you .. Please keep sending us your feedback and suggestions, we love hearing from you. Call us on the Radio COTA Feedback Line … Phone: 3316 2907 Or Email us at ...


    22/06/2018 Duração: 30min

    This week Radio COTA dives deep into the very important topic of ‘Enduring Powers of Attorney’ .. In this Special Focus Feature, we discuss … • The importance of making an informed choice about an EPA, implications of not having one and assuming family can act for you. • The difference between a will (and other documents) and an EPA. • The importance of choosing the right people/ person, it’s about someone you trust to make the decisions you would want them to make; important not to just default to spouse or kids but really think about who has the right skills and knows what you would want. • The importance of having conversations with people about your values and wishes. • The importance of reviewing an existing EPA. We hear Margaret Greig , David Peace, Judith Chapman, Phil Page and Libby Knight, (some of the wonderful Peer Educators at COTA Qld), share with us the information older Queenslanders have found valuable in regard to Enduring Powers of Attorney .. Later in the show, we go one-on-one with C


    15/06/2018 Duração: 30min

    This week on Radio COTA, we bring you a double dose of important information. We kick off with our Interview with Professor Nancy Pahana from the University of Queensland, and learn all about the “Sustainability Champions” Program that she heads up at UQ .. And then, little later in the show, we’re joined by Clare Barker from Redland City Council, who shares with us the pioneering work being done in Redland City in regard to Disaster Preparedness .. So … make yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and enjoy all that Radio COTA brings to you ! Please keep sending us your feedback and suggestions, we love hearing from you ... Call us on the Radio COTA Feedback Line … Phone: 3316 2907 Or Email us at ...


    12/06/2018 Duração: 28min

    Radio COTA #48: Roles of Clubs by Radio_COTA


    12/06/2018 Duração: 28min

    Radio COTA #47: Social Well Being - Reminiscing by Radio_COTA


    12/06/2018 Duração: 28min

    In this episode we are joined by Alison Brooke, National Executive Officer Relationships Australia. Alison speaks with us about Neighbour Day and the importance of keeping in touch. Many people lead lonely lives in their homes, and just a little bit of contact can make a big difference. So … make yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and enjoy all that Radio COTA brings to you!

  • Radio COTA #60: Making Retirement Savings Go Further

    11/06/2018 Duração: 29min

    In this episode we look at how to make your retirement saving spread further. Many of us for whatever reason, come retirement time find we a very real need to tighten the belt and look at ways save. So … make yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and enjoy all that Radio COTA brings to you !

  • Radio COTA #107: World Elder Abuse Awareness

    09/06/2018 Duração: 30min

    World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is commemorated each year on June 15th. It’s an annual international United Nations observance day which aims to focus global attention on the problem of the abuse of elders, and highlight one of the worst manifestations of ageism and inequality in our society, Elder Abuse. As our global population of older people continues to grow, and as we are all living longer, elder abuse is a serious issue affecting the health and human rights of older people, so it is vital that we continually raise awareness of it and aim towards preventing it whenever, and wherever, possible. Relationships Australia Queensland has a long history of supporting family relationships, and increasing experience in supporting seniors in particular, and they recently secured funding to establish a new Elder Abuse Prevention and Support Service in Mackay, Rockhampton, Gladstone and on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. We catch up with Relationships Australia Queensland Regional Manager of the North Coast Region

  • Radio COTA #106: Palliative Care Week, Part 2

    01/06/2018 Duração: 30min

    This week on Radio COTA, we continue with the conclusion of our Special coinciding with National Palliative Care Week, addressing the need for Australians to plan ahead for their end-of-life care, and to start the conversation and discuss it with their loved ones and health professionals. Palliative Care is for people of any age who have been told that they have a serious illness that cannot be cured, and assists people in managing their symptoms and improving their quality of life … It can be physical, emotional or spiritual in nature and can include providing pain relief, access to home-care resources, assistance for families and counselling and grief support. Last week we brought you the excellent address presented by Professor Ken Hillman at the “Open Conversations about Life and Death” Community Forum, held in Brisbane recently … This week, we continue with the theme and are pleased to bring to you the thought-provoking address presented by Doctor Sarah Winch, also from the “Open Conversations about

  • Radio COTA #105: Palliative Care Week

    26/05/2018 Duração: 30min

    It’s National Palliative Care Week from May 20th to the 26th, and this year with the theme, “What Matters Most ?”, the annual event raises awareness and understanding about Palliative Care in the Australian Community, and addresses the need for Australians to plan ahead for their end-of-life care and discuss it with their loved ones and health professionals. It can be physical, emotional or spiritual in nature and can include providing pain relief, access to home-care resources, assistance for families and counselling and grief support. Palliative Care is for people of any age who have been told that they have a serious illness that cannot be cured, and assists people to manage symptoms and improve their quality of life. At a Community Forum held in Brisbane this week, “Open Conversations about Life and Death”, Professor Ken Hillman and Doctor Sarah Winch began that ‘open conversation’ .. On Radio COTA this week we bring you Part 1 of our Special to coincide with National Palliative Care Week, and we ar

