Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni



Visit A podcast hosted by Marta Mazzoni featuring--Candid and comedic conversations -Travel Inspirations- Pop culture-General Nerdery -Pittsburgh, PAA lifestyle podcast that blends interesting people from her hometown with her passion for travel, Marta is a minimalist solo traveler at heart, and loves to explore the world for interesting cultural experiences. Twitter @icantfindmartaInstagram- @martaonthemovepodcastFacebook -Marta On The Move, and on The Epicast Network- Email comments to Tell me what you want to hear next!


  • #165 How to Follow Your Fun

    17/06/2024 Duração: 27min

    Talking about the power of following your fun after loss and why it is important. I offer some tips that helped me after finding my own sobriety and other losses in my life and how I came back to finding my fun as the beacon to rediscover  the question "Who am I now?" What are the ways you follow your fun? What is fun for you NOW? It can change and that is ok. ;) Ways to work with me currently~ ~ Women's Connection Circle June 17th Six week sessions. Meetings Mondays at 12pm. ~1:1 Coaching ~  Book an Explorative Consultation.. Apply to work with me. ~ Request to hire me for your next event. Yoga, meditation, corporate wellness, MC.

  • #164 The Power of Investing in Yourself

    11/06/2024 Duração: 43min

    Talking today about how we invest in ourselves and why it is the best decision we can make. I share ways you can work on investing in yourself for free and tips for identifying how you can be more mindful towards what you want to invest in.   The subject of investing in yourself was one I was clueless about until a few years ago a friend of mine sent me a podcast on the topic. It began a huge shift on the road to becoming the most authentic version of myself, and developing who I wanted to be, and what goals I valued most to reach on my way to a more mindful and awakened life.   What was something you invested in that helped you shift? Drop it in the comments below. Would love to hear!   Ways to work with me currently~ ~ Women's Connection Circle June 17th Six week sessions. Meetings Mondays at 12pm. ~1:1 Coaching ~  Book an Explorative Consultation.. Apply to work with me. ~ Request to hire me for your next event. Yoga, meditation, corporate wellness, MC.

  • #163 The Things I am Learning.

    07/06/2024 Duração: 24min

    This episode is a love letter to myself from the past three years of the things I have learned and am learning along the way.  It's been a wild ride, y'all. This is for everyone out there on their own journey of growing up and personal development.  Enjoy, or not... :)   Ways to work with me currently~ ~ Women's Connection Circle June 17th Six week sessions. Meetings Mondays at 12pm. ~1:1 Coaching ~  Book an Explorative Consultation.. Apply to work with me. ~ Request to hire me for your next event. Yoga, meditation, corporate wellness, mc and host.  

  • #162 Rebirth of a Podcast ~ A Tentative Step Back to the Microphone.

    07/06/2024 Duração: 11min

    After a two year Hiatus away from podcasting. I felt called to pick it up again. This episode is what in improv we would call a "pancake" episode. I recorded it for me, and will continue to record all of these for me as a record of my journey.  I chat about what I have been up to these past two years. It has been a doozy for sure and I continue to grow and learn. It's so fun!  A big shift in my podcast over the years has been the rise of personal development and what "moves" me is what I record on.  The theme of this show may resonate with you, or it may not. I believe the person who needs to find it will.    Ways to work with me currently~ ~ Women's Connection Circle June 17th Six week sessions. Meetings Mondays at 12pm. ~1:1 Coaching ~  Book an Explorative Consultation.. Apply to work with me. ~ Request to hire me for your next event. Yoga, meditation, corporate wellness, mc and host.    

  • #161 Improv Comedy Classes an Avenue to More Playfulness, Creativity, and Better Communication.

    22/06/2022 Duração: 48min

    Welcome back all! Today I am going to be exploring more into my new found passion of Improv comedy classes and why I am here to tell all of you, to try one out in your own hometown. On episode 158 I delved into some deep content about facing your fears and sitting with discomfort. I directly referenced Phil and I pushing past our awkwardness and joining Improv classes. It turns out I wasn't quite done with the subject, and in fact will probably record another podcast about how to make meaningful relationships as you age, which Improv will be involved in that discussion as well. What can I say... When I am into something... I am INTO it. :) Aside from being a fun activity to participate in, Improv has helped me personally communicate better with others, and myself. My brain feels sharper than it has in years, and Phil and I's communication has improved A LOT. We always considered ourselves great at talking, but have realized over the years that you can be great at talking, but NOT at communicating. We talk ov

  • #160 A Rest and Reset. My Experience with 150 Days of No Alcohol, Caffeine, or Sugar.

