Our purpose as a church is, simply, to "Walk intimately with God and to Invite others to journey with us".
29/12/2024As Pastor Dustin prepares for Sabbatical we are invited to join him in reflecting on the places God is leading us in the coming year!
People Who Wait
24/11/2024As disciples one of the hardest lessons for us to learn is to wait on God. God's plans are not our plans, and his ways are higher than our ways, and we must learn to trust and to wait as he leads us.
People Who Become Lost
17/11/2024The story of Israel is a story of struggle and failure, even as God did amazing things all around and through them. As we walk with God we will struggle and fail, but God is gracious and wants so much more for us!
People of Mission and Purpose
10/11/2024A disciple is called by God into his mission and purpose in the world, working to bring his hope and love to others!
People Who Speak The Truth
03/11/2024God has called his people to speak, but it is not our words that turn hearts, but the power of the cross that we point to!
People That Know The Protection Of God
27/10/2024God is our shield and our protector, he cares for us and watches over us, and will deliver us! But as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego declared, sometimes that deliverance doesn't look the way we what do we do when God's protection doesn't feel very protective?
People Who See That God Is Everywhere
20/10/2024In ancient days people saw their gods as local and limited, but the God of Israel revealed to them that he was always with them, wherever they were, and whatever they were going through. A disciple is one who knows that God is always with us!
People Who Are Not The Point
13/10/2024Walking with God fills our lives with all kinds of wonderful blessings and gifts, and he calls us to be a part of the work he is doing in amazing and important ways. But a disciple understands that while God calls us and cares for us, we are not the point, he is!
People of Abundance and Worship
06/10/2024A disciple knows who it is that we are worshipping, and responds to the lavish promises and provision of God with lavish generosity and freedom!
People Who Know The Heart Of God
29/09/2024God's mind and ways are far beyond what we can know or understand, but at the same time he is not unknowable. As disciples he means for us to know him and walk with him, and he has given us his law and his word that we can know his heart and his mind and how he means us to live!
People Who Know The Provision Of God
24/09/2024A disciple is one who knows the provision of God, but the provision of God is not everything we want all the time so that we never have to rely on him again. God provides enough that we can walk with him one day at a time.
People Who Know The Power Of God
15/09/2024Following God can be scary and even dangerous, but a disciple is a person who knows the power of God, and knows that he can protect and provide no matter what he calls us into.
People Of Covenant Promise
08/09/2024This week we step into our new theme for the year, "The Mind of a Disciple". We're going to exlore what discipleship looks like, what it means, and what God means to do in us. Join us as we begin our journey together!
The Sword of the Spirit
25/08/2024The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. The Word embodied in Jesus and given to us in the scriptures. It is truth and life, and speaks hope into the world!
The Shield of Faith
11/08/2024God has given us tools to protect us and prepare us, and the faith that he provides is a shield that keeps the attacks of the enemy at bay!