Podcast by NB Publishers
Johan Fourie discussing the economic history of South Africa at Business Ink Tank 2024
13/12/2024 Duração: 31minJohan Fourie, author of 'Our Long Walk to Economic Freedom', delivered the opening keynote at The Business Ink Tank 2024. His discussion centered around the economic history of South Africa, where he focused on two questions 'Why are we poor?' and 'Why are we rich?'. This discussion was recorded at The Business Ink Tank, on 20 September 2024.
Bronwyn Williams discussing the trends that will affect our future at the Business Ink Tank 2024
06/12/2024 Duração: 29min"The average household here [in South Africa] is 40% poorer than they were in the year 2016." Bronwyn Williams discuss the impact AI and technology will have on our future. 'The Future', written by Bronwyn Williams, Dion Chang, and Faeeza Khan, explains 80 key trends to anyone who is anxious or excited about thriving in the uncertain decade ahead. This discussion was recorded at The Business Ink Tank, on 20 September 2024.
TJ Strydom, Ebbe Dommisse, and Michael Cardo in discussion about South African Billionaires at the Business Ink Tank 2024
29/11/2024 Duração: 54minOn this episode of 'Book Nook', TJ Strydom, Ebbe Dommisse, and Michael Cardo discuss the three South African Billionaires they wrote books about - Koos Bekker, Oppenheimer, and Anton Rupert. This discussion, led by TJ Strydom, looks into the lives of these Billionaires and how they created their empires. This discussion was recorded at The Business Ink Tank, on 20 September 2024.
Mbali Sikakana explaining how to get a business book published at the Business Ink Tank 2024
22/11/2024 Duração: 31minOn this episode of 'Book Nook', Mbali Sikakana, commissioning editor at NB Publishers, gives insights on how to publish a business book. She explains the process with relevant statistics, while also explaining what your book needs to sell well in stores! This discussion was recorded at The Business Ink Tank, on 20 September 2024.
Zamantungwa Khumalo discussing how to navigating the property market in South Africa at the Business Ink Tank 2024
15/11/2024 Duração: 15minOn this episode of 'Book Nook', Zamantungwa Khumalo, author of 'Buy Your First Home' gives insight on how to navigate the property market of South Africa as a first time- or inexperienced buyer. This discussion was recorded at The Business Ink Tank, on 20 September 2024.
Jonathan Jansen, Max Price and Johan Fourie discussing South African universities at the Business Ink Tank 2024
08/11/2024 Duração: 46min"A university is not a country." - Jonathan Jansen. On this episode of 'Book Nook', Jonathan Jansen (As by Fire), Max Price (Statues and Storms) and Johan Fourie (Our Long Walk to Economic Freedom) discuss South African universities and how they impact the next generation of business leaders. Led in this conversation by Johan Fourie, Jansen and Price deliver insightful opinions on how our universities can prosper and improve in the future. This discussion was recorded at The Business Ink Tank, on 20 September 2024.
Pippa Hudson in conversation with Costa Ayiotis at Business Ink Tank 2024
01/11/2024 Duração: 38min"Always sell too soon." - Costa Ayiotis. On this episode of 'Book Nook' Pippa Hudson is in conversation with Costa Ayiotis, author of 'My Big Fat Greek Taverna' and 'Matriarchs, Meze and the Evil Eye'. On this episode, Costa talks about moving from the business world to the peaceful town, Hout Bay, where he followed his dream of opening a restaurant. Costa reflects on his days managing 'Lemonia' and talks about Greek food, his two published books, as well as his future as a writer. This discussion was recorded at The Business Ink Tank, on 20 September 2024.
'How to dominate in digital marketing' by Catherine Black
25/10/2024 Duração: 24minOn this episode of 'Book Nook' Catherine Black, co-author of 'Small Business, Big Plans' and co-founder of Black Mountain, shares how you can dominate in the digital marketing world! This discussion was recorded at The Business Ink Tank, on 20 September 2024.
Lincoln Mali, Mteto Nyati, and Nicky Stubbs in discussion at Business Ink Tank 2024
18/10/2024 Duração: 58min"If serving is beneath you, then leading is beyond you." - Lincoln Mali. On this episode of 'Book Nook' Nicky Stubbs leads the conversation with Mteto Nyati (Betting on a Darkie) and Lincoln Mali (Blazing a Trail) about their books and business lives. They talk about leadership, the inspiring people in their lives, as well as Eskom, and Nyati's journey with the company. This discussion was recorded at The Business Ink Tank, on 20 September 2024.
