Hello Hello Kopi Ke Milo?

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 85:42:43
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A cup of coffee with ya boy Milo & inspiring stories told by passionate souls.


  • #090 "berusaha, bersabar" x Asheralph the Artist

    20/07/2022 Duração: 52min

    Ashraf Nisfudin a.k.a Asheralph is a man of many talents, particularly the fine arts. On this episode we dove deep, into the oceanic consciousness of life, his favorite form of art expression, and why "berusaha bersabar" is the motto behind his everyday force.  Tune in to raise your frequency. Feel free to share to your homies who ya'll think would benefit from this gem. All the best things in life are free. @thestylomylo @asheralph

  • #89 Tolga

    09/05/2022 Duração: 01h02min

    You have the power to travel back in time and listen to a conversation baked precisely a year ago (summer of 2021) in Olympos, Turkey. feat Tolga & Mylo. Just a gentle reminder : Summer is coming, better get in shape and learn how to swim. Tolga is a medical student who has not so much of a cliche Turkish childhood. He breaths oxygen on this particular day, and talks about life, women, experimenting with psychedelics, getting to know yourself, traveling the world & the reason why Turkey could potentially be the most liveable city in the world. not. Your frequency is now in tuned. Press Play. Hello, Hello, Kopi Ke Mylo? :)

  • #88 Serene wants YOU to take a good care of YOURSELF.

    21/04/2022 Duração: 45min

    Episode 88! Ong ah! Huat ah!  on this episode, Serene & Mylo hung out on the balcony & discussed... nothing, but SPAGHETTi. Everybody has a story to tell, & Serene has her's. Growing up as a 3rd culture kid wasn't an easy journey, especially in Malaysia, but Serene managed to colour her life & made it vibrant in he own way. Her love for animals (zoology) later then transferred into copywriting and she thinks that... shhh! I do not wanna spoil it for you. Press Play! & enjoy Hello, Hello, Kopi Ke Mylo? podcast :) Eavesdropping is not a crime, feel free to listen and share this with the souls who might find this episode spaghetti. spaghetti is interesting. spaghetti can also be pasta, most of the time. "No matter what you do, No matter how much money you have, being happy with who YOU are is so important." - Serene Davies Nazari @hellohellokopikemylo

  • #87 Is Farhan Fauzi's vision just an illusion?

    21/04/2022 Duração: 55min

    The day Farhan Fauzi & Mylo crossed path, was the day that they sat down & had a meaningful conversation about things that not many would love to talk about; the reality of living the human experience in Malaysia, the art of making money, the ART of making ART, the meaning of life, the secret to finding and keeping LOVE (loyalty) & why he chose the path that he is on at the moment. (2022) Farhan Fauzi is one of the founders of HOAX VISION, MULUT MURAI (podcast) & SAFEHOUSE KL. Be sure to empty your cup, before tuning in. @hellohellokopikemylo @visikuilusi

  • #86

    09/04/2022 Duração: 55min

    episode #86 of Hello, Hello, Kopi Ke Mylo?  was recorded in Kadikoy, Turkey, back in 2021. On this episode, we did not talked about why ilyas was born in Malaysia and not being granted a Malaysian citizenship. But instead, We talked about religion (islam), life in Turkey as a tourist, studying in Malaysia, and all other deeper stuff such as "giving up in life", how having no expectations in the outcome in life is the secret sauce to happiness, why questioning faith and religion can be healthy and why he wants to have a conversation with Chester Bennington (Linkin Park) & Muhammad Ali (boxer). Holy Moly. Deep stuff. Ilyas is a passionate life surfer and an avid boxer. He is based in Canada and is of Algerian descent. (Let me remind you, ilyas was born in Malaysia) Tune in to find out what was the greatest advice he has ever received through out his youth. @hellohellokopikemylo

  • #85

    24/03/2022 Duração: 01h14min

    Caleb & I met in Antalya, Turkey, We sat down in Summer 2021 and talked about life, meaning, finding fulfilment, how to know if you've found the right person in life, how traveling (for a long period of time) can change one's perspective about each person's daily life + coffee and many more.  WARNING: Eavesdrop at your own risk,  your life may never be the same again.  Do consider sharing this on your IG story if you find some gems hidden within our one hour convo. Give peace a chance! Speak soft, listen harder. @hellohellokopikemylo

  • #84 Nina Z. swam past the limitations set by society.

