Help Yo Self



Interested in self help but don't know where to start? Listen and be amazed.


  • Help Yo Self Episode 11


    Help Yo Self Episode 11On this episode of Dry Mouth Weirdos, Josh Jak and Bee Lion talk about drug addiction. Bee discusses his past troubles with cough syrup. Josh refers to weed as 420 because he doesn't smoke. He also summarizes a classic joke of his. They then discuss the struggle to eat healthy and the dangerous effects of sugar. Bee urges Josh to go to the doctor even though he himself rarely goes. Josh recommends drinking lots water, which may be the best tip ever given on the program. It's the best show to listen to before your daily nap. It's Help Yo Self with Josh Jak and Bee Lion!

  • Help Yo Self Episode 10


    Help Yo Self Episode 10This week on “Count Your Fingers LIVE” Josh Jak and Bee Lion heal your heart with soothing solutions. Bee talks about positive hobbies and discusses the idea of boredom as a precursor to depression. Josh talks about staring at the wall and falling asleep at work. Enam joins the show live via cellphone to weigh in on the scary phenomenon of sleep paralysis and other creepy bedtime experiences. It’s the show that you dream about. It’s a a super sleepy episode of Help Yo Self with Josh Jak and Bee Lion

  • Help Yo Self Episode 9


    Help Yo Self Episode 9This week on Watch Out For Trains!, Josh Jak, Bee Lion and Bill Miller talk about how to operate at your best. Bee talks meditation. Bill talks masturbation. Josh talks medibation. Bill believes we are slaves to the capitalist system. The conversation turns to dreams and Josh goes dark with things, causing genuine concern for his safety. Bill explains the meditation practice from the movie Ghost Dog. It’s the show that makes you feel sane because the hosts are out of their minds. It’s Help Yo Self!

  • Help Yo Self Episode 8


    Help Yo Self Episode 8This week on My Heart Is a Dark Cavern of Despair, Josh Jak, Bee Lion and Bill Miller have a conversation about professional help among other things. Bill speaks about his experience with child therapy styling his younger years. Josh talks about his tremor to get free professional help via Craigslist. YouTube therapists also become a topic of discussion. It’s the show that will save your life and dissolve your worries. It’s Help Yo Self!

  • Help Yo Self Episode 7


    Help Yo Self Episode 7This week on Help Yo Self, Josh Jak and Bee Lion talk about pills, mental impairment and other self help topics. Josh asks Bee about ADHD to find out what it is and how it is different from being a lazy sack of crap. Bee also talks about an incompetent mental health professions. If riveting discussions tickle your fancy, then consider your fancy tickled by this episode of Help Yo Self.

  • Help Yo Self Episode 6


    Help Yo Self Episode 6On this week's episode of Help Yo Self, Josh Jak and Bee Lion are joined once again by Bill Miller. Right out of the gate Bill insults the entire listening audience. That's what we get for letting him do the intro. We apologize but look forward to reading your hate mail. Josh talks about some unusual thoughts and fears he has. The show gets very serious when the topic turns to suicide. Interesting conversation is had. Have you helped yo self lately? If not, listen to this show.

  • Help Yo Self Episode 5


    Help Yo Self Episode 5 If you want all of your troubles to melt away, this is not the episode for you. But it’s certainly still worth listening to. Be warned folks. There is some cussing on this episode. The guys talk a bunch of crap but also name some of their favorite motivational quotes.

  • Help Yo Self Episode 4


    Help Yo Self Episode 4Welcome to the most helpful show on all of iTunes. Bill Miller joins the usual cast of characters for the first time. So much discussion is had that the guys don’t even make it to all of their talking points. If you listen to just one show this week, make it this one.

  • Help Yo Self Episode 3


    Help Yo Self Episode 3Sometimes helping other people helps you too. So, in a way you could say maybe our show is a bit selfish. But hey, better to help out of selfishness than not at all. Follow the advice we give on the show and maybe, just maybe your life will become 1% better.

  • Help Yo Self Episode 2


    Help Yo Self Episode 2Social Anxiety? What’s that? It’s a fear of people and Bee Lion talks about how much it sucks. Josh Jak on the other hand is a social butterfly. Will Josh teach Bee to grow some wings of his own? If he were a real Bee he’d have wings but sadly he’s not. So maybe Josh’s words of encouragement will actually make him fly— socially.

  • Help Yo Self Episode 1


    Help Yo Self Episode 1Sometimes you just have to help yourself. That's why we're here to help you help yo self.