Thoth-hermes Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 289:41:36
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A podcast about the Western Esoteric Tradition


  • S11-E4 - Dean Radin-Noetic Sciences

    02/02/2025 Duração: 01h46min

    Welcome to Season 11, Episode 5 with us here at Thoth-Hermes Podcast.  Today, Rudolf and Karin re-engage with friend Dean Radin.  An electrical engineer holding a PhD in experimental psychology, Dean has been involved at the forefront of psychical research in the United States.  Dean’s career has spanned Bell Labs, SRI International, and several major universities.  He has served as Chief Scientist at the Institute for Noetic Sciences and authored several critically acclaimed titles on consciousness, Quantum, and… dare we name it… Magic.  Dean dryly names that “all the really juicy stuff in science starts as the  unobservable”, which is where the FUN of research resides: the rational understanding of the wonderous.  Karin, Rudolf and Dean venture into questions of non-local consciousness, and the possibility of “the brain operating as a quantum object”.  Do certain aspects of our perceptual ability distribute through space and time? After succinctly outlining Edgar Mitchell’s famed metaphysical rebirth, Dean

  • Pansophers Episode 4 – Mark Stavish-Preserving Esoteric Tradition

    01/12/2024 Duração: 01h47min

    Dear Listeners, welcome to Season 1 Episode 4 of Panosophers’ Podcast.  May we express our gratitude for your ongoing support and attention to this venture.    This week, we have the company of Mark Stavish.  Mark is the founder and director of The Institute for Hermetic Studies (IHS).  Mark holds degrees in Theology, Communications and Counseling.  He is a prolific author of depth titles on Mystery subjects, centered on Western Kabbalistic knowledge.  Mark is a longtime friend of our sibling podcast, Thoth-Hermes, and a trove of additional prior conversations may be found there.  The overarching theme of the next two hours centers on: “what can you handle?”  It is plainspoken and direct, while brotherly and benevolent.   We encourage you to listen with ears open to hear.  Mark and Rudolf dive in with the starting context for the IHS: 1990s, East-Coast America.  A time of in-person groups, Gnosis Magazine, and the grit of self-publishing material perhaps too deep for the balance sheets of popular bookselle

  • S11-E3 Remember the Future-Eric Wargo

    17/11/2024 Duração: 01h49min

    You can also see this episode as a video on YouTube at to Season 11 Episode 4 of Thoth-Hermes Podcast…. Though with our guest in this dialogue, who can be quite sure of linear time? Rudolf and Karin are in conversation with author Dr. Eric Wargo. Academically an anthropologist, Eric has extended his spirit of scientific enquiry through Hermeticism, Alchemy, and into the contemporary “paranormal” discourse at large. Most specifically, he has taken on depth exploration of time: time loops, retrocausation, and precognition. This branch of study began for Eric in 2009, after having a UFO/UAP Experience. This anomalous experience created his initiation into the branch of modern scientists fully versed in scientific method yet fully aware of the mountain of Spooky anecdotal evidence of More. Law of Large Numbers? Yes, acknowledged: and gently set aside. Materialist explanation? A precise language with descriptive validity and profound explanatory limitations. Experience and initi

  • Pansophers Episode 3 – Travis Trinca-Stories of Initation

    10/11/2024 Duração: 01h39min

    Greetings and welcome to Episode 3 of Panosopher’s Podcast. In this conversation, Rudolf meets with Australian Freemason Travis Trinca. This autumn, Travis released “The Temple and the Vault” (Lewis Masonic Publishing); a dedicated cross-tradition study of landscape and ritual in the search for Truth. Gentle yet candid, our author shares his personal initiatory journey- starting out in an a-religious family home, an extended journey with Rosicrucianism, and then entering into Freemasonry after the birth of his son. In non-Temple life, Travis holds an MBA and the accomplishments of adulthood. Within the Temple, he celebrates an ever-unfolding journey to spiritual maturity. Travis and Rudolf explore the landscape of mythic truth, Romanticism, and the interface of historic legend in our current time. They look at the implications of 20th Century “research” focused regard of historical figures, versus a past tolerance for thematic embellishment. Do mythic landscapes and ritual translate effectively over centuries