Life Lessons - Branko Brkic in conversation with Alan Knott-Craig
29/08/2024 Duração: 32minIn this podcast, you can listen to Alan Knott-Craig talk about his book, 'Life Lessons'. This conversation with Branko Brkic was recorded on 13 August 2024 at the book launch that took place at Exclusive Books Cavendish.
Ek en jy bestaan nie - Desmond Painter in gesprek met Danie Marais
24/06/2024 Duração: 01h03minDesmond Painter is in gesprek met Danie Marais by Exclusive Books V&A Waterfront. Ek en jy bestaan nie is die langverwagte vierde bundel uit die pen van die bekroonde digter Danie Marais. Soos in sy vorige bundels is dit gedigte wat openhartige, intieme gesprekke met die leser aanknoop – hierdie keer oor die ongemakke van ras en klas. Dis ’n bundel oor die menslike middelklastoestand en die unbearable whiteness of being wat waag om te praat oor die dinge waaroor mense liefs stilbly in die woonbuurte van Stellenbosch waar ’n koue burgeroorlog stil in die boomryke strate woed. #NBBoekhoek
Soul of a Nation: Oyama Mabandla & Redi Tlhabi
09/05/2024 Duração: 01h47minIn this episode of Book Nook, Redi Tlhabi chats to Oyama Mabandla about his book Soul of a Nation (Tafelberg, 2024), recorded at the book's launch Exclusive Books Hyde Park, Johannesburg. What is Soul of a Nation about? There is lament about how and why the ANC have so quickly become preoccupied with material enrichment. Former exile, business leader and political commentator, Oyama Mabandla, excavates the values that created a steady flow of pioneering South Africans under impossible circumstances, bolstered a liberation ethic and championed a leadership that made individual nobility and excellence aspirational. These values, in retreat since 94, can still recapture the nation's best trajectory. Soul of a Nation is available to purchase online or at local bookstores. Music: Youssoupha Sidibe by Xaleyi, Free Music Archive (CC BY)
Marita van der Vyver gesels op Pretoria FM
18/03/2024 Duração: 53minMarita van der Vyver gesels op Pretoria FM se program ‘My Bosveldvuurtjie, my musiek en ek’. Sy deel haar gunsteling musiek en vertel van haar en haar man se lewe in Frankryk.
Die laaste kanariegeel notaboek: Anchien Troskie & Nèlleke de Jager
24/11/2023 Duração: 25minSkink 'n koppie tee en kry 'n knus kombers - die nuutste episode van #NBBoekhoek is nou beskikbaar. In hierdie episode van ons podsending gesels blitsverkoperskrywer Anchien Troskie met Nèlleke de Jager, uitgewer by Human & Rousseau (Fiksie). Hulle gesels oor Anchien se meesleurende roman, Die laaste kanariegeel notaboek, en oor haar lewe as skrywer. So, maak jouself tuis in jou gunsteling boekhoek en luister gerus. Waaroor gaan Die laaste kanariegeel notaboek? Mia Steyn is nog bloedjonk wanneer haar broer haar een laatmiddag by ’n losieshuis in Bloemfontein, aflaai. Dis toe sy ’n stowwerige boekwinkel instap dat Mia besef dis waar sy wil werk. Kort voor lank vind sy haar voete, én verloor sy haar hart. Die laaste kanariegeel notaboek is by goeie boekwinkels en aanlyn beskikbaar. Hierdie boek is ook as 'n luisterboek beskikbaar. Musiek: Marcel Pequel - Six, Free Music Archive (CC BY)
Statues and Storms: Max Price & Africa Melane
09/11/2023 Duração: 56minIn this episode of Book Nook, Africa Melane chats to Max Price about his book Statues and Storms (Tafelberg, 2023). Statues and Storms offers invaluable insights on leadership during turbulent times. It’s a must-read for anyone looking to make a positive impact in a rapidly changing world. This was reflected at the book's launch at Exclusive Books Waterfront, which was packed with eager readers, leaders, and change-makers. The thought-provoking discussion between Africa and Max was unforgettable - and is now available for your listening pleasure! Statues and Storms is available to purchase online or at local bookstores. Music: Snowing by Peter Rudenko, Free Music Archive (CC BY)
Onder 'n bloedrooi hemel: Annemarié van Niekerk & Melody Pick
