Nancy At Noon

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 24:36:00
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Once a week I answer your questions on air about love, life, health passion and purpose so you have the knowledge and tools necessary to pick up the pieces, mend your broken heart and be awesome again! Personal stories and lots of knowledge for EVERYONE, regardless of your situation in life.If you require personal assistance, private email consultation service is available. For more info please visit: Ask Nancy Page on my website, Practical and useful application of ancient wisdom for the fast-paced lives of todays men and women. Join me live every Wednesday at 12 noon EST. Exciting guests and authentic conversations!


  • Three Road Trip Stories

    30/07/2017 Duração: 38min

    Three summer road trip stories told by 3 generations. Short, entertaining and lots of fun to listen to. I give some background about the storyteller and why these stories are important to them.  The first one is a baby boomer and her mom on a vacation mission to find their heritage. The second story is a guy and some friends swimming through the dangerous grotto on the Bruce Peninsula. And the third story is a 95 year old woman telling about a train ride back in the olden days. The one thing all us baby boomers have in common is that we are losing more friends and colleagues to heart attack, cancer and alzheimers faster than we can count. How many of your friends and family members died this year? How many of them left an audio legacy for their family and loved ones before they passed? How many of their kids wished they had taken the time to document and record their life stories before their parents and grandparents passed? Your kids and grandkids aren't going to ask you for it while you’re alive. They ar

  • Override Your Fear of Writing

    06/07/2017 Duração: 34min

    Today’s episode is about overriding your fear of writing so you can have the courage and the authenticity to speak your truth through the stories you tell your grandkids. As baby boomers we want our grandkids to think of us as the cool world changers that we know ourselves to be, but the millennials and GenXers say baby boomers ruined the world for them. They need to know our side of the story.  And they need to hear it in a way that opens their hearts and their minds in order to bridge the generation gap. We can do it.  We’ve gained wisdom and knowledge by meeting life’s challenges. The only thing that appears to be standing in the way is fear. When fear is present, we can achieve nothing. Learn how to override your fear of telling your story. Let me help you get over your fear of writing so you can tell your story without inhibitions. Sign up for my FREE online course 4 Steps to Override Your fear of Writing. Visit my website: Send me an email at and let me know h

  • Don't Stop Believing

    11/06/2017 Duração: 22min

    You still have time to make your mark on the world. No matter what your background is, or what you have lived, you can still make a difference. And it starts by telling your stories. If you have ever felt like there is more to life than what you are living, that something is missing and that if you don’t find it soon you may never find it, then you know how devastating that can be. When you look at your own life does it seem just ‘ordinary’? This episode will help you fill that void. Nancy Murdoch is the author of 5 books, story writing coach & consultant, radio show host, podcaster, artist, one-time firewalker, and a new grandma!  For over 30 years she has facilitated hands-on creative arts and awareness workshops to help people live their passions and purpose. Nancy lives near Lake Huron in Kincardine, Ontario, helping individuals tell and record their stories in-person and via Skype.Visit www.nancymurdoch.comto learn more. Get started writing your own life stories. CLICK HERE TO GET FREE ENROLLMENT i

  • Living a Life That Matters

    04/06/2017 Duração: 15min

    How you tell your story DOES make a difference. It makes all the difference in the world. Storytelling is an art. The younger generation these days have short attention spans and lose interest quickly so in order to engage and hold your grandchildren's attention you need to learn the art of storytelling. Through storytelling you have the opportunity to find purpose, see your life as valuable and make a greater, lasting connection with your grandchildren and loved ones. You also have the opportunity to educated and teach your grandkids life skills in a fun and unobtrusive manner when you learn how to tell your story properly. I help YOU tell your life stories in a way no one else doesSign up for my online course today by clicking the link The Complete Guide to Creating Audio Memoirs for Your Grandkids & Loved Ones. Test out the free trial, or enroll for free in my Write Your Life Stories Quick Start Kit to help get your story started. Nancy Murdoch is the author of 5 books, story writing coach & con

