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[Startupertalks] Mikhail Krymov - Founder and CEO of Sleepbox
27/01/2020 Duração: 29minThe Sleepbox in an ingenious idea that leases small hotel boxes by the hour or night. The first use of the Sleepbox was to put it in an airport, but it could prove to be common in many other locations. Sleepbox rooms are 40 square feet or 3.7 square meters in size with single or double bed configurations. They're renting for $30 an hour or $100 a night. The bedroom has access to a shared bathroom and a tub. The Sleepbox can be set up anywhere, and it's not just for the airport. It's just a matter of time before we can see them popping up everywhere. The Sleepbox is just like a hotel where you make an online reservation and check-in as soon as you get there. The new sleepbox is set up at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport, Stockholm, and will soon be available at Washington Dulles Airport, downtown Boston, and Atlanta. As this new hotel design attracts attention and popularity, Sleepbox hopes to see their inexpensive, space-efficient hotels in locations like parks and office buildings. The Park Hotel design w
[Traveltrends] Is there a more sustainable way to travel? with Alexandra Pastollnigg
20/01/2020 Duração: 23minSustainable travel should be the only way we can fly. International travel and tourism are far from sustainable as a result of excessive air travel, which creates toxic CO2 pollution, to package holiday resorts built on natural areas. Our planet has a finite resource. There are only so many magnificent, natural, untouched places on our planet, and mass tourism threatens their very existence. Nature, culture, and history must be preserved, not commodified. Unfortunately, many travelers and travel industry operators continue to deny how scarce our world's resources are and how adversely tourism impacts the climate, local cultures, and communities. That's where sustainable travel comes in. In this episode, I had the opportunity to interview Alexandra Pastollnigg, Founder at Fair Voyage. We spoke on the subject: Is there a more sustainable way to travel? The World Tourism Organization describes sustainable tourism as' development[which] meets the needs of current visitors and host regions, while at th
[Traveltrends] Personal branding workshop; how to start vlogging
08/12/2019 Duração: 28minOver the last four years, travel content has grown steadily. Travelers share their stories on social media, continuously producing high-quality videos, images, and diaries. Engaging with travel influencers has become an important way for companies within the travel industry to create brand awareness and for tourist boards to promote new destinations. 48 percent of users have chosen Instagram to discover new travel destinations, while 52 percent have been motivated by their friends ' Facebook posts to book new travel. Nonetheless, video is the current and future of content marketing, and this is further illustrated in the chart below: by 2020, marketers are expected to spend up to $28 billion on digital marketing strategies. Nowadays, "amateurs" do not necessarily mean blurred pictures or shaky clips. Travel vloggers are talented and professional video makers who use the most sophisticated equipment expertly. The Travel channel has its own style, some YouTubers prefer long-distance and international trav
[Traveltrends] Creating Digital Experiences & Location Based Content with Gordon Ryan
01/12/2019 Duração: 30minWhen it comes to travel, the timetables are constantly changing, and people are in constant motion. Location-based services, triggered by real-time local users, will play a key role in shaping the next generation of travel technology. There are two types of use cases according to Gartner for location-based services: static and dynamic. In the case of static use, all relevant information is collected beforehand, while in case of dynamic use, data is collected in real-time. Each of them presents interesting opportunities for an evolving mobile travel experience. Dynamic use cases require more robust technical capabilities, such as real-time analysis and spatial processing, so that they do not necessarily make sense in every context. They do, however, create incredibly interesting opportunities, which we are likely to see broadly implemented in the coming year. By means of geofencing and the use of beacons (devices that track activity more specifically than a wide GPS location), travel companies already have the
[Traveltrends] Creating a Chatbot Strategy, for China and Beyond with David Curran
24/11/2019 Duração: 16minChatbots, chatbots all over the place... every travel web site wants to have a chatbot these days, so it seems; similarly, there is a difference between simply having a chatbot and deploying a chatbot in such a way as to achieve higher levels of customer engagement and, indeed, better business outcomes. In this #Travelcast, I had the opportunity to interview David Curran. He is a Machine Learning Engineer responsible for making natural language processing applications for OpenJaw technologies. He has made chatbot systems for the Mercedes, Orange Bank France, Travelsky, the Dubai Government, la Caixa, Crédit Mutuel, and others. He is currently leading a team creating a classification system for Chinese.
