Radio Cota

Radio COTA #104: Volunteering



This week is National Volunteer Week for 2018, an annual celebration acknowledging the generous contribution of our nation’s Volunteers. This year the theme for National Volunteer Week is … “Give a little … Change a lot” …. This theme represents the selfless work of millions of Volunteers who make a profound impact in their communities and on society, through giving a little (or a lot) of their time .. From the 21st to the 27th of May, thousands of events will be held across the country to say thank you to the 6 million Australians who so selflessly Volunteer their time. There is a strong correlation between the well-being, happiness, health and longevity of people who are emotionally kind and compassionate in their charitable helping activities. The experience of helping others provides meaning, a sense of self-worth, a social role and health enhancement .. In our Volunteering Special this week, we chat with some of COTA Queensland’s wonderful Volunteer Community Team about what Volunteering means to th