    14/06/2022 Duração: 47min

    Every year my husband and I do a sort of reset after the holidays. We aren't people who drink a ton. We stick with nicer wines and maybe a Negroni or two when out. Our diets are pretty good, and I usually only consume matcha or decaf espresso in limited amounts. However, the holidays build and build upon these vices, and since we have been eating cleaner every year, when we have more than we should, our bodies feel it more. Sleep gets affected, memories of a story the night before are hazy, brain fog, bloating, and anxiety increases so slowly you don't realize how badly you feel. How much your body is telling you it needs a break. So years ago, we started this "reset". It all began about 5-6 years ago with 30 days. Just 30 days of clean eating and no drinking. We adopted a diet plan called Whole 30. It began with no complex carbs, removal of alcohol, white sugar, flour etc. The first year was a success! Every year after that first experience, we kept adding on days to this time period. 60, then 80. This year

  • Free 15 Minute Meditation to Help Ground While Traveling

    10/06/2022 Duração: 15min

    Use this meditation anywhere to quickly come back to your breath, check in with your body, and become more grounded while traveling. For more meditations or private sessions visit or email @martamazzonipgh @martaonthemovepodcast

  • #159 #159 Working with Feelings of Self Doubt and Inadequacy? Ditch Comparing Yourself to Others.

    18/05/2022 Duração: 27min

    This is a subject I have avoided writing or speaking about. I think this avoidance was unconscious, but I am now highly aware of it. I am aware of it because at many a time in my life I have suffered from self doubt, imposter syndrome (I didn't even know that existed until two years ago), and confidence issues. This month is particularly bad for me. I could not understand why I would awaken to dread and sadness. I felt on many days no motivation at all. I know I am still healing from grief, but it was more than that. Something was nagging at me, and I realized it was my own self doubt. I have my sailing retreats coming up, and I am excited for them, but there is still availability for my June one. The fact that I have spots available make me feel bad about myself. "You are a failure."Another hit was a I post I put out called How To Build Your Own Toolbox, and it didn't gain much traction. "People don't care, maybe you should give up the podcast." I asked a question on Facebook and received lack luster respons

  • #158 Facing Fears and Finding Joy in Life Through Discomfort

    13/04/2022 Duração: 31min

    Fear– An unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. We are not immune to fear. It comes to us like waves and is usually unwelcome. There are global fears such as the war in Ukraine, global warming, food shortages, death. Death of a loved one, or our own amount of time on this spinning globe. I will touch on some of that later, but today I want to tackle some fears that we ourselves can have control over to allow us to stretch outside our comfort zones, try new things, and find peace and joy in our lives. Fear stems from uncertainty and doubt. How do we face it? We have to sit with discomfort. “Never be afraid of not knowing, find out” Discomfort- make (someone) feel uneasy, anxious, or embarrassed The internet has become something that has made us more afraid than ever and extremely comfortable being more than an arms length away from coming face to face with our discomfort. Discomfort is why most of us never face our fears or step outside of our comfort zones. Think about

  • #158 What's in Your Toolbox? Simple Tips to Help Reduce Anxiety and Stress.

    04/03/2022 Duração: 19min

    We all have a toolbox in our home. A toolbox is a collection of items that is there when we need it in case we have something to fix. All handy, and all in one place. It probably contains at least one of the following items- Hammer, wrench, nails, measuring tape, screw driver, etc. We create these boxes for fixing things in our home, but have you ever thought to create your own personal toolbox to use as a coping mechanism? I sure as hell didn't. Not until I heard someone talk about their own list of things that they held inside of their boxes. When life got hard, when they felt down and out, or at rock bottom, these things that were inside of their box were there for them as tried and true helpful things to turn towards. I have never thought about this in my life until this past year of grief and loss, but found myself looking for information on all things healing, change, and transitions. I joined grief groups, did classes, read a ton, educated myself on growth, loss and the process of it all. I thought I c

  • #157 Five Books That Got Me Through My First 6 Months of Loss.