    23/07/2021 Duração: 44min

    Nina Z, originally from Iran, who is currently based in Turkey have lived through her whole life in pursuit of setting herself free from limitation & in finding freedom in being herself. We discussed rainbow gatherings, how to swim (literally), & why physical attraction does not mean anything in choosing life partner + from her perspective why meditation and being a vegan is one of the key factors to understanding your body and being in tune with your higher self. Feel free to eavesdrop on our conversation. @hellohellokopiormylo

  • #083 Chris Reed, the good ol' english lad.

    16/07/2021 Duração: 01h03min

    Chris Reed is a world traveler who is now currently based in Brighton, UK. Not only a life enthusiast, Chris is also a deep thinker, an introspective individual, who loves figuring out how to put together the puzzles of life.  Our conversation revolved around his early days of becoming a traveler, life in Japan, Australia and his other traveling experiences and also when he wasn't as nomadic, what made him tick, how to make sense of things as a solo traveler, and how life have changed over the years.  When deep life surfer meets another, you get a great episode of @hellohellokopiormylo.

  • #082 Francesco, the last Italian Samurai.

    16/07/2021 Duração: 48min

    Francesco was originally from Napoli, Italy, a different breed who cracked the code on how to keep one internal happiness in check & how to be in a blissful state despite surrounded by an opposed surroundings. In his own words, " Whatever people say or do to you is due to their state of mind, how they feel in the moment and whatever is happening inside of them, which can make them A-HOLE or a lovely person to be surrounded with, & that has nothing to do with you, because that's their reality, that's what's going on in them, internally, so first thing, learn to not take things personally, the one thing you can control is, what you choose to take in and filter out, by doing that, you won't get "hurt" by their harsh comments / actions. Where you can stay in a state of bliss, & even if "Hell" is physically present, it will not affect you. How we perceived the world is the only reality we have to deal with. If you chose to eavesdrop on this episode, you certainly got more than what you bargained for

  • #081 Tiago left Portugal to find his true calling in London, problema resolvido.

    23/05/2021 Duração: 01h05min

    Tiago, a hardworking young lad, born and raised in Portugal, bought himself a one way ticket to the UK and found himself the secret weapon to reconnect with his true purpose. Good energies don't lie, it will only help you rise to the top. Good energy is what he possess. Tiago is about to change the world. Press play and let it loop to eavesdrop how what his formula seems to be. follow us on IG to show some love @hellohellokopiormylo

  • #080 Buğra, one of the most passionate barista in Istanbul.

    21/05/2021 Duração: 43min

    Buğra is a 27 years young head honcho of Kronotrop Coffee, Kadıköy (Istanbul). This lad is living his dream & believes that every customer deserves their quality customisable cuppa, which is a gem that is truly hard to find in Istanbul.  On this episode, Mylo asked him on how does it feel to be a Turkish, his advice to his future kids, if he could change the world in and instance, what would that be, & also how does one person persevere to stay afloat in life? Tune in to to listen to what he has to stay. @hellohellokopiormylo @thestylomylo

  • #079 I sat down and talk to Ma (Mother's Day Tribute)

    09/05/2021 Duração: 24min

    Recorded back in 2019.  This episode is a tribute to the person who gave birth to Milo Faeqo, Zaleha J, a.k.a Mama. Without this kind soul this podcast wouldn't have been possible. Also, big shout out to all the mothers in the world! Happy Mother's Day! @hellohellokopikemilo

  • #078 Learn to Swim Through Life With Aaron George Moyo!

    20/04/2021 Duração: 39min

    On episode #078 of @hellohellokopikemilo, the documented wisdom session from the other half of the dynamic duo, Aaron George Moyo! The O.G artist, one half of the mastermind behind @MoyosBurgersBrighton shares his wisdom and life experiences + how to swim through life and why one should keep on knocking on those locked doors a.k.a resistance, plus why one should have faith that opportunities does eventually arises in the end (if you stick through it). You got that right. MOYOS brothers, yet again! Without a doubt, the geniuses behind the tastiest burger joint in Brighton, U.K. Brought to you by @milofaeqo

  • #077 Chef Brian Moyo killed your favourite burger!

