Radio Cota

Radio COTA #100: Energy & Water - Ask the Expert



As promised, we’ve given YOU the opportunity to ASK THE EXPERT, putting YOUR questions directly to the expert guest in our interview chair ! This week on Radio COTA, we’re putting your questions concerning Energy and Water to our experts. First up, we speak with Robyn Robinson, COTA Queensland’s Energy Policy Advisor and Energy Advocate who gives us an overall perspective on all things energy related. Our Guest in the Expert Chair this week is Jason Webster, Regional Manager from the Office of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland. Jason goes into great detail in his responses to our listeners’ questions, and his expansive responses have helped greatly to explain the facts people need to possess to help ease their concerns in regard to energy matters. Coming up on Radio COTA next week, we’ll be focussing on World Immunisation Day, and we’ll have an Immunisation Expert on hand to answer YOUR questions about what immunisations are appropriate and recommended for older people … Do you know what immunisa