Dr Karin Love & Life

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 235:12:23
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Take charge of your thoughts, take charge of your life!On Love & Life, Dr. Karin explores research-based methods for happy, hopeful, positive living! She delves into all the good stuffhow to have true intimacy in romantic relationships, more meaningful friendships, healthier family connections, and more fulfilling careers. Each episode leaves listeners with a Love & Life Hacka quick fix to improve your emotional wellness TODAY!


  • Let’s Talk About It! The Misogyny of Progressives Ep. 326

    05/11/2024 Duração: 15min

    On a day when many Progressives will go to the polls to vote for a “woman,” I’d like to share a few thoughts around the misogyny inherent to Leftists’ ideology. Their logic breaks down immediately as they can’t define what a woman is. So, how can they get excited about voting for a woman hoping she’ll be the first woman president?

  • Why I’m Voting for “Hitler”: A COVID Dissident’s Response Ep. 325

    31/10/2024 Duração: 22min

    I know most people want to move on from COVID. And, maybe you’re ready to move on from the election.  But, it’s all related—COVID, the election, and our platform of mind, body, & spirit.  I have some thoughts.  Plus, I’d like to explain why I’m voting for “literal Hitler” and his MAGA + MAHA team of courageous dissidents—RFK, Jr., Tulsi, and Elon.  To do so, I respond to 3 current bits of news: Biden calling Trump supporters “garbage.” Harris’ cringy TV ad depicting wives defying their husbands by voting for Harris.  The 3 platforms of the MAHA movement—1️⃣ Restoring Free Speech and ending censorship 2️⃣ Exposing the corruption of Big Ag and Big Pharma which is destroying Americans’ health and 3️⃣ Stop the never ending foreign wars.  I don’t hold back. We’d love to hear your thoughts! Sponsors: Authentixx  Website: http://www.authentixx.com Code: LOVELIFE for 10% off your order! The Wellness Company Website: ⁠https://www.twc.health/lovelife⁠ Code: LOVELIFE for 15% off your order! Dr. Karin &

  • Gender Affirming Care for Children: Does it “Follow the Science?” with Psychiatric Nurse David Wayne Ep. 324

    24/10/2024 Duração: 45min

    It’s such a heated issue—and people on each side believe those who disagree with them are abusing children. In the last 10 years, we’ve witnessed an exponential increase in the number of kids who feel as if they’re the wrong sex. Although Gender Dysphoria Disorder remains a psychiatric illness per the DSM-5-TR, it currently is viewed quite differently when compared to other mental conditions. We don’t “affirm” Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Bipolar or schizophrenia. We treat clients by providing coping mechanisms and helping them ground themselves in reality. But, we don’t do this with Gender Dysphoria Disorder.  Why is this? Why do we abandon logic, reasoning, and science when addressing Gender Dysphoria? As a psychiatric nurse, David Wayne finds this confusing, frustrating, and appalling—especially as it pertains to the US’s current approach to treating kids who decide they’re actually the opposite sex.  Join us for an insider’s take on what’s really going on with gender “affirming” care.  Sponsor

  • Let's Talk About It: Wife Guys? Masculinity Gets Political Ep. 323

    23/10/2024 Duração: 16min

    We’re in the midst of a series on masculinity, so I had to weigh in on this one, and I looped in Producer Tim to get a Millennial male’s take.  You’ve probably seen the clip of Jen Psaki interviewing Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff.  Psaki claimed Emhoff has, “reshaped the perception of masculinity.” Really? Psaki then called him a “wife guy.”  Okay . . .  And sure, maybe Doug Emhoff is a super sweet and supportive husband. That’s great! But, there seemed to be a partisan subtext beneath this exchange. Watching the clip, I had the sense Psaki was insinuating only liberal men fully support their wives. I wanted to share my reaction to this clip and, Tim agreed to join me. Spoiler alert:  Over my 27 years of dating, I’ve had relationships with both very liberal and very conservative men. I married a conservative. And no one has ever cherished, respected, and adored me more than my conservative husband. So personally, I’m not picking up what Psaki is laying down. Join us and let us know your thoug

