Dr Karin Love & Life

Pharma Dissidents: Abandoning the Medical Model of Mental Health with David Wayne Ep. 316



As a psychiatric nurse, David Wayne believed wholeheartedly in the veracity of medical research and the necessity of pharmaceutical interventions—until he saw how ineffective and at times, harmful, these “treatments” were.  He began to question his profession—especially psychiatry’s pharmaceutical “solution” for every mental health concern. Then COVID descended, and because he chose not to inject an experimental substance into his body, he got fired from his hospital. To support others losing their jobs, he attended protests against the COVID shot mandates. He found himself alongside others who shared his values around health freedom. But, he was surprised to learn many of these dissidents were people of faith.  He discovered they weren’t at all “anti science.” They just knew science must be questioned—always! And, science doesn’t belong solely to government officials or three letter agencies. Furthermore, these dissidents put their faith in God, as opposed to Fauci. As a psychiatric nurse, David had que