Radio Cota

Radio COTA #106: Palliative Care Week, Part 2



This week on Radio COTA, we continue with the conclusion of our Special coinciding with National Palliative Care Week, addressing the need for Australians to plan ahead for their end-of-life care, and to start the conversation and discuss it with their loved ones and health professionals. Palliative Care is for people of any age who have been told that they have a serious illness that cannot be cured, and assists people in managing their symptoms and improving their quality of life … It can be physical, emotional or spiritual in nature and can include providing pain relief, access to home-care resources, assistance for families and counselling and grief support. Last week we brought you the excellent address presented by Professor Ken Hillman at the “Open Conversations about Life and Death” Community Forum, held in Brisbane recently … This week, we continue with the theme and are pleased to bring to you the thought-provoking address presented by Doctor Sarah Winch, also from the “Open Conversations about