  • Faith & Politics: A Pastor’s Take on Voting Ep. 322

    17/10/2024 Duração: 41min

    Elliott and I didn’t grow up with a lot of political discourse. Our family delved into a wide array of topics, but as educators and musicians, we tended to discuss chord charts and pop tunes more than public policy.  In fact, as most of you know, our father was a lifelong Democrat and our mother is a lifelong Republican. Yet, they possessed the same core values, had a strong 57 year marriage, and raised three well-adjusted kids. Could that happen nowadays? During most of our lifetime, it was considered impolite to bring up religion and politics. And, pastors often refrained entirely from wading into political waters.  But to me, these times feel different. I was curious if Elliott sensed the same.  So, today we address questions around faith and politics. We specifically ask: Should Christians vote? Is it appropriate for pastors to discuss politics from the pulpit? Are certain party values for Christian than others? When Elliott became a pastor, our Dad encouraged him to speak boldly. We’ll honor

  • Pandemic of the Unvaccinated? New Data on COVID Hospitalizations with David Wayne Ep. 321

    10/10/2024 Duração: 43min

    Psychiatric nurse and friend of the program, David Wayne, is back to discuss what he recently shared on Children’s Health Defense’s CHD.TV. In addition to nursing, Dave has a background in data analytics. Throughout the COVID era, he tried to make sense of the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated hospitalizations—the numbers weren’t adding up. Databases weren’t talking to each other. Default modes labeled patients as unvaccinated when in MANY cases, these patients had taken the COVID shot. For those of us who endured derision and scorn for our “selfish” and “irresponsible” choice to abstain from injecting ourselves with a rushed-to-market, mRNA product with no longitudinal studies confirming its safety and efficacy—well for us, these numbers matter. It matters that, in fact, more COVID hospitalizations occurred among the vaccinated. It matters that the shot neither prevented infection nor stopped transmission.  And, it matters that a recent study from the Cleveland Clinic found the more jabs and boosters you too

  • Masculinity in the Midst of a Father Wound with Bradley Oberrieder Ep. 320

    03/10/2024 Duração: 50min

    Growing up is tough. Growing up with a father wound is even tougher. As we continue our series on masculinity, we’re addressing the complexities of father wounds on sons.  How do boys grow into men when their model for manhood has been abusive or absent? One of Elliott’s mentees, Bradley Oberrieder, joins us to share his journey—how his father abandoned his family just as Bradley was moving from adolescence to young adulthood. How do you step into manhood when you no longer respect your dad—your model of manhood? If you’ve experienced a father wound—or you’re dating a man who has—please join us for an honest and hopeful account of masculinity in the midst of a father wound.  Sponsors: Authentixx  Website: http://www.authentixx.com Code: LOVELIFE for 10% off your order! The Wellness Company Website: ⁠https://www.twc.health/lovelife⁠ Code: LOVELIFE for 15% off your order! Dr. Karin & Pastor Elliott Anderson Website: http://loveandlifemedia.com/ Empowered Dating Playbook: smarturl.it/EmpoweredDatingB

  • Rescue the Republic: When BFFs Disagree as to How We Do This Ep. 319

    26/09/2024 Duração: 45min

    Dan and I are heading to Rescue the Republic in DC this weekend! I wanted to share Rescue the Republic’s 8 pillars with Elliott to hear his thoughts.  War is always the last resort vs. Military Industrial Complex Sanctify/recodify informed consent vs. Medical Industrial Complex Banish state media control, surveillance and propaganda vs. Censorship Industrial Complex Enact a rational boarder policy vs. Immigration Industrial Complex End lawfare and abuse of the judicial system vs. Injustice Industrial Complex Secure monetary freedom vs. Finance Industrial Complex Restore family sovereignty vs. Developmental Industrial Complex Return to truth-seeking and open dialogue vs. Academic Industrial Complex For most of our lives, Americans took for granted the values that underpin these pillars. We agreed on these tenets. They were givens. Not so much anymore.   Rescue the Republic will bring together Americans from all walks of life and political persuasions. It’s a unity coalition led by Dr. Bret

