Ramsey Creek Baptist Church
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 187:38:49
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Ramsey Creek Baptist Church
Nehemiah 6:15 - 7:4 [Know Who You Are] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
26/03/2023 Duração: 38minThe completion of the Jerusalem walls made something very clear to the Jews and everyone else - God was with His people. God never abandons those who trust in Him. Despite the pressure from outside and deception from inside, the people of God would need to know who they were - they belonged to God. And because of this, they were called to be different, set apart. Nehemiah tightens security in Jerusalem because they were about to do something that hadn't been done in 100 years - have a worship service. The walls weren't rebuilt so they could just sit around looking at pretty walls. The walls were rebuilt so they could worship God properly and freely.
Nehemiah 6:1-14 [Perseverance is Needed] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
19/03/2023 Duração: 43minThe enemies of God saw the window of opportunity closing to stop the work and keep Jerusalem as a weak and unprotected city. Perseverance would be needed, just like it's needed in the Christian life today. Depsite Nehemiah's work under the king of Persia, he viewed the work in Jerusalem to be a greater work because the name of the Lord was at stake. Their enemies tried to trick Nehemiah, confuse the people, and gain atvantage over them, but Nehemiah knew it was a trap - how? Because he knew Scripture. He knew only priests should go into the temple, and he knew any fear displayed in his own life would have monumenal consequences for the people. So, by God's grace, he persevered.
Nehemiah 5:10-19 [Generosity and Fear] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
12/03/2023 Duração: 36minChapter 5 illustrates how our actions reveal our hearts. Repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of action. The pattern of repentance: - Understand that what you’ve been doing is wrong. (change your mind) - Take the necessary steps to make it right. (change your actions) ** (see also David/Nathan and Zaccheaus/Jesus) When a person is justified by the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ, things change. The people of God were now "walking in the fear of [their] God". Why did Nehemiah sacrifice for his people? Because of his fear of God [v.15] and because of his love for the people [v.18]. Love for God and love for His people should be our motivation for being generous, too. As they serve Him and those around them, God remembers the work of His people (Heb. 6:10).
Nehemiah 5:1-9 [Fairness and Fear] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
05/03/2023 Duração: 36minThe book of Nehemiah is not primarily a book about money, but it shows how money problems can impact us. The enemy would like to convince us that they aren’t connected, we can’t separate how we use our money and how we walk with the Lord. [v.9], “The thing that you are doing is not good. Ought you not to walk in the fear of our God?" We quickly and easily become ruled by the ungodly thing we think we can control. Leviticus 25:43, “You shall not rule over him ruthlessly but shall fear your God.” Every sin has consequences, and one of them always involves the glory of God. Instead, walk in the fear of the Lord, in reverence to His holiness, and abandon your sin. As you walk in the fear of the Lord, Psalm 15 says that you will “never be moved”.
Nehemiah 4:15-23 [Inspiration for Preparation] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
26/02/2023 Duração: 35min[v.14] – “Do not be afraid…remember the Lord…fight!” Remembering the great and awesome God was the inspiration for their preparation to fight and to work. In your work for the Lord, His Word is a most valuable and necessary asset. And in your battle against sin and the enemy, the Word of God is irreplaceable. Yes, get ready for battle – prepare, train, and work together – but never forget who we fight for and, more importantly, who fights for us. [v.21-23] – The people of God labored at the work and they never let their guard down. Always be ready, and in your preparations remember: o You are not alone. o You do not fight for yourself alone. o You do not fight by your strength alone. The battle we’re in is fought with truth – the Word of God (the sword of the Spirit).
Nehemiah 4:7-14 [Remember the Lord] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
19/02/2023 Duração: 36minThe ways of this world are not the ways of God. We cannot hope to see change come by dealing with the problems of the world with the wisdom of the world. When the people of God aren’t united in their mindset but are confused & fearful, they won’t move forward in doing God’s work. So they prayed and acted. And Nehemiah encouraged his countrymen. Sometimes the difference between success and failure is well-timed encouragement. What was to be the source of their strength and bravery? Their physical strength, the size of their group, their cunning military prowess? No, they didn’t have to be afraid because the Lord is great and awesome. Remember Him!
