Dr Karin Love & Life

How Can We Be Friends if You Vote for _______? Ep. 315



The election is upon us and the political divide—well, it’s probably better described as a chasm.  So, we weren’t surprised to receive this question from a listener: “I’ve seen this rhetoric start to pop up on social media, leading into the election:  ‘Don’t tell someone you love them, and then vote for someone who will hurt them.’ How do we deal with this type of divisive statement?” Our listener also indicated she’s single and in her 40s. She’s an only child, so her friends are absolutely family to her. Yet, if she votes for a particular candidate, her friends believe she’s choosing to hurt them. I had a lot of thoughts about this. Like our listener, I have many friends who take issue with my choices around such issues. Most of these friends won’t talk to me about why I hold these values.  Many people would recommend we steer clear of these topics. Then again, if we don’t talk about what matters most to us, how can we have deep, authentic relationships?  Elliott and I share how we would respond to a