  • Testosterone-Laden Men—A Bad Thing? Ep. 318

    19/09/2024 Duração: 30min

    Recently, I heard a term, “testosteroni.” It was used in a pejorative manner to describe “testosterone-laden” men. In the conversation, these testosterone-laden men were pitted against a kinder, gentler model of manhood. I wasn’t sure just what they were getting at. But, I had questions. Is testosterone inherently a bad thing?  Does it cause problems for men? How does it impact our perception of masculinity in general? Does testosterone end up being a disadvantage in our modern world? Why cast aspersions at a hormone? (One which women also possess, by the way). I wanted to hear Elliott’s thoughts about Testosteronis vs. Beta Males. We delve into all this and more as we continue our “What is a Man?” series. Please join us! Sponsors: Authentixx  Website: http://www.authentixx.com Code: LOVELIFE for 10% off your order! The Wellness Company Website: ⁠https://www.twc.health/lovelife⁠ Code: LOVELIFE for 15% off your order! Dr. Karin & Pastor Elliott Anderson Website: http://loveandlifemedia.com

  • My BF Says I’m Trying to Control Him but He’s Going Out Drinking with Other Women… Ep. 317

    12/09/2024 Duração: 32min

    Q:  I’m 34 and dating a 44-year-old man who rents out a room to a cutie 21-year-old for a very fair price and sometimes, he goes out with her and her friends and buys their drinks.  I’m not sure how I feel about that. He believes it’s socially acceptable but I disagree and see it as predatory. But I also want to be understanding and I’m unsure if I’m being insecure and unreasonable about the situation. A:  Join us to hear our response to our listener’s question! Sponsors: Authentixx  Website: http://www.authentixx.com Code: LOVELIFE for 10% off your order! The Wellness Company Website: ⁠https://www.twc.health/lovelife⁠ Code: LOVELIFE for 15% off your order! Dr. Karin & Pastor Elliott Anderson Website: http://loveandlifemedia.com/ Empowered Dating Playbook: smarturl.it/EmpoweredDatingBook Instagram: @dr.karin | @pastorelliottanderson

  • Pharma Dissidents: Abandoning the Medical Model of Mental Health with David Wayne Ep. 316

    05/09/2024 Duração: 01h14min

    As a psychiatric nurse, David Wayne believed wholeheartedly in the veracity of medical research and the necessity of pharmaceutical interventions—until he saw how ineffective and at times, harmful, these “treatments” were.  He began to question his profession—especially psychiatry’s pharmaceutical “solution” for every mental health concern. Then COVID descended, and because he chose not to inject an experimental substance into his body, he got fired from his hospital. To support others losing their jobs, he attended protests against the COVID shot mandates. He found himself alongside others who shared his values around health freedom. But, he was surprised to learn many of these dissidents were people of faith.  He discovered they weren’t at all “anti science.” They just knew science must be questioned—always! And, science doesn’t belong solely to government officials or three letter agencies. Furthermore, these dissidents put their faith in God, as opposed to Fauci. As a psychiatric nurse, David had que

  • How Can We Be Friends if You Vote for _______? Ep. 315

    29/08/2024 Duração: 37min

    The election is upon us and the political divide—well, it’s probably better described as a chasm.  So, we weren’t surprised to receive this question from a listener: “I’ve seen this rhetoric start to pop up on social media, leading into the election:  ‘Don’t tell someone you love them, and then vote for someone who will hurt them.’ How do we deal with this type of divisive statement?” Our listener also indicated she’s single and in her 40s. She’s an only child, so her friends are absolutely family to her. Yet, if she votes for a particular candidate, her friends believe she’s choosing to hurt them. I had a lot of thoughts about this. Like our listener, I have many friends who take issue with my choices around such issues. Most of these friends won’t talk to me about why I hold these values.  Many people would recommend we steer clear of these topics. Then again, if we don’t talk about what matters most to us, how can we have deep, authentic relationships?  Elliott and I share how we would respond to a