  • Pansophers Episode 2 – Christopher McIntosh-Germany, Russia and the others

    03/11/2024 Duração: 01h42min

    For those devoted to the Rosicrucian tradition, Christopher McIntosh needs no introduction. In this conversation, Rudolf brings us closer to the man behind the foundational works that have shaped our understanding of Rosicrucianism. His books—The Rosicrucians, The Rose Cross and the Age of Reason, and his recent Rosicrucian Trilogy containing new translations of the original three Manifestos—stand as indispensable guides through the movement’s rich history and symbolic mysteries. McIntosh, a widely respected speaker on Rosicrucianism’s historical context, now opens a more personal window into the motivations and philosophies that drive his work, demonstrating how his passion for these mysteries can continue to inspire seekers today. In perfect timing with Pansopher’s recent relaunch, McIntosh unveils a deeply personal narrative that intertwines with the cultural and spiritual backdrop of Germany—expanding his focus to explore the often-overlooked roots of the German occult tradition. In his latest book, Occul

  • S11-E2 Thinking impossibly-Jeffrey Kripal

    20/10/2024 Duração: 01h52min

    You can also see this episode as a video on YouTube at “Science can explain everything except us”: a joke or a koan? This is the humor of our guest today. Welcome to Season 11, Episode 2 of Thoth-Hermes podcast.  Today, Rudolf and Karin interview author Jeffery Kripal.  In July, Kripal’s latest book “How to Think Impossibly: About Souls, UFOs, Time, Belief, and Everything Else” was released through University of Chicago Press.  In this conversation, Professor Kripal and our two hosts wrestle with the foundations of lexicon and concepts underlying contemporary dialogue around Flip-worthy alternative spiritual experiences, and the interaction with religion as an academic subject.  This is an excellent conversation to reflect on how we each personally describe our Magic, and why- regardless of alignment for or against the definitions ventured.  Jeffrey Kripal entered formal study of religion in the 1980s, after a Catholic upbringing; he centered on exploring comparative mystical lite

  • Pansophers Episode 1 – Tobias Churton-Invisibles

    13/10/2024 Duração: 01h49min

    Welcome to Episode 1 of The Pansophers’ Podcast! Today, Rudolf talks with esteemed UK author and academic, Tobias Churton. In a wide-ranging conversation, the men discuss the Search for Self as well as Wisdom in the context of history. Particular focus is brought to aspects of Freemasonic and Rosicrucian history. Tobias defines his experience of “Pansophia”- the mind of God, Wisdom, and the interrelatedness of knowledge. This conversation unfolds through the knowledge that “this life is only a beginning”, the distractions of political ideology and institutional religion; and the Rosicrucian paradox of being not of this World yet engaged and seed-bearing within it. We explore a move towards freedom of “Science” as a democratic access to “Knowledge,” and “Art” as “Magic”. Tobias outlines a vision that sees dialogues and colloquium find energy over our monologue-culture, and a move from over-specialization of knowledge into a more dynamic, holistic approach to study. In passing, he notes the “cosmic” view most e

  • Pansophers Podcast – Episode 0

    29/09/2024 Duração: 01h46min

    Greetings and welcome to the Pansophers Podcast! We are excited to announce the launch of our new podcast, expanding on the content found on the popular website and blog. Our goal is to explore the Universal in the Underlying and apply it to modern Mystery traditions. From now on, on this website you will not only find an extended blog, but also many other options: teaching, possibility of publishing and many more, and of course, this podcast. All areas Rosicrucian, Hermetic, Neoplatonic ... and above all magical are open to investigation. Sam Robinson as the initial creator of, Ian Gladwin, Ike Baker and podcast host Rudolf Berger will be the main leaders of that new venture, all four well versed in the matter and not unknown to anyone interested in the field of the Western Tradition. In this episode, we introduce ourselves and our new venture and invite you to join us for Episode 1 on October 13th! Special thanks to Chris Roberts for our Intro and Outro Music, and to Joshua Kir