  • I Don't Want To Know That

    29/05/2017 Duração: 28min

    Today’s episode is about having the courage to look at those things in our lives that we don’t want to know about, and why it’s imperative that we get out the microscope and examine them very, very closely.Telling your story is a great way to do the kind of self-inquiry that will give you answers you need to make a difference in the areas of your life that are falling short of your desires.We continue with the Hector & Dianna story - a prison inmate and his spiritual mentor penpal. Valuable life lessons for everyone. I help YOU tell your life stories in a way no one else does because I know how to pull out the key elements that will make your story not only great, but exciting, inspirational and entertaining so your grandkids will beg you to tell more. Sign up for my online course today by clicking the link The Complete Guide to Creating Audio Memoirs for Your Grandkids & Loved Ones. Test out the free trial, or enroll for free in my Write Your Life Stories Quick Start Kit to help get your story start

  • Secret Agent Andy and the Liftable Curse

    21/05/2017 Duração: 25min

    A true story about a woman who waited, wondered, hoped and prayed that her heavenly, hunky, perfect soul mate would mysteriously apparate into her life and fill her hungry void with love, excitement, opportunities and possibilities, then carry her off to an every-after real life land of bliss. But instead, she kept attracting different men wearing the same issues, who used her, abused her and left her feeling dejected and in despair of ever fulfilling her deepest heart-felt desires. Listen to how she gets herself out of this platonic vacation mess. Nancy Murdoch is the author of 5 books, story writing coach & consultant, radio show host, podcaster, artist, one-time firewalker, and a new grandma!  For over 30 years she has facilitated hands-on creative arts and awareness workshops to help people live their passions and purpose. Nancy lives near Lake Huron in Kincardine, Ontario, helping individuals tell and record their stories in-person and via Skype. Visit to learn more about her on

  • Mother's Day Stories

    14/05/2017 Duração: 27min

    We all want our lives to have a purpose. We want to feel valuable, like we matter. And we want to belong by being part of something. Otherwise we feel like butterflies banging up against a glass door. As baby boomers we have lived through massive world changes … probably more than any other generation throughout history. We learned a LOT. We overcame challenges and grew as individuals in so many ways. But what good is it if we can’t share our gifts of wisdom and knowledge with others? This episode is a tribute to moms everywhere, and includes some fun little audio stories by moms. Check out my free online course Write Your Life Story Quick Start Kit. It's absolutely free and will help you get started writing your life stories. I also created an online course for when you are serious about taking it to the next level and making your life experiences and fond memories into audio legacies for your grandkids. You can find info and registration details on my website:

  • The Madman of Tibet: A Reincarnation Story

    11/05/2016 Duração: 31min

    Milarepa was born in 1052 in Tibet. His father was a wool trader who had become quite wealthy by the time his son was born. The family lived in a huge mansion and were very generous to their friends, family and the whole community. They were liked and admired by all. Suddenly the father became ill and died, leaving everything to his brother until his son was of legal age and married.  Suddenly it turned into a real-life Cinderella story. But it’s much more than that. Milerapa learned Black Magic from a forest monk,and cast a curse on the people who treated him poorly.  Listen to the show to see how it ends. Nancy Murdoch is an artist, author of 3 books and a licensed HeartMath coach. IF YOU NEED HELP I DO PRIVATE EMAIL CONSULTATIONS TO HELP WOMEN WHO FEEL ISOLATED AND ALONE START OVER AND REBUILD THEIR LIVES AFTER DEVASTATING BREAK-UPS. If you like jewelry, visit our Etsy Shoppe called Crooked Castle Jewels created by Hayley Murdoch-Fyke and Nancy.

  • A 'Bad' Guy with a Good Heart -- and how to send positive vibes to someone

    04/05/2016 Duração: 31min

    Sometimes we look at criminals and only see the ‘bad’ part … the part that gets us angry and causes us to point fingers and justify our attitudes and actions because we are on different sides of the prison walls. Jesus told parables to get people to look inside their own hearts before blaming, shaming or complaining about someone else’s wrong doings. We’re all human. We all make mistakes but we also all have the ability to bring the good out in others and help them to see the Divinity that lies within themselves. Today I’m continuing  my Hector & Dianna series. I’m also going to give you a simple technique you can use to change the negative energy in your living or working environment, and in your friends and family. I call it  the Gift of Positive Energy Technique and you can use it at a distance or with someone who is in your immediate vicinity. The herb of the week is SAGE. I’ve got lots of great info on the healing properties of sage. And as a special bonus, I’m  going to give you clear, step-by-ste