  • Radio COTA #104: Volunteering

    18/05/2018 Duração: 30min

    This week is National Volunteer Week for 2018, an annual celebration acknowledging the generous contribution of our nation’s Volunteers. This year the theme for National Volunteer Week is … “Give a little … Change a lot” …. This theme represents the selfless work of millions of Volunteers who make a profound impact in their communities and on society, through giving a little (or a lot) of their time .. From the 21st to the 27th of May, thousands of events will be held across the country to say thank you to the 6 million Australians who so selflessly Volunteer their time. There is a strong correlation between the well-being, happiness, health and longevity of people who are emotionally kind and compassionate in their charitable helping activities. The experience of helping others provides meaning, a sense of self-worth, a social role and health enhancement .. In our Volunteering Special this week, we chat with some of COTA Queensland’s wonderful Volunteer Community Team about what Volunteering means to th

  • Radio COTA #103: Scam Awareness

    12/05/2018 Duração: 30min

    This week Radio COTA focuses on National Scams Awareness Week, the annual awareness-raising week run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). This year, Scams Awareness Week runs from 21 – 25 May and Australians are urged to be on the lookout for threat-based impersonation scams by taking a moment to ask ‘is this for real?’ … Threat-based impersonation scams are common and can be quite frightening and traumatic for the victim. Falling victim to an online scam, virus or other internet nasty can be frustrating and unpleasant—but help is always available. This week, with the help of Wayne Howarth from the Western Union Company, along with Kelly Charles and Georgia Conduit from the Stay Smart Online Program, we hope to be able to give you the information you need to be aware of these scams, how you can best avoid them, and where to find the resources that you can use to keep yourself safe. On the 21st of May, the ACCC will be releasing their latest report on Scams in Australia, and we’ll

  • Radio COTA #102: Mature Age Employment

    04/05/2018 Duração: 30min

    In recent years, it seems more than ever before, there has been a lot of talk about the issues associated with Australia's ageing population, and particularly how older unemployed people are finding it harder to find work. This week, we’re looking into the issues faced by mature aged workers and job-seekers, often having to overcome ageism and discrimination barriers. There has been a move towards encouraging employers to attract, engage, and retain older workers in their organisations. The benefits to the employer are real, and many are starting to wake up to the fact that generally speaking, mature age workers usually have skills and experience gained through many years in the workforce and are consistently more reliable. This week, to chat about all things Mature Age Employment are our special guests .. The Honourable Shannon Fentiman, Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development in the Queensland State Government … and Judy Higgins ... General Manag

  • Radio COTA #101: ANZAC Day & World Immunisation Week

    28/04/2018 Duração: 30min

    It’s a double whammy ‘recognition episode’ coming your way this week … It’s Anzac Day, and we’re joined by Australian Major General (retired) Senator Jim Molan, who joins us from his hospital bed to share with us what Anzac Day means to him. Also this week, we’re recognising and celebrating the World Health Organisations “World Immunisation Week” … We have a special message from the Federal Minister for Seniors, Ken Wyatt, who expresses just how important immunisation truly is for all Australian’s, but particularly for our Seniors .. … and once again, we invited you to ASK THE EXPERT … On this weeks’ show, we’re putting your questions to our expert guest, Alun Richards, the Medical Director of the Queensland Department of Health’s Immunisation Program … So, make yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and enjoy all that Radio COTA brings to you .. Please keep sending us your feedback and suggestions, we love hearing from you ... Call us on the Radio COTA Feedback Line … Phone: 3316 2907 Or Email us at

  • Radio COTA #100: Energy & Water - Ask the Expert

    21/04/2018 Duração: 30min

    As promised, we’ve given YOU the opportunity to ASK THE EXPERT, putting YOUR questions directly to the expert guest in our interview chair ! This week on Radio COTA, we’re putting your questions concerning Energy and Water to our experts. First up, we speak with Robyn Robinson, COTA Queensland’s Energy Policy Advisor and Energy Advocate who gives us an overall perspective on all things energy related. Our Guest in the Expert Chair this week is Jason Webster, Regional Manager from the Office of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland. Jason goes into great detail in his responses to our listeners’ questions, and his expansive responses have helped greatly to explain the facts people need to possess to help ease their concerns in regard to energy matters. Coming up on Radio COTA next week, we’ll be focussing on World Immunisation Day, and we’ll have an Immunisation Expert on hand to answer YOUR questions about what immunisations are appropriate and recommended for older people … Do you know what immunisa

