Radio Cota

Radio COTA #97:Legal Support for Seniors



Our Seniors represent some of the most vulnerable members of our community. Unfortunately financial abuse of Seniors is a very real and major problem and, sadly, it often happens at the hands of close friends or family. The good news is that help IS available ! Radio COTA Podcast # 97 focuses on the Seniors Legal Advice and Support Service, an initiative of the Queensland State Government, which provides free legal advice, information and social work services for people over 60, (or over 50 for Indigenous Australians). The Seniors Legal and Support Service is an initiative of the Queensland Government covering such things as legal information and advice, social work services, short-term counselling, advocacy on the clients’ behalf, a referral to other legal consumer and support services and representation in court or before tribunals in some circumstances. The service can also help clients to obtain domestic violence protection orders, develop safety plans and/or relocation to a place of safety, appoint