  • How to Increase Self-Esteem for Better Decisions in Health & Relationships

    27/04/2016 Duração: 31min

    Today we’re going to connect the dots between self-esteem and how that plays out in the choices you make. Higher self-esteem leads to better decision making and more power in attracting the right partner for you. Low self-esteem leads to dysfunctional relationships that often end in heart-break.  We are going to give you some ideas for how to improve this area of your life in order to make decisions that support the happy, healthy person you truly want to be. Alison Kero will be joining me in the second half of the show to talk about how to use your organizing skills for better decision-making. Alison is a decluttering and organizational expert who has some really good tips to help you organize your life. You can reach Alison at and visit her website and blog for more tips at Be sure to send me your comments and any questions you have. Send to and please visit my website at for blog articles, tips and personal and private email cons

  • Stories For My Daughters: How I Met Your Dad

    20/04/2016 Duração: 31min

    My girls like stories so this one is for them. This one is about how I met their dad. You might find it interesting also. Our personal stories are what great books and movies are made from, and span the test of time for others to enjoy. Want personal help? I've been there and I know the way out. Let me help you become the woman you want to be. Personal email consultation service available. Contact Nancy  Visit my website for blog posts, more audio and other cool stuff!

  • How to STOP COMPLAINING! And Why Your Life Depends On It

    13/04/2016 Duração: 31min

    Today’s show is about turning around those things in your life that suck. You know the ones. The things that keep coming up over and over again. The friend who is always late or the family members who never appreciate the things you do for them. Those little irritants you are always complaining about. I have some simple strategies you can employ to make your life happier. We are going to explore how complaining sabotages your best efforts and what you can do about it. Also, I’ve added a new segment called Helpful Home Remedies. Today I talk about the benefits of apple cider vinegar, what to look for when buying it and the best method for drinking it.   Want personal help? I've been there and I know the way out. Let me help you become the woman you want to be. Personal email consultation service available. Contact Nancy  Visit my website for blog posts, more audio and other cool stuff!

  • Why Entrepreneurs Don't Eat BonBons ... And Other Cool Stories

    06/04/2016 Duração: 28min

    What is it like to be an independent woman after separation and begin your own business? Do you take life by the reins, spurred on by the mission in your heart and the unshakeable faith that you can and will make a difference in the world? Sometimes everyday life gets in the way of our best intentions and our friends and family judge us harshly because what we do is a total mystery to them. In this episode I describe a week in the life of a self-made woman entrepreneur, how art plays a part in living our purpose and why art is a highly sought after commodity that people throughout history have risk their lives to steal. A fun and entertaining show for everyone. Also included are big names in the media who have a daily meditation practice. Want personal help? I've been there and I know the way out. Let me help you become the woman you want to be. Personal email consultation service available. Contact Nancy  Visit my website for blog posts, more audio and other cool stuff!  nancyatnoon.c

  • How To Protect Yourself From Con Men on Dating Sites

    30/03/2016 Duração: 30min

    How to avoid con men on dating sites. What to look for, warning signs that you’ve been targeted, and how to protect yourself to stop it from ever happening. Also, what to do when guys send unsolicited X-Rated photos of their private parts. Don’t become a victim of dating site scam. They are out there and they are looking for you.  Many women of all ages who use dating sites to find an honest connection with a kind and caring man, are being targeted by con men. Con men intentionally go after educated, women, single and divorced, who are doctors, lawyers, university professors and other professional because they have large sums of disposable income. The modern con men peruse social sites for their victims and set up very legitimate looking profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook and other sites. They take their time to slowly develop their con with women, sending her hundreds of emails, text messages and phone calls over months of ‘getting to know her’. You need to learn how to protect yourself from con men who may ha

  • How to Increase Your Energy & Decrease Fatigue Using Color

    23/03/2016 Duração: 31min

    Toni is a healthy woman in her 40’s who is constantly exhausted.  She wants to know how to have more energy so she can do the fun things in life that she doesn’t do anymore because of always being tired. Exhaustion is rapidly becoming a growing complaint among women of all ages. Today’s women work longer hours for less pay and still do most of the housework. Understanding how to use color can dramatically increase your energy levels giving you more time for fun.   In this episode I explain the body’s energy system, called chakras, and how you can use colors to bring your energy system back into balance. When your system is back in balance, you have more energy, higher self-esteem and a positive attitude, and overall better health and emotional/mental outlook on life. I provide several simple and affordable tips on how to use color in your life to raise your self-confidence, alleviate depression and increase your energy levels. Nancy Murdoch is an artist, author of 3 books and a licensed HeartMath coach. I

