Radio Cota

Radio COTA #95: Changing Lives With Music, Part 2



Music has been proven over time to have remarkable healing qualities, particularly for older people and for people living with dementia. We’re excited to bring you not one, but two special guests this week … First up, we chat with Bridgit Hogan, the Executive Officer of the Australian Music Therapy Association. Bridgit talks about the history of the AMTA, and how it came into being. The AMTA now has over 600 members Australia wide, all qualified professional therapists who bring music to the table as an intervention that can bring about remarkable outcomes in people of all ages. Our second guest is Dr Imogen Clark, a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the University of Melbourne. After receiving the prestigious Hazel Hawke Research Grant in Dementia, Imogen is a vital part of a team of experts in Dementia and Music Therapy who are conducting extensive research into improving the quality of life and well-being of people with Dementia, especially through the use of Music Therapy. So, make yourself a cuppa,