  • Abortions at the DNC: How This Relates to Our What is a Man? Series Ep. 314

    23/08/2024 Duração: 40min

    Elliott didn’t know about this—I’m way more into current events than he is—so I decided to inform him during our episode. I wanted him to share his thoughts as a therapist, husband, father, and perhaps most importantly, as a pastor. Abortion is a heavy, sensitive, and painful, subject—at least, it used to be. Clinton claimed it should be, “Safe, legal, and rare.” Now women are encouraged to, “Shout Your Abortion!” What’s going on? I share some theories as to how we’ve arrived at this place—views around Second and Third Wave Feminism and how women have fought for a sexual revolution that fails to serve us, but works for men just fine. We integrate our question, “What is a Man?” throughout the conversation. Elliott asserts that men may have failed women which also relates to the current landscape of women displaying their fielty to a political party by killing their unborn children. Join us for another Love & Life Current Events episode and hear Elliott’s og story of getting kicked out of Social Studi

  • What is a Man? Part 3: Theology of Man Ep. 313

    15/08/2024 Duração: 33min

    Today Pastor Elliott and Producer Tim continue our series on "What is a Man?" In his work as a counselor and pastor Elliott has developed a thesis for what he believes makes up the theology of a man based on the book of Genesis. Specifically Elliott dives into the following topics: Accountability Responsibility Sacrifice Interdependence And how men facility all of these topics into their lives personally, relationally, and ultimately into their communities at large. We hope this episode will provide insights into your personal relationships and lead you to a life of thriving in your mind, body, and spirit! Sponsors: Authentixx  Website: http://www.authentixx.com Code: LOVELIFE for 10% off your order! The Wellness Company Website: ⁠https://www.twc.health/lovelife⁠ Code: LOVELIFE for 15% off your order! Dr. Karin & Pastor Elliott Anderson Website: http://loveandlifemedia.com/ Empowered Dating Playbook: smarturl.it/EmpoweredDatingBook Instagram: @dr.karin | @pastorelliottanderson

  • What is a Man? Part 2: Female Boxing Controversy at The Olympics Ep. 312

    09/08/2024 Duração: 43min

    As you’ve likely heard, last week Olympic boxer Imane Khelif beat Angela Carini in a bout that lasted only 46 seconds. Carini said of Khelif’s punch to her nose, “I’ve never been hit so hard in my life.” Controversy ensued because just last year, Khelif had been disqualified from competing in the World Boxing Championships in the women’s category because of testosterone levels that were higher than permissible. In prior Love & Life episodes, we’ve addressed the touchy subject of men competing against women. We interviewed Paula Scanlan (former UPenn swimmer) in episode 303, author Kara Dansky (The Abolition of Sex:  How the “Transgender” Agenda Harms Women and Girls) in episode 245, and radical feminist Isabella Malbin in episode 193. With the current controversy still brewing, Elliott and I wanted to share our thoughts. We speak to realities of developmental psychology and biology, along with a Biblical vantage point. We tackle two questions many people currently struggle to answer or would prefer to avo

  • Dying to Be Free!  How to Take Charge in Oppressive Times with Dr. Leland Stillman Ep. 311

    01/08/2024 Duração: 53min

    Our world feels increasingly chaotic and morally inverted. And for those who remain skeptical and endeavor to think critically and rationally, it’s extremely overwhelming. As you know from episode 294 “COVID Trauma:  How to Move Through Post COVID Stress Disorder,” Elliott and I have lost trust in many, if not most, of the institutions we once thought were at least somewhat honorable. Who can we trust? What’s going on behind the scenes? Who’s actually in charge and why are they so determined to strip us of our rights? I frequently listen to Dr. Joseph Mercola’s podcast and when I heard his interview with Dr. Leland Stillman, I immediately bought Dr. Stillman’s book, Dying to be Free:  How America's Ruling Class Is Killing and Bankrupting Americans, and What to Do About It. I devoured the book in a few days. It covers an enormous amount of ground and provides answers to questions like the ones I posed above.  If you’re not familiar with Dr. Leland Stillman and his work, I’m thrilled to introduce you t