  • S11-E1 – AI and the Occult-Karin Valis

    15/09/2024 Duração: 01h45min

    You can also see this episode as a video on YouTube at Access Karin Valis' Blog And this is her Substack Glitched Encounters with the visual examples Tarot of The Latent Spaces Divine Embeddings: The Large Language Models and Sacred Alphabets Talk from the Occulture And finally, the very exciting Palinode Productions - Deep Learning Philosophy! Welcome to Season 11 of the Thoth-Hermes Podcast.  On this first episode, Rudolf meets with guest Karin Valis to expand the growing conversation around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Occultism.  Karin is Slovakian, a Machine Learning Engineer and former teenage atheist “GO” game fanatic turned occultist  This is to say that Karin is both a brillia

  • Special Episode – Modern Alchemy – ARCANUM AND THOTH HERMES

    21/03/2024 Duração: 01h37min

    You can also see this episode as a video on YouTube at Enjoy a great talk Ike Baker from the wonderful ARCANVM podcast and I had with Phoenix Aurelius and Daniel Wiseman.

  • S10-E12 – The Art of the Matter-Brian Cotnoir

    12/11/2023 Duração: 01h54min

    Welcome to Season 10, Episode 12 of the Thoth-Hermes Podcast. This afternoon’s dialogue finds Rudolf and Brian Cotnoir in circulatio on the experience of alchemy. Distilled in the process, Brian shares on his life as an author, filmmaker, and practicing physical alchemist of over 50 years. Please, listen for dispersion. Then consider his titles, On Alchemy (2023), Alchemy the Poetry of Matter (2017), many other publications and Zines! Brian received his initiation of the Adult Library Card in 7th Grade, along with the core occult section maxim “don’t tell your parents”. We can speculate that many listeners would report a similar awakening. His first fleeting (20 minute) experience of New York City’s Weiser bookstore was also nascent. Continuing to function in consensus reality, Brian majored in Chemistry and minored in Physics, spending time also working at Weiser Books. An MFA in Film followed. Brian’s work on the big screen has been aired by HBO, PBS, Sundance Festival, and other luminary recognitions. Para

  • S10-E11 – Healing the Haunted House-Peter Levenda

    05/11/2023 Duração: 01h54min

    This is a warm November welcome to Season 10 Episode 11 of Thoth-Hermes Podcast. Today’s show brings us into conversation with American writer Peter Levenda. Peter has authored a range of titles on histories of American occultism, Nazi occultism, and the dynamics of conspiracy theory. After successfully pursuing an international business career Information Technology, Peter attained an MA in Religious Studies and Asian Studies. Peter is a member of the American Academy of Religion, several societies, and a member of AFIO (the Association of Former Intelligence Officers). Peter is careful to distinguish his expertise as around the context and content of conspiracy, rather than their promulgator. Repeatedly in the interview, he stresses the importance of listeners self-educating on the factors that make populations generally- and occultists specifically- vulnerable to conspiracy content. Peter also clearly notes that he is a “left-leaning” political “independent” capable of engaging with a variety of worldviews