  • How Organizing Your Closet Can Bring Balance to Your Whole Life

    16/03/2016 Duração: 30min

    My guest, Alison Kero is a clutter clearing expert and a professional organizer and she says you can bring your whole life into balance just by organizing your closet. Alison is going to share with us her no-fail system that she applies to organize every area of her life. And she’s got some great tips for us to maintain the organization we’ve already got going on in our home and our life.  Also, it helps to know where your life is out of balance. So I’m going to talk about personal balance meter everyone can implement in their lives. You can reach Alison at and visit her website and blog for more tips at I want to hear from you. Please send me your comments and any questions you have. Send to nancy@nancyat and please visit my website at for blog articles, tips and personal and private email consultation services. If you feel stuck in the areas of love, life or relationships, let's start a conversation to get you unstuck. Nancy Murdoch is an art

  • How to Get Over Your EX Without Keying His Car

    09/03/2016 Duração: 30min

    Devastated Dee wants to know how to get over the pain and suffering she is going through due to the ending of her relationship. He doesn’t love her but she still loves him and it hurts so much to know he has found another girlfriend and has moved on. She wants to key his car and smash his windows. But mostly she wants to know how to detach from her ex and move on with her own life. A significant number of people are being seriously affected by break-ups. If not healed properly, they can cause major damage to your health and happiness, affect your work and your motivation to get out of bed in the morning. Also in this episode, I'm going to read the next letters in the Hector and Dianna series. Hector wants to know how he can detach from his ex and move on and get ready to start a new life when he makes parole in a few years. Be sure to send me your comments and any questions you have. Maybe I will answer them on air. Send to nancy@nancyat and please visit my website at for blog arti

  • Accpeting the Unacceptable after a Devastating Break-up

    02/03/2016 Duração: 31min

    If you have ever been in love and had your heart broken, you know how devastating it can be.  Sometimes it hits people so traumatically it ruins their lives because they don’t know how to pick up the pieces and start over. Today I’m going to talk about how you can start to rebuild your life after a devastating break-up. What are the first steps? How do you accept the painfully cruel reality and move beyond the pain so you can be happy again? I also read the next letter in the Hector & Dianna series betweeen a Texas state inmate and a spiritual mentor. It's a continuation of the steps Hector can take to accept the fact that the mother of his children has had 2 more kids with 2 different guys since he's been in prison. Be sure to send me your comments and any questions you have. On the front page of my website I added an interactive box so you can post your questions directly to me. I will answer as many of them on air as I can. Or send directly to Please visit my website at nancyat

  • How To Get Off the Emotional Rollercoaster

    24/02/2016 Duração: 31min

    Kelly from Toronto wants to know what’s up with her guidance system. Is it steering her towards a monogamous relationship with her boyfriend or telling her she is closed-minded and not expansive for not wanting to engage with multiple partners, even though her boyfriend really wants it.    Do you know how your emotions work? I'm going to tell you what you need to know to get off the emotional rollercoaster and find the sweet spot in the center. I'm also going to read the next letters in the Hector and Dianna series. Hector feels broken wants to know how to accept the fact that the mother of his children has had 2 more kids with 2 different guys since he's been in prison. Be sure to send me your comments and any questions you have. Maybe I will answer them on air. Send to nancy@nancyat and please visit my website at for blog articles, tips and personal and private email consultation services. If you feel stuck in the areas of love, health or relationships, let's start a conversation

  • Warning Signs of Toxic Relationships

    17/02/2016 Duração: 31min

    Do you know ALL the signs of a toxic relationship? If not, you could be in one right now, just like Milly and her sister. Find out the questions you need to ask yourself about the relationships you are in before it drains your energy and robs your soul. Perturbed Papa wants to know why his son-in-law is making up lies about him. Is he trying to put a wedge between him and his daughter? How do you deal with people who tell lies about you? And, Hans wants to know if it's normal to have the desire to make love to a beautiful stranger. Be sure to send me your comments and any questions you have. I would LOVE to answer them on air. Send to nancy@nancyat and please visit my website at for blog articles, tips and personal and private email consultation services. If you feel stuck in the areas of love, health or relationships, let's start a conversation to get you unstuck. Nancy Murdoch is an artist, author of 3 books and a licensed HeartMath coach. CHECK OUT OUR HANDMADE JEWELRY, visit

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