[Traveltrends] The fear of implementing technology in the hospitality sector with Barry Clemens
17/11/2019 Duração: 25minCustomer experience is everything in the hospitality field. Ensuring that guests are pleased is crucial to the success of a market that is increasingly competitive and where poor customer reviews can be disastrous for a brand. Technology is a key component of helping hotels provide the best guest experience, from the moment the reservation is made to the moment the guest checks. Everything in between — from the ease of connecting to the hotel's guest network to the temperature of the guest room when entering for the first time, or even the speed of delivery of a room service order— has the potential to be enhanced by the right technology. In this #Travelcast, I had the opportunity to interview Barry Clemens. He is a through and through business professional with extensive experience in the Hospitality & Tourism trade. Recently made major inroads in the tech startup industry in the hospitality industry and consistently met aggressive targets set and has been a speaker at various conferences rel
[Traveltrends] Music is the new gastronomy with Julia Jones
23/09/2019 Duração: 25minAccording to Julián Guerrero Orozco, Vice-President of Tourism, PROCOLOMBIA : “Music is one of the greatest motivations for tourism. Whether live or recorded, experiencing the music of the world is celebrating its rich diversity and talent, promoting intercultural dialogue and encouraging exchange.” Music is one of the biggest motivations for tourism. Whether live or recorded, experiencing the music of the world’s cultures is celebrating their rich diversity and talent, as well as promoting intercultural dialogue and exchange. Music has the power to connect the physical journey with the intellectual and emotional experience of travelers to make their trips meaningful, memorable and transformative. A music and tourism partnership also holds investment and innovation opportunities, and potential for decent employment. In this #Travelcast, I had the opportunity to interview Dr Julia Jones, CEO of Found in Music. We spoke on the s
[Traveltrends] Marketing in China: In the Red Zone with Rossella Pfundt
01/07/2019 Duração: 25minAs their numbers continue to grow, Chinese outbound tourists areundergoing significant changes in travel preferences, behaviors, and spending patterns. However, numerous myths and outdated impressions of Chinese tourists persist in the tourism industry. The Chinese digital market has the highest amount of internet users in the world, making it an attractive market for any brand to enter. We help brands who are seeking to grow within the Chinese market harvest its full potential through a holistic approach and thorough planning, as Chinese audiences are different not only demographically, but also the way they think compared to western customers. In this last #travelcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Rossella Pfundt, a consultant and expert for the Chinese market. China is the world’s largest outbound travel market when measured by trips and expenditures. As of 2015, Chinese tourists took 4 billion domestic tourism journeys and 117 million outbound trips; outbound trips are expected to reach 160
Traveltrends - Audio in destination marketing with Henry Barchet
24/06/2019 Duração: 28minThe tourism industry still hasn’t discovered that #Itunes, #Spotify, #Soundcloud, TuneIn, Blubrry and Castrex can communicate content. But which content is suitable for audio influencing, and who can produce it? With all of the attention given to grabbing eyeballs with visuals, however, it’s easy to overlook the different ways of reaching your visitors, guests, or customers through their ears…. with audio. In my last #travelcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Henry Barchet. In this episode, we spoke: Audio in destination marketing: how to reach people through their ears?
[ Traveltrends] How to Monetize Your Influence in 2019 on Instagram with Kamelia Britton
17/06/2019 Duração: 22minWith over 1 BILLION monthly users and growing, Instagram is the place to be in 2019. Thousands of brands are searching for influencers of all sizes to help spread the word about new products and experiences. Learn how you can monetize your passions while helping brands gain awareness. In this episode, I interviewed Kamelia Britton, who is is a full-time travel influencer who has created content for major brands such as Expedia Group, The Fairmont, Intercontinental, Kandima Maldives, Google, Facebook, Coca-Cola, and many more. We answered those questions: How to create a personal brand and define your niche How to make your bio work for you to attract more followers & potential partnerships How to focus on the right content How to grow a loyal and engaged audience How to set yourself up for success with brands and what NOT to do How to monetize your influence and what to charge Links Website: On Instagram: www.instagram.
