Nancy At Noon

I Don't Want To Know That



Today’s episode is about having the courage to look at those things in our lives that we don’t want to know about, and why it’s imperative that we get out the microscope and examine them very, very closely.Telling your story is a great way to do the kind of self-inquiry that will give you answers you need to make a difference in the areas of your life that are falling short of your desires.We continue with the Hector & Dianna story - a prison inmate and his spiritual mentor penpal. Valuable life lessons for everyone. I help YOU tell your life stories in a way no one else does because I know how to pull out the key elements that will make your story not only great, but exciting, inspirational and entertaining so your grandkids will beg you to tell more. Sign up for my online course today by clicking the link The Complete Guide to Creating Audio Memoirs for Your Grandkids & Loved Ones. Test out the free trial, or enroll for free in my Write Your Life Stories Quick Start Kit to help get your story start