    21/02/2022 Duração: 27min

    I had someone ask me recently what the fives books that really helped me with this last year of losing my sister. I figured this would be a good opportunity to put them in one place in the hopes that the people who need them, will find them. If you know someone who is grieving and don't know how to help them, one of these or another read delivered to their house is a wonderful way to show them they are on your mind. Friends and family sent me books during this time, and I feel that more than flowers, or candy (Aside from hand written notes because I loved those) recieving the gift of a book in the mail is so lovely. Thank you to all.   #1 The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and Sacred Work of Grief. Francis Weller I know I should put my favorite in the bottom of the post, but I just can't. This book is everything to me. In my darkest moments it was a source of light. It is written so beautifully that I found myself not wanting to consume too much of it in one sitting. I would have to put it down so I

  • #156 Life After Death- A Journey with Grief. What Has Helped, What Hasn't.

    16/02/2022 Duração: 51min

    *Update* I am no longer in a coffeeshop in Philly, but finally got up to record this post as a podcast episode. It is February now. Enjoy and stay warm. I find myself sitting in a coffeeshop in Philly overwhelmed by how many friends and strangers have reached out to me about losing someone they cared about in their lives recently. I have been working on this post for a while, quietly coming back to it time and time again over the past year, and never ready to post or record it. I am ready now because I hope it helps someone who is feeling the way I do. I also wanted to shine more light on the subject because... In our society, grief isn't talked about as much as, well, everything else.  We avoid the topic like the plague, even though the one thing that links all of us on this Earth is death. Impermanence and mortality are subjects that are now a part of my fabric. I embrace these topics. I want to have salons with like minded humans going through transitions, and look into their eyes and know we are connected

  • #155 Hosting and Toasting! Tips on Creating a More Inclusive and Welcoming Home. How to Not Get Burned Out Doing it.

    08/12/2021 Duração: 46min

    Do you often want to host a gathering, but stop yourself because of the work involved?     Would you like to get invited to more intimate dinner parties, hangs at friends and loved ones houses?     If so this episode is for you. This has been something I have long thought about but never put my thoughts on paper. This is essentially a note to both hosts and guests to open the line of communication so they can understand each other and see things from each other's perspective.     My husband and I love hosting at our home. We have done so for many many years in our older house. We just moved in April, and our house now is much larger than our apartment sized place. Even though our space was small, we always managed to cram it with loving and fun memories of dinner parties, wine tastings, xmas parties, Paella evenings and more.     We want to share space with others, and we are two humans who love to open our home and, make it welcoming. Do we do

  • #154 A Letter to Croatia- What I loved and What Annoyed Me. MOTM Adventures.

    24/09/2021 Duração: 38min

    Dear Croatia... I have a lot to say to you, and I hope I summed it up in this episode. I needed to collect my thoughts, to gather up my senses. I also needed some time to completely fall apart when I got home from this month long odyssey. Reintroduction is always hard. In this episode I talk about reasons that I both completely love, and reasons why I am completely annoyed with Croatia. I hope you find each of them useful, or at the very least somewhat amusing. It might even convince you to book your next trip there. To the 24 guests that joined me for my first ever yoga sailing retreat- Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't wait to reveal the next dates for the trip on this episode. If you are thinking about signing up, please remember I have a no diva- King or Queen Policy :) These trips are meant to be relaxed, insightful, healing, fulfilling and respectful of all that join. I had that on this first experience and hope to have it that way every year to come. I will be posting also A Letter to

  • #153 The Art of Communication and Vulnerability: Offering and Accepting Help During a Time of Loss.

    23/06/2021 Duração: 54min

    I have been off grid for a bit. I truly haven't felt like writing or podcasting in weeks. My sister passed away from cancer in early April. She fought harder than I have seen anyone fight in my life. I miss her. I see her everywhere. she visits in various ways, it isn't enough and won't ever be. Life is just different now. There is a giant hole in my heart that cannot be filled. The reason I am back here writing, and talking is because I remember the day I told her I was thinking about starting Marta on the Move. It didn't even have a name yet. Her words were "Buckle your seat belt, because this is something you were meant to do, something that you won't quit, something that will help others." That is all she ever wanted to do as well. Nina just wanted to help others. I have thought about quitting often these past eight months, more so the past two. I have felt hopeless, lost, lonely. Words were, and still are impossible to describe feelings of despair. Everything that comes with the grief of losing yo

  • #152 How to Survive Your Relationships During Covid Isolation. Tips for Living with Someone and Also Living Alone.