[Mynomadlife] avec Laurène Philippot
03/06/2019 Duração: 23minUn grand remerciement à Laurène Philippot pour sa dernière interview pour la rubrique #mynomadlife dans le podcast #Travelcast. Si vous ne la connaissez pas encore, Laurène, c’est la voyageuse aux deux blogs qu’on ne présente plus : Mon week-end en Alsace et Carnet d’escapades. Ce dernier a remporté un Golden Blog Award en 2012 et a été cité par le Figaro comme l’un des 5 blogs voyages à suivre. Site web pro: Blogs: - - Facebook: Twitter @carnetdescapade Instagram @carnetdescapade #digitalnomade #podcastportrait #nomadenumérique #parcoursdevie #travelblogger #bloggeusedevoyage #voyage #blogging #tourisme #podcasting
[Traveltrends] Remodeling the world with Blockchain with Michael Noel
27/05/2019 Duração: 29minOver the past few years, the appearance of blockchain has caused fervor across a plethora of interest due to its potential to drastically transform the way we store and use data and other information sources. This technology promises to improve transparency and security in transactions, leading the tourism industry to start to experiment with it. In this #travelcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Michael Noel, Co-Founder and CEO Blockchain Consultants and we spoke on: Remodeling the world with #blockchain In a not-so-distant future, people might be able to bypass the process of booking through third-party websites or just go to an airport without the need to stand in endless queues. The introduction of blockchain in tourism has the potential to help both travelers and companies within the ecosystem. Hotels, airlines, car rental, tours, pricing, and many other operations have an opportunity to evolve. Through a more intelligent and secure orchestration of data across companies, as well
[Mynomadlife] avec Yan Luong
20/05/2019 Duração: 25minIl est connu comme un de plus connu évangélisateur des dans le domaine du digitale en Suisse romande. D'ailleurs, La RTS et le CICR lui doivent la réussite de leur virage digitale. On a discuté sur plusieurs sujets en particulier qu'est-ce qu'il l'a poussé vers un mode de vie de semi-nomade entre la Suisse et le Vietnam. Ou encore comment son choix de carrière at-il affecté sa vision du monde. Liens web Twitter Linkedin thinktankhubgeneva
[ Traveltrends] What Makes A Great Human Brand Online? with Mark Schaefer
09/04/2019 Duração: 28minNot a good brand. Not a successful brand… a great human brand? The number of digital travel touchpoints grows rapidly, as travelers look for better offers via search engines, booking apps, online travel agencies, and deal sites. Yet the travel industry must adapt to newer digital marketing strategies to win over potential customers. The key to success is delivering ultra-precisely targeted content, leveraging personalized retargeting combined with AI and deep learning. A single customer looking to book a trip can visits hundreds of travel pages each day. The search often takes weeks before the final purchase is made. In this episode, I had the great opportunity to receive Mark Schaefer, who is a prolific marketing author.Not only we talked about his new book “Marketing Rebellion” but also on What Makes A Great Human Brand Online? Mark Schaefer is an internationally-acclaimed keynote speaker, strategy consultant, author, and college educator. Always thinking one step ahead of marketing trends, he w
[Traveltrends] How to Create a Meaningful Brand Experience? with Hugh Allspaugh
10/03/2019 Duração: 16minWhat is a brand identity? Is it your logo? Your color palette? It’s all that—and more. Your brand identity is the “face” that interacts with the entire world. Whatever you create should accurately communicate who you are. However, one common misconception is that a brand identity is exclusively informed by what your brand wants to present. This isn’t entirely true. It’s also informed by what your brand’s customers want to engage with, or are accustomed to interacting with. If your identity doesn’t resonate with them, it won’t be effective. In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Hugh Allspaugh Associate Partner, Strategy at VSA Partners. With 30 years of branding and integrated marketing experience, Hugh Allspaugh’s client list covers a range of global B2B and B2C brands including American Express, BP Fuels, Cargill, Citi Cards, CME Group, Sappi North America, and SC Johnson. His approach to strategy is gui
[Mynomadlife] avec Frederick Kermisch, Sales Coach for Private Bankers