  • Radio COTA #99: Planning Ahead

    13/04/2018 Duração: 30min

    From the 16th to the 22nd of April, 2018, it’s National Advance Care Planning Week, and in recognition of this, Radio COTA Podcast # 99 encourages all Australians, regardless of their current health status to make their future health care preferences known. The initiative challenges people to start conversations with loved ones about what living well means to them and to consider who they would want to speak for them, if they were unable to speak for themselves. Advance care planning helps to ensure your voice is heard if medical decisions have to be made for you. Having a plan means your friends, family, doctors and health team aren't guessing about what's important to you or what an acceptable outcome is for your life. We welcome our two special guests, Julie Sutherland from Metro South Health, and Sue McGrath from COTA Australia, who speak with us about the importance of making an Advance Care Plan. Julie and Sue look at the process from a Queensland perspective and, in plain English, share how to go

  • Radio COTA #98: Older Men - The Forgotten Generation

    07/04/2018 Duração: 30min

    It's a desperately sad fact that every day in Australia, one man over the age of 65 takes their own life. One focus group has been at the forefront of stemming these rates in regional communities and rural areas .. Radio Radio COTA Podcast # 98 looks into the forgotten generation that is older men. We speak with Louise Adcock, the Manager of The Older Mens Network, (known as TOMNET), which creates networks of older men (50+) who genuinely care about the welfare of each other and find a sense of belonging. They provide Peer Support for men who have retired, or are thinking about retiring, assisting them through the hidden hardships of this new phase of their life. Through rediscovering fulfilling lives, these men regain purpose, and the ability to connect, and contribute to the community. We also chat with Sharon Boyce. Born and bred in Toowoomba, Sharon was diagnosed with Juvenile Chronic Arthritis at the age of eleven. A twice published author, a winner of the Queensland Regional Achiever Service Award, a

  • Radio COTA #97:Legal Support for Seniors

    30/03/2018 Duração: 30min

    Our Seniors represent some of the most vulnerable members of our community. Unfortunately financial abuse of Seniors is a very real and major problem and, sadly, it often happens at the hands of close friends or family. The good news is that help IS available ! Radio COTA Podcast # 97 focuses on the Seniors Legal Advice and Support Service, an initiative of the Queensland State Government, which provides free legal advice, information and social work services for people over 60, (or over 50 for Indigenous Australians). The Seniors Legal and Support Service is an initiative of the Queensland Government covering such things as legal information and advice, social work services, short-term counselling, advocacy on the clients’ behalf, a referral to other legal consumer and support services and representation in court or before tribunals in some circumstances. The service can also help clients to obtain domestic violence protection orders, develop safety plans and/or relocation to a place of safety, appoint

  • Radio COTA #96: In Search of Happiness

    23/03/2018 Duração: 30min

    We turn our attention to the United Nations declared International Day of Happiness, focusing on what defines happiness, and looking at what we can all do to bring more of it into our own lives, and also into the lives of others .. each and every day. The theme for this years’ day is “Share Happiness” and focuses on the importance of relationships, kindness, and helping each other. One of the major indicators of happiness is laughter, and our special guest this week is Heather Joy Campbell, Queensland’s leading Laughter Well-Being Facilitator and Trainer who shares with us …“How to be Joyful, and Find the Laughter Within”. Also this week, we are celebrating Radio COTA’s second birthday ! Our sincere thanks to everyone at COTA Queensland, the Regional & Community Radio Stations who include our show each week in their programming, and the extensive list of expert guests who have given freely of their time to appear on our Podcast each week. Most of all, thank YOU to our wonderful listeners who tune in eve

  • Radio COTA #95: Changing Lives With Music, Part 2

    16/03/2018 Duração: 30min

    Music has been proven over time to have remarkable healing qualities, particularly for older people and for people living with dementia. We’re excited to bring you not one, but two special guests this week … First up, we chat with Bridgit Hogan, the Executive Officer of the Australian Music Therapy Association. Bridgit talks about the history of the AMTA, and how it came into being. The AMTA now has over 600 members Australia wide, all qualified professional therapists who bring music to the table as an intervention that can bring about remarkable outcomes in people of all ages. Our second guest is Dr Imogen Clark, a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the University of Melbourne. After receiving the prestigious Hazel Hawke Research Grant in Dementia, Imogen is a vital part of a team of experts in Dementia and Music Therapy who are conducting extensive research into improving the quality of life and well-being of people with Dementia, especially through the use of Music Therapy. So, make yourself a cuppa,

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