  • What is a Man? Part 1: A Tribute to My Father-in-Law Ep. 310

    25/07/2024 Duração: 40min

    My father-in-law passed away a month ago. We knew his death was imminent, so we weren’t caught off guard, but I was definitely surprised by the depth of my grief. I’d only known Max for 14 years and because I was in my 40s when I joined the Abrell family, I hadn’t had the years of connection with him. Yet my grief was significant and multifaceted. My mom, Elliott, and our brother, Warren, attended the funeral. At the end of the service, Dan opened up the floor for anyone who might want to say something to honor Max. I tried to get my courage up but I was afraid I’d cry too hard and make everyone feel uncomfortable.  I left the service full of regret for not having shared how much Max meant to me, and how blessed I felt to have been his daughter-in-law. Even though I didn’t have the chance to know Max longer, I nevertheless feel his influence every day in my marriage. He raised the love of my life and for that, I’m so incredibly grateful.  I wish I’d shared these thoughts with those who attended the funeral

  • Do These 3 Things TODAY to Level Up Your Mindset! Ep. 309

    09/07/2024 Duração: 42min

    As psychotherapists, Elliott and I obviously view love and life through a psychological lens. We take a holistic approach to love and life—underscoring the interaction of our mind, body, and spirit. Elliott takes this approach in his role as a pastor, too.  He reads the Bible and interprets scripture through this lens. God designed psychology—meaning, how God created human thinking and behaving. Which is why I love Elliott’s recent sermon and why we wanted to share it with you. Elliott describes 3 simple, Biblically based steps we can take to level up your mindset—or as the Bible puts it, “renew your mind.” I claim they’re simple steps, but I don’t mean to suggest they’re easy. That being said, since God created us and therefore knows best how our minds work, it makes perfect sense to look to His word in our efforts to renew our minds or, as we say on Love & Life, “take charge of your thoughts to take charge of your life!”  Sponsors: Authentixx  Website: http://www.authentixx.com Code: LOVELIFE for 10%

  • Single and NOT Settling! with Vanessa Maree Ep. 308

    13/06/2024 Duração: 56min

    Please enjoy this conversation Dr. Karin had on the Single and Not Settling podcast! A note from Vanessa of Single and Not Settling: "This is absolutely a dream come true. I was so nervous throughout this interview as I could have pinched myself, achieving this goal of mine. You see in 2020 after I was ghosted and the world shut down, I found a podcast by Dr Karin. Her advice on dating and relationships gave me hope, taught me so much of what I know today but also helped me dive deeper into why I was choosing the wrong men, it all began to make sense!! On this platform I created, I saw it as an opportunity to personally thank Dr Karin for having such an impact on my life, where I am today and where I continue to grow. Dr Karin is such a genuine person, so kind and has the best sense of humour! I am so proud of myself and proud of this episode. I hope you gain value from Dr Karin as much as I have throughout the years." In this exciting episode of "Single and NOT Settling," Vanessa Ma

  • Americans are Getting More Therapy, but We’re Less Happy. What’s Going On? Ep. 307

    06/06/2024 Duração: 53min

    Recently, I read an article in Time Magazine titled, “America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse?” Obviously, the content was quite sobering. How is it that mental health awareness is up, stigma is down—and yet, we’re more depressed and anxious than ever!?! I knew I wanted to discuss the article with Elliott and share it with the Love & Life community. Specifically, we unpack: The unintended consequences of a culture of “Mental Health Awareness.” How health insurance impacts the practice of psychotherapy—and even our understanding of emotional distress in general. How changes in counselors’ training programs affect not only the therapist/client relationship, but also the psychological community as a whole. Oh, and let’s not forget Pharma. The realities we highlight throughout the episode wouldn’t be occurring without a healthy dose—pun intended—of Big Pharma influence. Join us as we break down the current landscape while also providing hope for a more holistic, emp

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