    20/04/2021 Duração: 37min

    Hello, Hello, Kopi Ke Milo? podcast sets out on a journey to Brighton, U.K. to document an important conversation with the dynamic duo behind @MoyosBurgersBrighton. On this episode, Chef Brian Moyo dropped some epic gems about why love is more important than money. If you like this episode, Tune in to episode 78 too! which features the younger brother, the O.G. George Moyo. Speak soft, listen harder! @hellohellokopikemilo

  • #076 Recalibrating life's very own purpose with Caterina, (not a ballerina)

    19/03/2021 Duração: 01h02min

    Caterina is a curious soul with a nurturing heart. Originally from Peru, Caterina found home while traveling to the UK in her late teens. Not only a world traveler but she is also a huge advocate for slow traveling in find a deeper meaning in the places you visit. Our conversation revolves around on how to know when you found the right partner in life and on how to not let the fear of commitment gets the better of you when meeting the love of your life. Tune in if you wanna eaves drop on one of the most meaningful conversations ever recorded on @hellohellokopikemilo 

  • #075 Leila's Journey to the Moon & back!

    24/04/2020 Duração: 01h07min

    A Disk Jockey (DJ) by night, primary school teacher & a nanny by day, doing whatever it takes to get by to live her dreams in pursuing music and survive in Switzerland. On this episode of Hello, Hello, Kopi Ke Milo? Leila shared her journey on the early days to fit in in Switzerland, her family background, how she started making music, from the humble days of Garage Band to getting paid gigs all over Europe. Get to know Leila Moon. Press Play. Pause. & then Play again. Leila's journey is just about to begin. @hellohellokopikemilo

  • #074 10,000 km to India on a bicycle? Le Win!

    03/04/2020 Duração: 49min

    The finest road began with a bicycle. Lewin (last name insisted to be unknown) travelled 10,000km by bicycle all the to India in 2019. As of today, he is on a journey towards Greece from Izmir via the coastline of Turkey (despite COVID-19). This a conversation between 2 souls on what it's like to be German, Malay & the unique passion for cycling and teaching which compliments the basics of human needs, giving & fulfilment. If you chose to listen, feel free to show some love on @hellohellokopikemilo Instagram page & let ya boy know which part of the world are you curious to get to know next.

  • #073 Alfio Ciadamidaro is not a Sicilian Mafia.

    01/04/2020 Duração: 01h05min

    Alfio Ciadamidaro, born & raised in Catania, Sicily, Italy. The 26 years young creative plays the drums, sketch and also an avid food enthusiast in the kitchen. Raising to the occasion, Alfio is now a fluent Turkish speaker as he have been blessed by cupid & found his soul mate in the heart of Izmir. Milo & Alfio sat down and talked about life as a traveller, being from different parts of the world, the gems and wisdom comes are unlike any other when 2 souls were destined to learn from each other in Turkey at the height of a pandemic that the world is currently facing. Press Play. Get to know Alfio. & Milo, as the script was flip the last 15 minutes of the podcast. Most likely the best questions asked by a featured guest so far. Perhaps, find out on how we managed to pull off travelling the world + the lessons learned on this journey of ours. @hellohellokopikemilo

  • #072 Swiss Army Knife & Toby Seewer getting to know Islam.

    28/03/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    Toby & Milo met in Switzerland. This is a conversation between two souls on how it actually feels like to be a Swiss who are about to dive deep into the Malaysian culture. Toby is blessed with ideas, creativity and passion for life. Isolation is bliss. This conversation were recorded merely for others to eavesdrop. Love and Light to everyone going through this tough time like a champ! Thanks for taking time to tuning into @hellohellokopikemilo :)

  • #071 Aqil Muaz, from accounting to touring the world as a videographer

    11/03/2020 Duração: 01h07min

    Aqil Muaz is a videographer based in Malaysia. His humble journey began as an accounting graduate to now the official videographer of Masdo, an indie band which has made a tremendous impact in the local music scene. Aqil sat down with ya boy @milofaeqo and shared his journey of transitioning from an accountant to becoming a videographer. This episode is one of the few episodes which are recorded in the Malay language aka Bahasa Malaysia. Aqil also shared tips and tricks for aspiring creatives to dive deep into doing things that they love. @aqlmuaz @hellohellokopikemilo

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