06/02/2019 Duração: 59minDans le cadre de la thématique #Mynomadlife, je reçois comme invité: Frederick Kermisch, coach de vie & business. Non seulement, nous allons discuté de son expérience personnel sur le nomadisme digital mais aussi de répondre à ces questions: - Pourquoi tant de frustation dans nos "carrières" professionnelles ? - Est-ce que le fait de devenir un nomad digital est vraiment la panacée? - Quelles sont les trois importantes questions à se poser pour vivre en accord avec soi-même? Liens: Site web: Linkedin: Livre référencés dans l'interview: - Marie Kondo, La magie du rangement. - Pauk Ekman, Je sais que vous mentez. - Geoffrey James: Business Without the Bullsh*t Crédit photo:Lucas Vigano
[Mynomadlife] with Caroline Sande, Founder at TravelEatSlay
06/02/2019 Duração: 27minIn this #travelcast episode, I had the pleasure to receive Caroline Sande who is not only vivid traveler but also founder of TravelEatSlay. Her aim is to share travel experiences, explore global food cultures while expressing a fashion statement within a growing community of travelers. We discuss his experience with digital nomadism, but also to answer these questions: - What was her big break - How do she finds work? Does it come to her - What’s her favourite place she visited Links: Linkedin: Website: Twitter: Etsy:
[Traveltrends] Hospitality Can Gain Competitive Advantages in Age of AI? with Josh Galun
21/01/2019 Duração: 24minToday’s travelers are looking for more personalization and convenience during their hotel stays, and hoteliers are seeking out new solutions to help meet those needs. Akia is an artificial intelligence messaging platform that allows communication between a hotel and guests and learns to anticipate guests’ needs. In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Joshua Galun, Hospitality & Travel Lead at Excella Consulting. We spoke on: How Hospitality Can Gain Competitive Advantages in Age of #AI? In the publication "The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerization?", authors Michael Osborne and Carl Benedikt Frey estimate 47% of U.S. jobs are at "high risk" of potential automation. The fact is, any repetitive job is at risk of being replaced by machines. Even though this trend is unlikely to impact the hospitality industry in the same way, it is undeniable that replacing human interaction where it does not add any value, and increasing it where it does, is the optimu
[Traveltrends] Gamification and Millenial mindset: Can they save us from over-tourism?
21/01/2019 Duração: 20minOver the last few decades, innovations in aviation — wider, more efficient jets and the rise of low-cost airlines — significantly reduced the cost of flying. Bigger cruise ships capable of holding many thousands of passengers now take entire floating cities to coastal ports (which is why Venice recently banned these). Then there are the many splendors enabled by the internet, among them online booking, local reviews, smartphone mapping, and ride-hailing and home-sharing, which have collectively democratized pretty much every step involved in travel. In this episode of #travelcast, I had the pleasure to receive fuchsia claire sims who is Co-Founder Adventure Junky (Certified B Corp) App. We spoke on: #Gamification and #Millenial mindset: Can they save us from #overtourism? With over 3 million travelers crossing international borders every day – a number set to double by 2030 – we have to ask whether our environments and cultures are resilient enough to withstand the flood. On my blog: htt
[Traveltrends] Au fait, c'est quoi l'intelligence artificielle ? avec Martin Canter
17/12/2018 Duração: 20minC’est désormais une évidence pour tous que l’ intelligence artificielle va transformer le marché. Tout a commencé, avec l’impulsion donnée par Amazon Go, où l’intelligence artificielle a complètement réinventé l’expérience shopping des clients en retirant les files d’attentes en caisse. D’autres industries ont rapidement suivi le mouvement. Tesla utilise désormais l’intelligence artificielle pour prédire les comportements des conducteurs sur certaines coordonnées GPS. Plus récemment encore, les industries du voyage et de l’hôtellerie ont commencé à apprivoiser l’ IA comme par exemple les hôtels Hilton où sont testés de nouveaux concierges – des robots dénommés « Connie » qui sont en mesure de répondre aux différentes questions des clients concernant les commodités, les services ou encore les attractions touristiques. En compagnie de Martin Canter qui est Doctorant et Ingénieur en Machine Learning chez #ominatechnologies. On a discuté sur le sujet: À quoi ça sert, l'intelligence artificielle ? Un design fai

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