Motherhood Dr. Christina Hibbert

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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  • Motherhood – Homeschooling & Motherhood: Growing & Learning Along With Your Children


    Homeschooling: it’s a hot topic in motherhood right now, and has increased in popularity in recent years. Moms want options when it comes to their children’s education, and for many, homeschooling is the answer. What does it take to homeschool your children? Is homeschooling a good option for you and your family? How can you […] The post Motherhood – Homeschooling & Motherhood: Growing & Learning Along With Your Children appeared first on

  • Motherhood – Mom’s Personal Trainer | Fitness for Energy & Vibrancy in Motherhood


    What’s the secret to greater energy in motherhood? Exercise, of course. Moving our bodies helps us keep up with all the little bodies in our home and can increase self-esteem, mental health, and happiness, too. But it isn’t always easy to get that workout in when you’re a mom, is it? Especially when you don’t […] The post Motherhood – Mom’s Personal Trainer | Fitness for Energy & Vibrancy in Motherhood appeared first on

  • Motherhood – Celebrating Fatherhood: How We Moms Can Better Understand & Appreciate the Dads, Husbands, Men in our Lives


    Father’s day has arrived once again and it’s a perfect time to reflect upon all the good the men in our lives do—for us, as moms, and for our children. It’s too easy, as mothers, to be so caught up in our own experience of parenthood and family that we forget to notice the unique […] The post Motherhood – Celebrating Fatherhood: How We Moms Can Better Understand & Appreciate the Dads, Husbands, Men in our Lives appeared first on

  • Motherhood – Mom Summer Survival: Strategies for Summer Sanity (& Fun)!


    “It’s summer again!” This phrase usually brings excitement to kids, but for moms? It may bring a mix of emotions. “How will I entertain the kids all summer?” “What about our routine?” “How do I keep my sanity when the kids are ‘bored,’ the house is a mess, and I haven’t had a break?” Don’t […] The post Motherhood – Mom Summer Survival: Strategies for Summer Sanity (& Fun)! appeared first on

  • Motherhood – “It takes a village to raise a Mom”: Building Non-Shaming Support Villages


    “It takes a village to raise a child;” we’ve all heard the saying; but what about “It takes a village to raise a mother?” It’s just as true, if not even more so. We need each other through this motherhood experience. We need safe, support villages that build us up and foster self-confidence in parenting. […] The post Motherhood – “It takes a village to raise a Mom”: Building Non-Shaming Support Villages appeared first on

  • Motherhood -Making a Difference: Service, Hope, and How You Can Help Refugees, and Others, In Dire Need


    Serving others is a huge part of being a mother, and of being human. I know for many of you, like me, service and contribution is a top priority, along with family and faith. How can we serve in ways that will truly make a difference in the lives of others? How do we know […] The post Motherhood -Making a Difference: Service, Hope, and How You Can Help Refugees, and Others, In Dire Need appeared first on

  • Motherhood – Practicing Mindfulness in Motherhood


    If there’s one thing most moms want, it’s greater peace and calm amidst the storms of motherhood. Mindfulness is the way. Associated with greater physical and mental health, better sleep and relaxation, and an overall calmer, more present state of being, mindfulness can make a huge difference in your, and your family’s, life. In today’s […] The post Motherhood – Practicing Mindfulness in Motherhood appeared first on

  • Motherhood – Trusting and Following your Intuition


    We’ve all heard the phrase, “Mother’s intuition” and “women’s intuition,” but do we really believe in it? Even more importantly, do we know how to listen and trust our own intuition? Call it conscience, a gut feeling, the Spirit, or whatever else, the most important questions is “How do we develop our intuition and learn […] The post Motherhood – Trusting and Following your Intuition appeared first on

  • Motherhood -Ditch the Guilt & Embrace Adventure—Benefits for Family, Relationships, & Personal Growth!


    Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the Zion Ponderosa’s Women’s Adventure Retreat, in southern Utah, along with 10 other women of all ages, locations, and personalities. Together, we tried things we’d never done before—from rappelling to zip-lining to a helicopter tour of the awe-inspiring Zion National Park, to simply spending a week with […] The post Motherhood -Ditch the Guilt & Embrace Adventure—Benefits for Family, Relationships, & Personal Growth! appeared first on

  • Motherhood – How to Boost Physical & Mental Health, Self-Esteem, Family & Happiness Through Exercise!