21/09/2023 Duração: 01h05min"Dié boek het my aan die hart geruk." - Marita van der Vyver Annemarié van Niekerk se aangrypende boek, Onder 'n bloedrooi hemel, ontroer lesers landwyd. Annemarié het met Melody Pick gesels tydens haar boektoer (ondersteun deur die Nederlands Letterenfonds). Luister na hulle treffende gesprek in die nuutste episode van #NBBoekhoek! Musiek: Kai Engel - Moonlight Reprise
Of Fathers and Fugitives: SJ Naudé & Damon Galgut
29/08/2023 Duração: 01h02minGrab a cosy spot in your favourite reading nook, settle in, and listen to the latest episode of NB Publishers Book Nook. In this episode, Damon Galgut chats to SJ Naudé about Of Fathers and Fugitives, Naudé's latest novel. This meeting between two incredible literary minds is an unforgettable discussion full of rich insights about writing and creating a compelling read. Of Fathers and Fugitives is an exquisite, tender novel by the award-winning writer SJ Naudé, author of The Alphabet of Birds, The Third Reel and Mad Honey. It is an exploration of the relationships between fathers and sons, and of fatherhood, masculinity and loss. Of Fathers and Fugitives is also available in Afrikaans as: Van vaders en vlugtelinge. You can buy Of Fathers and Fugitives and Van vaders en vlugtelinge from bookstores nationwide or order it online. Music: Youssoupha Sidibe - Xaleyi
Ons skulde: P.P. Fourie & Michele Meyer
15/08/2023 Duração: 01h10minSkink 'n koppie tee en kry 'n knus kombers - die nuutste episode van #NBBoekhoek is nou beskikbaar. In hierdie episode van ons podsending gesels Michele Meyer met P.P. Fourie oor sy aangrypende roman, Ons skulde. Michele het met Fourie by Die Bôrdienguis gesels en die yskoue aand was perfek gepas vir hulle gesprek oor Ons skulde, 'n boek wat lesers net nie kan neersit nie. Michele en Fourie se gesprek is ewe boeiend. So, maak jouself tuis in jou gunsteling boekhoek en luister gerus. Ons skulde deur P.P. Fourie is by goeie boek- en aanlynwinkels beskikbaar. Waaroor gaan Ons skulde? Emma reis na Clarens om haar man se as te strooi. Terwyl sy by tante Vera tuisgaan, daag ’n geheimsinnige koevert op waarvan die inhoud Vera angsbevange maak. Dit blyk dat sy jaarliks anoniem só gedreig word voordat daar op iets wat vir haar kosbaar is toegeslaan word. Wie koester ’n wrok teen Vera? Waarom? Sal Emma antwoorde vind voordat die teisteraar se wraak toeneem? Met die spannende ontrafeling van ’n skrikwekkende raaise
Lost Property: Megan Choritz and Nancy Richards
31/07/2023 Duração: 48minGrab a cosy spot in your favourite reading nook, settle in, and listen to the latest episode of NB Publishers Book Nook. In this episode, Nancy Richards chats to Megan Choritz about Lost Property, Megan's brilliant debut novel. In Lost Property, Laine discovers that the man she's been married to for 15 years has been secretively living out a monstrous lie. Her world is tilted on its axis. Now she must unstitch her existence... You can buy Lost Property from bookstores nationwide or order it online. Music: krackatoa - Noahs Stark alright lover -Snow Wave Peter Rudenko - Snowing
Riding Life: Grant Lottering & Pippa Hudson
07/07/2023 Duração: 46minGrab a cozy spot in your favourite reading nook, settle in, and listen to the latest episode of NB Publishers Book Nook. In this episode, Pippa Hudson chats to Grant Lottering about Riding Life, the book that shares his incredible story. In 2013, Grant Lottering’s heart stopped after a gruesome accident. Doctors said he would never ride again. Since then, he has completed many gruelling rides through some of the toughest terrain on the planet. His story – proving that the human body can achieve the near impossible if you have the right mindset – is an inspiration to millions. You can buy Riding Life from bookstores nationwide or order it online. Music: krackatoa - Noahs Stark BOPD - New England is Interesting Rho - Your Sunrise Fields Ohio - Anti-Saloon League Midnight Mystery

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