Nehemiah 4:1-6 [Opposition and Me] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
12/02/2023 Duração: 40minThe book of Nehemiah is ultimately about God restoring His people and preparing them for the fulfillment of His covenant through His Son, Jesus (DA Carson). They were facing opposition, and what they were doing probably looked ridiculous to those on the outside looking in. 1 Corinthians 1 tells us it's the same for Christians today, and yet it doesn't stop them from doing what God calls them to. The additional truth was that what their enemies were saying was partially correct. The Jews were weak in comparison to those around them, and they didn't have unlimited time or resources. But this neglects an even greater truth – God is always with His people and for His people. Nehemiah asked God to do something about their enemies, but God does something in His people instead. Sometimes we can be so busy waiting for God to change someone else that we resist and miss what He’s doing in our own life. In Christ your sins aren’t just covered, Psalm 103:10-12 says they are completely removed
Nehemiah 3 [Unified Effort] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
05/02/2023 Duração: 44minGodly leaders are a gift to His people, but even if a someone leads poorly, you can still do what’s right and accomplish great things by submitting to the Lord yourself. The repair work on the wall shows that serving the Lord can be a whole family event. Malchijah shows that you shouldn’t let a past failure stop you from serving the Lord today. There is a definite family aspect to this chapter - the people were connected. It was a good thing for God’s people to work together, & it surely must have pleased Him. It was also a beautiful example of the body of Christ at work.
Nehemiah 2:9-20 [Assessment and Antagonism] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
29/01/2023 Duração: 42minNehemiah's example shows that praying is key and planning is prudent. He also knew that he would need the people of God to accomplish the will of God. He wasn't riding in to be the savior, but to work alongside them. The rebuilding work would invovle physical labor, and as the people were rebuilding the walls, they'd also be tearing down shame and fear. Even now in our own lives, God’s rebuilding work often involves physical action, but it always involves spiritual action. The success of their work would not be because of king Artaxerxes’ permission and authority to rebuild, but because of God’s authority. Challenge: Positive progression forward is always accompanied by hard work. Encouragement: You’re not alone in the work.
Nehemiah 2:1-8 [Standing Before the King] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
22/01/2023 Duração: 37minNehemiah is presented with an opportunity to explain his sadness to the king, and in the middle of the conversation he pauses to pray. Even when we don't have the words to pray, and even when we don't have the words to speak, when we pray, God is with us (see Rom. 8:26-27 & Luke 12:11-12). Nehemiah likely spent months in intentional prayer and fasting, but also in planning [v.7-8]. He understood that God could accomplish His plan even through a pagan king like Artaxerxes. God can provide for our needs in totally unexpected or unlikely ways. Nehemiah was physically standing before the king of Persia, but he was actually standing before the King of everything. Application: - God really does answer prayer. - God really is good. - God can be your God because of Jesus.
Nehemiah 1:1-11 [Prayer in Action] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
15/01/2023 Duração: 45minNehemiah’s first response to bad news is prayer, and his theology comes out when he prays (as it does for all of us). Verse 5. shows that Nehemiah understood who God is, and verse 6-7 show that he also understood who mankind is. - People sin, but God redeems. - People’s hearts are corrupt, but God loves. - People are unfaithful, but God keeps His promises. Nehemiah was so moved by the situation of his brothers and sisters that he prayed intently and fasted purposefully. We need to be prepared for sympathy, love, and prayer to move us to action.
Nehemiah - Introduction & Overview (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
08/01/2023 Duração: 31minWhen Nehemiah finds out there’s a problem he doesn't wring his hands in worry or complain loudly, he immediately begins fasting and praying. Nehemiah will show us that: 1. We as Christians need to learn to pray more fervently. 2. We as Christians need to learn to work more intentionally. 3. We as Christians need to learn to be more patient and hope more expectantly. Revival and renewal swept through the hearts of the people, but not as a result of a new program or a miraculous event: - 8:5-12 says that the people heard and understood the Word of God. - 9:1-37 says that the people repented of their sin. - 9:38-10:39 says that the people covenanted together to live differently. Revival and renewal came as a result of understanding the Word of God, repenting of sin, and covenanting together to live differently.
The Year of More [Hebrews 10:19-25] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
01/01/2023 Duração: 38minWhat do I want more of in 2023? 1. Nearness to God - draw near" [v.22] - When you draw near to God, you always draw nearer to God’s people. 2. Perseverance - "hold fast" [v.23] - We’re to hold fast to our confession because its content is true, verified by the blood of Christ and poured out to us in the gift of the Holy Spirit. 3. Stirring one another up - "to love and good works" [v.24] - What Christ has done should change things INSIDE of us in profound ways. But it also changes things OUTSIDE of us. By avoiding the gathering of believers, your faith becomes malnourished and your assurance withers away because you're neglecting the things that really matter. The goal is not to be legalistic in church attendance, but to be consistent in our priorities. What really matters? Sports, recreation, pleasure, leisure, or eternal things? We gather together, we reprioritize, we exhort, and we encourage each other because the Day of Christ is drawing near [v.25].