    In honor of my brand new book, “8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise,” which is officially out TODAY, I want to share some of the secrets of health, self-esteem, family success, and happiness I have gained through researching and writing this book. We all want to be healthy, happy, to feel good about ourselves, […] The post Motherhood – How to Boost Physical & Mental Health, Self-Esteem, Family & Happiness Through Exercise! appeared first on

  • Motherhood – 8 Keys to Parenting Children with ADHD


    “ADHD.” We hear the term all the time, but what does it really mean? How can we tell if our child is struggling with ADHD, and perhaps most importantly, how can we find the right treatment and solutions? As parents, it can be especially challenging to parent a child with ADHD, and even more so […] The post Motherhood – 8 Keys to Parenting Children with ADHD appeared first on

  • Motherhood – Overcoming Trauma in Motherhood: Tools for Dealing, Coping, & Healing


    Motherhood is fraught with difficult, and often traumatic, experiences. From traumatic childbirth, to helping our children through trauma, to facing our own past and present pain, trauma requires understanding and the right kind of help in order to fully heal. Today, we are tackling this tough topic, sharing tools to help you, your children, and […] The post Motherhood – Overcoming Trauma in Motherhood: Tools for Dealing, Coping, & Healing appeared first on

  • Motherhood – Overcoming Roadblocks (& Excuses) to Exercise, for Mental (& Physical) Health


    “I don’t have time to exercise.” “I’m too busy, tired, and/or stressed.” “It’s just too hard!’ If these, or other roadblocks (or excuses!) have blocked your success and motivation with exercise, then this show is for you! Research shows exercise not only helps us get physically fit; it’s also key to greater physical, mental, emotional, […] The post Motherhood – Overcoming Roadblocks (& Excuses) to Exercise, for Mental (& Physical) Health appeared first on

  • Motherhood – How to Teach Your Daughters Self-Esteem & Self-Worth


    The more I write and speak on self-esteem and self-worth, the more I hear from parents, “How do I help my child develop healthy self-esteem?” As a mom, that’s one of my main questions, too: “How can I ensure my daughters (and sons) grow into confident, self-loving adults?” Today, I’m talking with Tenielle Shenae, self-esteem […] The post Motherhood – How to Teach Your Daughters Self-Esteem & Self-Worth appeared first on

  • Motherhood – The Key to Personal Growth in Motherhood: Focus on Relationships


    Personal growth can be challenging, and when you’re a mom, it might feel like there’s no time to left over for “choosing to grow.” Yet, the lens of motherhood provides unique opportunities for personal growth as well as relationship growth. In fact, it’s often through our relationships we grow the most. In this episode, Michelle […] The post Motherhood – The Key to Personal Growth in Motherhood: Focus on Relationships appeared first on

  • Motherhood – Essential Oils 101: The Many Uses & Benefits for Moms, Kids, & Families


    As a mom, I love using essential oils to improve the overall health and wellness of myself and my family. They have truly changed my family’s life! But when I first started, I didn’t understand what essential oils really were, and I was especially clueless about how and when to use the many different kinds […] The post Motherhood – Essential Oils 101: The Many Uses & Benefits for Moms, Kids, & Families appeared first on

  • Motherhood – How to Help when Someone is in Need (& How to Let Help In!)


    What can you do when a friend, family, or community member is in need? We all need help at some point or another, whether in times of trial or loss, with the addition of a new baby, or even just in the midst of “normal” life stress. But when it comes to reaching out to […] The post Motherhood – How to Help when Someone is in Need (& How to Let Help In!) appeared first on

  • Motherhood – “There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Perfect’ Mom”: Overcoming Perfectionism


    Are you a perfectionist? What does “perfectionism” really mean? How do we know if we’re struggle with perfectionism? What’s the problem with it anyway? I’m talking with perfectionism expert, Sharon Martin, LCSW, psychotherapist author of the blog, “Happily Imperfect,” and we’re sharing our best strategies for how to identify and overcome perfectionistic tendencies, unrealistically high […] The post Motherhood – “There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Perfect’ Mom”: Overcoming Perfectionism appeared first on

  • Motherhood – Tokens of Affection: Tools to Strengthen Marriage Through and After Depression


    What can you do to reclaim your marriage during and after maternal depression, postpartum depression, anxiety, grief, or major life stress? My guest, prolific author and international perinatal mood/anxiety disorders expert, Karen Kleiman, says we must start working on our relationship while working to overcome our challenges if we want our relationship to last. Based […] The post Motherhood – Tokens of Affection: Tools to Strengthen Marriage Through and After Depression appeared first on

  • Motherhood – Top Parenting Secrets from Tried & Tested Moms of Many


    Parenting is tough, whether you have one child or several. “What’s the secret to finding the right family routine?” “What about discipline, allowance, and teaching responsibility?” “How do I juggle it all and still find time for myself?” I’ve gathered four of my favorite mom “tribe” members and mentors together for this episode, packed with […] The post Motherhood – Top Parenting Secrets from Tried & Tested Moms of Many appeared first on

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