Captain Earl Yeaton, once a penniless physician, has spent the better part of his adult life rebuilding his family fortune by running a lucrative trading business aboard his...
In the much-anticipated sequel to the “magnificent fantasy epic” (NPR) Grace of Kings, Emperor Kuni Garu is faced with the invasion of an invincible army in his...
Successful movie producer Wolf Willett is stunned when he sees his own death reported in a major newspaper. It says he was a victim in a triple homicide during a sordid tryst with...
A former international hostage negotiator for the FBI offers a new, field-tested approach to high-stakes negotiations—whether in the boardroom or at home.After a stint...
"The Grace of Kings is grand, mythic and epic, but Liu’s “silk-punk” world of trickster gods and giant horned whales is also a delight."
Once again, author Tilly Bagshawe takes up the mantle of the late, great Sidney Sheldon—and again, she succeeds magnificently. Written in the inimitable Sheldon style and...
An addictive, edge-of-your-seat thriller filled with the hallmark elements that made New York Times bestselling author Sidney Sheldon—"the master of the story-telling...
In 1810, John Jacob Astor sent out two advance parties to settle the wild, unclaimed western coast of North America. More than half of his men died violent deaths. The others...
#1 New York Times bestselling author Sidney Sheldon's most popular and enduring heroine—Tracy Whitney of If Tomorrow Comes—returns in a sensational sequel full of...
#1 New York Times bestselling author Sidney Sheldon’s most popular and enduring heroine—Tracy Whitney of If Tomorrow Comes and Sidney Sheldon’s Chasing...