Dr Karin Love & Life

What is a Man? Part 1: A Tribute to My Father-in-Law Ep. 310



My father-in-law passed away a month ago. We knew his death was imminent, so we weren’t caught off guard, but I was definitely surprised by the depth of my grief. I’d only known Max for 14 years and because I was in my 40s when I joined the Abrell family, I hadn’t had the years of connection with him. Yet my grief was significant and multifaceted. My mom, Elliott, and our brother, Warren, attended the funeral. At the end of the service, Dan opened up the floor for anyone who might want to say something to honor Max. I tried to get my courage up but I was afraid I’d cry too hard and make everyone feel uncomfortable.  I left the service full of regret for not having shared how much Max meant to me, and how blessed I felt to have been his daughter-in-law. Even though I didn’t have the chance to know Max longer, I nevertheless feel his influence every day in my marriage. He raised the love of my life and for that, I’m so incredibly grateful.  I wish I’d shared these thoughts with those who attended the funeral