Living an engaged passionate life while feeding healthy body, mind, soul every day
Pick the thing that the will change your life the most in the next 5 years.
21/11/2019 Duração: 05minPick the thing that the will change your life the most in the next 5 years.
19/11/2019 Duração: 05min
Every choice in every situation that presents itself to us we can choose to be led by fear or by faith. Are you looking for more.. ✔️ More Dancing ✔️Fearless Fitness ✔️Live a life of purpose and passion after 50? ✔️Strive for strength, balance and flexibly in all areas ✔️Be the best version of yourself in the second half of your life
21/10/2019 Duração: 01min
when ever we start something new we are never good enough. We only gain talent and wisdom by keeping moving forward and learning more. Are you looking for more.. ✔️ More Dancing ✔️Fearless Fitness ✔️Live a life of purpose and passion after 50? ✔️Strive for strength, balance and flexibly in all areas ✔️Be the best version of yourself in the second half of your life
34. best thing do today? choose
16/10/2019 Duração: 03minAre you looking for more.. ✔️ More Dancing ✔️Fearless Fitness ✔️Live a life of purpose and passion after 50? ✔️Strive for strength, balance and flexibly in all areas ✔️Be the best version of yourself in the second half of your life
Episode 32: We don’t get to pick our talents
03/10/2019 Duração: 04minAre you looking for more.. ✔️ More Dancing ✔️Fearless Fitness ✔️Live a life of purpose and passion after 50? ✔️Strive for strength, balance and flexibly in all areas ✔️Be the best version of yourself in the second half of your life
Fear can be a black hole
29/09/2019 Duração: 04min✔️Are you looking to live a life of purpose and passion after 50? ✔️Want to be fit over 50 in a way that gives you strength, balance and flexibility? ✔️Do you want to be the best version of yourself in the second half of your life?
Episode 28: more dancing
19/09/2019 Duração: 05min✔️Are you looking to live a life of purpose and passion after 50? ✔️Want to be fit over 50 in a way that gives you strength, balance and flexibility? ✔️Do you want to be the best version of yourself in the second half of your life?
26 When you’re not sure what to do go back to your WHY
09/09/2019 Duração: 05min✔️Are you looking to live a life of purpose and passion after 50? ✔️Want to be fit over 50 in a way that gives you strength, balance and flexibility? ✔️Do you want to be the best version of yourself in the second half of your life?
25: Keeping a habit: hitting a speed bump or hitting a wall
05/09/2019 Duração: 04min✔️Are you looking to live a life of purpose and passion after 50? ✔️Want to be fit over 50 in a way that gives you strength, balance and flexibility? ✔️Do you want to be the best version of yourself in the second half of your life?
Use it or lost it. Fearless body, fearless mind. Episode 24
28/08/2019 Duração: 03minFearless Grey is about living your best life body, mind, soul (and fun) in your 50+years. Don’t sure what you want to do with these years ? Let’s find your purpose and passion. We’d love to hear from you, please take a second and say ‘Hi’ in the comments and let us know what you thought of the video … p.s. Don’t forget to FLoCkS Follow~££ like comment share __________ Say hi on social: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Other ways to connect with Fearless Grey: iTunes Google Play: Spotify: Alexa Briefing: SPEAKING INQUIRIES Contact:
When to be a minimalist and went to be a maximalist:: 23
27/08/2019 Duração: 05minFearless Grey is about living your best life body, mind, soul (and fun) in your 50+years. Don’t sure what you want to do with these years ? Let’s find your purpose and passion. We’d love to hear from you, please take a second and say ‘Hi’ in the comments and let us know what you thought of the video … p.s. Don’t forget to FLoCkS Follow~££ like comment share __________ Say hi on social: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Other ways to connect with Fearless Grey: iTunes Google Play: Spotify: Alexa Briefing: SPEAKING INQUIRIES Contact:
21. Competitiveness versus selflessness
23/08/2019 Duração: 04min
Live a different life in the good
22/08/2019 Duração: 03minRESOURCES To Start Building your Subscribers using Messenger Chat __________ Boutique Bot Service. No Hassle way to grow your Messenger Chat. We build and manage it for you. Build-A-Bot. Do you love tech, and are a DIY’er? We teach you all the best tips, and proven strategies of how to create clients and offer the best customer service with your Messenger. Join our group where we help you build your bot and grow your messenger subscriber base. FREE TRAINING. You want free training on how to get your bot started? Subscribe to our Channel: __________ Say hi on social: Facebook: Facebook Page: Instagram: LinkedIn: Listen to The Bot Ladies Podcast and Alexa Briefing here: iTunes:
Don’t feel guilty about your talents 19
22/08/2019 Duração: 05minWhen you find yourself dreaming again, after the kids have left home, after you’ve had your share of life changes, and you know you’re not finished yet with what you are on this earth to do. __________ You have a message to share, a product that will brighten our world, or make it a little easier, or a skill you’re great at that others would love to learn. Here we teach you how to execute all the pieces that help to put you and what you have to offer in front of the ones that want it. __________ Say hi on social: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Other ways to connect with Fearless Grey: iTunes Google Play: Spotify: Alexa Briefing:
Self sabatage when doing just for self
20/08/2019 Duração: 03minWhen you find yourself dreaming again, after the kids have left home, after you’ve had your share of life changes, and you know you’re not finished yet with what you are on this earth to do. __________ You have a message to share, a product that will brighten our world, or make it a little easier, or a skill you’re great at that others would love to learn. Here we teach you how to execute all the pieces that help to put you and what you have to offer in front of the ones that want it. __________ Say hi on social: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Other ways to connect with Fearless Grey: iTunes Google Play: Spotify: Alexa Briefing:
Intention Builds Strength
19/08/2019 Duração: 04minWhen you find yourself dreaming again, after the kids have left home, after you’ve had your share of life changes, and you know you’re not finished yet with what you are on this earth to do. __________ You have a message to share, a product that will brighten our world, or make it a little easier, or a skill you’re great at that others would love to learn. Here we teach you how to execute all the pieces that help to put you and what you have to offer in front of the ones that want it. __________ Say hi on social: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Other ways to connect with Fearless Grey: iTunes Google Play Android TuneIn Alexa Briefing SPEAKING INQUIRIES Contact:
How are your Facebook ads working for you
19/02/2019 Duração: 45sHow are your Facebook ads working for y
I AM Happy
22/06/2018 Duração: 13minAs soon as we wish to be happier, we are no longer happy.” ―Walter Landor We take away today’s happiness when we always wanting more, wanting better