  • S10-E10 – AI and Technology of the Imagination-Robert Gordon

    29/10/2023 Duração: 01h58min

    Greetings for Season 10, Episode 10 of Thoth-Hermes Podcast. In a calendrical resonance, Rudolf meets up with Robert Gordon- exactly one year after their last episode together! A gregarious Australian, Robert holds an M.A. in Museum Studies from University College London. In 2022, Lewis Masonic publishing released his book 21st Century Rosicrucianism. Today’s exploration centers on Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly in the context of language-based models. Rudolf characterizes digital technology as typically either a non-topic or guarded subject in the worldviews of esotericists. Later, Robert observes that many depth creators in high-technology, green technology, and adjacent fields have esoteric involvement. With these twin realities concurrent, the discussion emphasizes the need for active contribution to societal conversations about AI as a “technology of the imagination”. As both men gamely note, we are in the 21st Century, not the 16th- as much as we seek to honor history. Robert and Rudolf note

  • S10-E9 – More than just Grimoires-David Rankine

    22/10/2023 Duração: 01h48min

    "What is clear is that there are three main themes running parallel through the grimoires, with greater or less importance in individual works. These themes are spirit conjuration, divination, and simple charms/spells for dealing with the hardships of daily life and seeking to improve it." (David Rankine) Welcome to Season 10, Episode 9 of Thoth-Hermes podcast. Today, Rudolf shares a conversation with author and occultist, David Rankine. The exploration ranges over the past 40 years of modern British esotericism, and into David’s commitment to writing and knowledge sharing as an offering to Mystery. This is an easy-listening dialogue that carries its own treasures of tight question-answer teachings along in the flow. David quickly brings us into the 1980s UK occult scene, which he describes as collegial, confidential and non-competitive. Oxford, London and Leeds are all identified as hotspots during this period. Turning to the Now, David weighs the balance between organizations’ tension of socializing and sec

  • S10-E8 – Masonic Rosicrucians-CR Dunning Jr

    15/10/2023 Duração: 01h46min

    Today marks Season 10, Episode 8 of Thoth-Hermes Podcast. For this conversation, Rudolf reconvenes with Chuck “CR” Dunning. The conversation submerges into esoteric freemasonry, then transcends into the union of ritual and exoteric religion. Far from limited to the interests of masonry, this is a multi-layered dialogue about the timeless moebius between sincere seekers of “light, life and love”. Chuck is a retired academic and psychotherapist, a self-disclosed Scottish Rite Mason, and author dedicated to guiding initiates into contemplative practice. Chuck has soft-spoken depth rare in today’s scholarly world. His most recent book is an accessible compass of the Rose Croix mysteries. A Rose Croix Oratory (Stone Guild, 2023) has been lauded by readers and reviewers, appreciating its hands-on, plain-language approach. An upcoming publication will delve into Platonic mysticism and its parallels with Craft Masonry. The conversation speaks of the upper degrees’ mythos of descent, laying to waste, then renewal and

  • S10-E7 – Occult Publishing-Jon Graham

    08/10/2023 Duração: 01h43min

    Autumnal greetings as we converge for Season 10, Episode 7 of Thoth-Hermes Podcast. Today, Rudolf is joined by Jon E. Graham, of Inner Traditions Bear and Company, to explore the current state of occult publishing. Jon joins us from the northeastern United States, in historic Vermont. Jon is a translator, author, and acquisitions editor at Inner Traditions. Jon relates his longstanding interest in initiatory synthesis between Surrealism and Occultism, the path which brought him into esoteric publishing. Jon recommends The Esoteric Secrets of Surrealism as a prompt for curious listeners. A second set of parallels that run in the conversation are the creative processes of a publishing house (Jon’s temple) and that of an opera house (Rudolf’s lineage). Together, they explore the balance of “profitable” and “important”, as well as inclusion of new and established authors. Several times, Jon emphasizes the influence occult practice (as simple as sincere meditation) can have in counterbalancing the online “noise ma