    12/02/2021 Duração: 35min

    Valentine’s Day is coming up very soon, and it might look different in 2021. I myself am not the biggest fan of Valentine’s Day. I think it is a consumer, capitalistic holiday, BUT I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about how folks are surviving Covid alone, or with their partner. The beginning of this podcast I must apologize for my Marta rant and update of what is happening in my life right now. Life is currently on crap mode. My sister is fighting cancer, there are changes all around, and it feel extremely heavy. The air is heavy, and I am striving to be light. So the start of this podcast episode is what is happening in my life. I eventually get to the topic of this episode and talk about our relationships and how we are surviving them during Covid 19 isolation. Listen, times are hard right now, and we all could use some help in building and strengthening our relationships. I am personally always looking for the next way I can become a better person and a better partner in all of my relationships.

  • #151 How to Bring More Mindfulness Into Your Daily Life

    18/01/2021 Duração: 20min

    It is officially 2021! Yeah, nothing truly has changed. If anything, most of us held this upcoming year up to such high standards, that when we crossed the finish line, we were greeted by more of the same. It’s ok though, it is normal to feel let down. Almost everyone is feeling it right now. You are not alone. I have personally been in a slump for about 2 weeks until I started my program I do yearly called 3 to be ME. I finally feel back in control, am stepping lighter, and having an easier time bringing mindfulness into my everyday life. I get that it is hard though. If you would have talked to me five days ago, I would be raw around the edges, bloated, snippy, and probably in a slump eating my third piece of pizza while not even really tasting it.

  • #150 Stories of Gratitude From 2020 and Hopes For 2021

    31/12/2020 Duração: 21min

    “What are you thankful for, or what has been your lifeline in 2020?” “What are you looking forward to in 2021?” These are the questions I wanted to ask my audience, and pass along their answers in the hopes that someone who may be struggling hears them and is inspired or uplifted. This year was a rough one, and I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate my 150th episode than featuring some of these thoughts and wishes. Thank you to all who contributed, because without you. I would just be me talking about my own wishes into a microphone, and that is sad. lol Your stories have personally healed me through laughter, reflection, and love. I hope we all have an amazing 2021. I love you and happy new year! ~M     There is still time to grab 50% off my wellness program with code “PARTNER” before it ends on January 1st! 3 To Be Me- A guided journey of self discovery through total body connection could be what you are looking for in the new year. A reset, and a change. Check it out.

  • #149 Byron Nash- The Power of Accountability and Personal/ Professional Evolution

    18/12/2020 Duração: 27min

    My Facebook feed popped up and reminded me that I had recorded a podcast 6 years ago with musician Byron Nash. Years ago we were only acquaintances in the service industry. About a year ago I ran into him, and could sense both of us were in the process of looking for something more in our lives, and also from the relationships we had with others. I asked if he wanted to grab a matcha, and we met and discovered we were both aligned in our wishes. We wanted someone we could bounce ideas off of, to inspire one another, lift each other up, and truly listen to each other without judgement. It became a relationship that I truly cherish. Byron and I have both been in a transitional state the past few years, taking our health and wellness more seriously, which naturally seeped into what we want to put back out into the world. To help people, educate, and at the same time keep ourselves learning and growing along that journey. I reached out to him and wanted to see if he would like to come back on the show and talk a

  • #148 Find Deeper Meaning in Your Relationships. Plus- How to Ask For Help

    08/12/2020 Duração: 16min

    Yeahhhhhhh. I didn’t plan on recording this evening at all, but sometimes things hit you like a ton of bricks and you just need to get them out. This podcast is my journal, my outlet, my therapy in a way, and it is how I express myself. The last two days/week I have been feeling highly emotional, crying for no reason, angry, sad, down, all over the place. Part of that has to do with 2020 ending, and all the emotions of revisiting what for me and my family has been a hard year. It has been hard on all of us, even if you feel like it hasn’t touched you, it has. The thing that is important, and keeps me personally going is my relationships. I value them above all else, and I can never seem to express to the people in my life what they mean to me. I was listening to a Hal Elrod podcast today and he reminded his listeners to take a moment, and tell the people in your life that you are grateful to them for being a part of your life, and thank them for being them. This is not an easy task. For me, it wasn’t too hard

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