Sent From God [Galatians 4:4-5] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
18/12/2022 Duração: 26min“But when the fullness of time had come…” Christ was born at just the right time, according to the sovereign timing of God. Romans 5:6 says, “For while we were still weak, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly.” Christ was born in the fullness of time and Christ will return in the fullness of time. And at the Incarnation, God’s message of love was perfectly proclaimed. Jesus came that we might receive adoption as sons and daughters. You don’t earn adoption – you receive it.
Christmas is Hope [Isaiah 59] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio
11/12/2022 Duração: 38minIn the darkness of Israel’s experience, Isaiah showcases the brilliance of hope. It helps illustrate the truth that hard and dark times reveal that our hope is often misplaced. If God still hears and still saves, why did Israel (and us) feel like He is so far away? Sin. God isn’t distant, but our sin makes it seem that way. We can't find hope by getting a new job or finding a new relationship or relocating - something needs to be fixed inside of us, not outside of us. When, by God’s grace, I see that I don’t have the power or ability to fix my situation, hopelessness actually becomes the pathway to real hope. When we abandon hope in all horizontal things, then true hope is born. In fact, the Christmas story is about hope coming to those who desperately need it. God saw that there wasn't anyone who could do what needed to be done, so He took action - He sent a Redeemer who would come to all those who turn from transgression (repent). This is how sinners are reconciled (redeemed
Malachi 4:1-6 [Message of Mercy] (12-4-22) - Audio
04/12/2022 Duração: 41minSome of Malachi’s very last words anticipated the return of the Lord Jesus in judgment. For every person, the Lord is either a refining fire or a consuming fire. “Pride is the root sin, but their evil deeds are the rotten fruit.” But to those who fear His name and gather to speak to one another about Him, the Lord’s judgment doesn’t fall as a consuming fire; it comes like the sun rises after the dark night. [v.4] is a call to look back and remember God’s revealed Word to His people. [v.5] is a call to look forward to God’s final victory. Every messenger of the Gospel (prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus, etc.) proclaims the same message of good news: Repent and believe the Gospel. Prepare for the great and awesome day of the Lord! Jesus is the “Sun of righteousness”. He is the “light of the world”. The question is: Has that light shone in your heart today?
Malachi 3:13-18 [Distinctions] (11-27-22) - Audio
27/11/2022 Duração: 41minSome today are working hard to eliminate distinctions, but God through Malachi makes clear ones in v.13-18. Christians and churches are uniquely positioned by God in the culture to bridge the gap between truth and love. “Walking in mourning” means to live life in a posture of humility. It's indicative of a heart that's returned to the Lord and been changed by Him. The church meditates on the name of the Lord, His person and His character, and they get together to talk about Him! If we’re not exalting the greatness of God and speaking to one another about it, we’re not being the Church. Christian: you are God’s own treasured possession. Those who fear God need not fear His judgment because Christ has faced it for them. "As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him.” Psalm 130:13
Malachi 3:6-12 [Return to Me] (11-20-22) - Audio
20/11/2022 Duração: 46minGod does not change (immutability). Knowing and following the Lord isn't only about outward actions, but our outward actions eventually reveal the true condition of our heart. God through Malachi reveals that the problem was with their hearts. This was the nevidenced by their carelessness in proper giving. God wants your heart, and how you spend your money shows if He has it or not. God blesses His people so that they will be a blessing. 1838 Princeton Seminary graduate Thomas Moore says, "We must come back to God if we would have God come back to us, for it is we who have changed, and not God; He is the same." Return to Me.
Malachi 3:2-5 [Who Can Stand?] (11-13-22) - Audio
13/11/2022 Duração: 32minJesus' first coming wasn’t to refine and judge, it was to redeem and give His life as a ransom for many (Mk. 10:45). Who can endure? Who can stand? The reality is, standing before the searching scrutiny of the righteous Judge, no one will be able to maintain a successful defense of their actions. We demand that justice be served, until we’re the ones who are accused. According to the metaphors of a refiner and a fuller, the goal wasn’t to destroy, but to purify. The fuller would clean and whiten clothing with soap and stomping out the dirt. The refiner would heat up the metal to remove the impurities. God Himself sits over the fire, laboring and waiting, scraping the impurities away over and over, till His own face shines back at Him - our sanctification.
Malachi 2:17-3:1 [Messengers and Lords] (11-6-22) - Audio
06/11/2022 Duração: 43minThe Israelites continue to resist the Lord's correction, even attacking the justice and holiness of God. But their desire wasn’t for truth, only to be justified in their wrong actions & attitudes. Malachi mentions two messengers: John the Baptist and the Messiah. Malachi mentions two Lords: Yahweh God (LORD) and the Messiah (Lord). “Behold, He is coming, says the LORD of hosts.” We hear an additional word today: “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners...” (1 Timothy 1:15).
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