  • S10-E6 – Oldies but Goodies-John Michael Greer

    01/10/2023 Duração: 01h47min

    It’s the return of a good friend! Today we are joined by John Michael Greer, on Season 10 Episode 6 of Thoth-Hermes podcast. Please see earlier episodes with John Michael to learn more of his prolific background. In this episode, we explore three historic Esoteric minds: Dion Fortune, John Gilbert, and Mouni Sadhu (the “silent monk”). We also hear of his upcoming 7-volume release (theme: “tentacles”) and pragmatic thoughts on the balance of Making a Living and Making a Difference as an author and occultist. With John Michael’s usual good humor, we are provided with perspective around publishing’s norm of an audience “with the attention span of a hyperactive gnat”, and the dry statement “religion in the United States is not like religion anywhere else”. Along the way, we also get to hear some plain truths around Harry Potter, and in John Michael’s opinion the “one thing Crowley got right” (hint: it’s stellar). John Michael and Rudolf look at some of the gifts we inherit collectively from Dion Fortune (Violet M

  • S10-E5 – GRS Mead and CG Jung-Paulina Gruffman

    24/09/2023 Duração: 01h56min

    Welcome to Episode Five, Season Ten of the Thoth-Hermes podcast. This brings us the opportunity to join Rudolf in conversation with Paulina Gruffman, on the subject of GRS Mead. Paulina is a nascent luminary in occult scholarship, currently at PhD candidate at Sweden’s Lund University. Paulina’s academic rooting began with reading CG Jung in her mid-teens. The relationship between Mead and Jung is explored in-depth during this episode. Paulina notes that Jung cited Mead in his own doctoral dissertation, holding dialogue and friendship with him during the development of his own career; 20 of Mead’s books are currently held in the Jung Archive. Paulina speaks as a focused and nuanced researcher, in a long-term journey of examining the entirety of George Robert Stow Mead. She details and distinguishes his pursuits as all three of an occultist, theosophist, and a highly capable “amateur” academic. She acknowledges the critique his work has received from 20th Century academics, undercutting his capability as “amat

  • S10-E4 – Silver Age Russian Rosicrucians-Charlotte Cowell

    17/09/2023 Duração: 01h47min

    Welcome to Episode Four, Season Ten of the Thoth-Hermes podcast. Today, Rudolf meets with Charlotte Cowell, translator of The Solar Way (Silver Age Russian Occult Rosicrucian Schools) and author of multiple other titles. Charlotte is the founder, owner and editor of Shin Publications. Charlotte is a delightful guest, simultaneously a fierce, warm and self-effacing intellectual presence in the conversation. A graduate of Oxford University (MA in Ancient and Modern History), Charlotte has pursued the Mysteries for several decades after receiving solo and spontaneous esoteric Christian rebirth in college. Charlotte cites The Meditations on the Tarot (Anonymous) as a cornerstone text for her during her initiatory unfolding. She is also refreshingly frank, in moments, around reconciling the dual paths of Christian… Esotericism. An example being, reading “Meditations” as distinct from using the Cards directly. Listeners on a similar trajectory may well relate to these personal processes. Charlotte brings us into th

  • S10-E3 – Anthroposophy, Elementals and more-Thomas Mayer

    10/09/2023 Duração: 02h01min

    Episode Three, Season Ten of the Thoth-Hermes podcast explores facets of Higher Worlds and the Anthroposophical traditiom. Today, Rudolf meets with Thomas Mayer, Anthroposophical teacher, author and direct democracy activist. In Thomas’s words, “you will meet the people you want to meet” which is an ongoing theme in this conversation. Thomas “met” Rudolf Steiner at the age of 15, reading “How to Know Higher Worlds”; 44 years later, he is an Anthroposophical meditation teacher, with his partner Agnes Hardorp. Thomas recently published “Answering the Call of the Elementals” which is intended as a lively workbook to intentionally strengthen a practitioner’s connection to those Beings. In their discussion, Thomas and Rudolf explore the path of supersensible perceptual development. Steiner’s work incorporated and influenced many aspects of esotericism; its wide-ranging impact is felt in the breadth of the interview. Topics range from the theme of the “I”/”Ich”, to organic architecture, to the Akashic records, to s

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