Deborah Leigh

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Fridays 2pm pacific / 5pm eastern The Psychic Love Doctor is in Tune-in to the hit show, Psychic Love Doctor with host Deborah Leigh and intuitive Co-host Daryl. Since 1996, Deborah has taught a family method of perceptive card reading based on an ordinary deck of cards A method passed down to her exclusively from her family, Deborah has not been able to find anything other historical document about the Personal Prophesy card reading method anywhere else besides her grandmotherrsquos teachings.While others capable of perceiving the future might consider themselves to be ldquogifted,rdquo Deborah prefers to think of herself as possessing an exceptionally well-developed intuitive sense from over 28 years of reading playing cards. As Deborah says, such perception is a ldquoskillrdquo rather than a ldquogiftrdquo mdash one that others are just as capable of developing.This life affirming method has taught Deborah everything she brings you in this new, inspiring, intuitive show. She is able to ldquozero inrdquo on specific issues, problems, relationships, career pursuits, current roadblocks to success and happiness. You wonrsquot ever consider yourself to feel helpless again The Psychic Love Doctorrsquos method and her empowering philosophy provides us with an entirely new way of looking at life and the world. Once yoursquove experienced it, you wonrsquot view any aspect of your life in quite the same way again About Deborah LeighDeborah Leigh has been reading ordinary playing cards and advancing the principles of Personal Prophesy for the past 32 years while conducting readings and intuitive coaching sessions for those across the globe. She learned everything she knows about intuitive perception and how to use it as a viable tool in order to live a happier, more empowered and fulfilled life from her maternal grandmother. She was taught the revolutionary Personal Prophesy philosophy and its highly unique method of perceiving the future from playing cards two years before her grandmother passed away.To this day, Deborah has not been able to find information specifically about this method anywhere aside from what she learned from her own grandmotherrsquos teachings.In late 1997, she was discovered by AOL while giving readings via the sitersquos public chat rooms,subsequently asked to become AOLrsquos own resident ldquoPsychic Love Doctor.rdquo Deborah accepted the offer and holds the distinction of being the first featured chat host to crash a segment of the Digital City mainframe due to the multitude of those who attempted to attend her online reading sessions.She was the first to have a special jumbo sized chat room designed specifically for her and her followers in early 1998.Deborah has been recognized as the original Psychic Love Doctor ever since.


  • Wild n Crazy Friday: Readings and Prizes! Be Sure to Join Us


    Friday's Psychic Love Doctor Show is going to be a *blow out* of an hour! Personal Prophesy card readings will be conducted on the air. (Call in during the show or email me with your questions: before the show.) Prizes will be awarded: Show t-shirts, free email readings, copies of my book "The Message: Your Secrets in the Cards." Plus the BIG prize...ta da!...a package of SIX 30-minute private phone readings that you can request for yourself or give to others as gifts. You don't want to miss this sure to join us!

  • How Passionate Are You: Is it enough for your relationship and your life in general?


    We're talking *passion* for this week's show - the kind of passion that keeps our relationships alive and sets our hair on fire for the future! The kind of passion that literally makes life worth living. Merriam-Webster defines passion as a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something. An object of desire or deep interest. And oh yes...sexual desire! What do you feel most passionate about? Your relationship? Your career? Family, friends, a special hobby or sideline pursuit - you tell me! At the start of the show, I will share what I've learned intuitively about Passion from over 30 years of conducting Personal Prophesy card readings for the public and how instrumental - how crucial - it is in terms of our lives. Readings will be conducted during the show on all topics and situations so please join us!

  • Wondering How Someone From the Past Feels About You? Lets find out with a reading! Also general readings on you name it!


    Have you ever wondered how someone from your past feels about you - especially after some time has passed? Perhaps it's a romantic partner from the past, a good friend you drifted away from or just someone special you left behind. Let's conduct a Personal Prophesy reading and find out! The readings I conduct using ordinary playing cards are incredibly accurate when it comes to the thoughts and feelings of others. Even those we haven't been in touch with for a very long time. You just might find that particular person misses you terribly or has feelings that have evolved to the point of need where he or she wishes to somehow reconnect with you. can gain the insight that someone who hurt you, devastated you or gave you a terribly broken heart now yearns to make amends. To give you a heartfelt apology that has been so long in coming. To let you know the love they feel for you - yes, even after months or years have passed. Call into the show for a reading on this topic or another burning issue on your

  • Hello, FRIDAY - time for readings, insight and advice!


    You think you've met the *right* one for you. Is he or she intuitely destined to be the one who ultimately makes your hopes and dreams come true? Let's find out by conducting a Personal Prophesy reading that "zeros" in on what's truly at the heart of that man or woman you're involved with. Thinking about a new career move or change in jobs? Not sure you want to take such a big step intuitively? Let's instead focus on your career and your professional pursuits. Personal Prophesy readings are not only empowering, but they can help to guide you toward our own true calling in life. Let's take you from just doing a job in terms of yoru life but where you can feel truly fulfilled in a serious career. Call in for a live on the air reading!

  • Let's Find Out - How Does He or She Really Feel About You Intuitively


    You think you've met the *right* one for you. Is he or she intuitely destined to be the one who ultimately makes your hopes and dreams come true? Let's find out by conducting a Personal Prophesy reading that "zeros" in on what's truly at the heart of that man or woman you're involved with. Not sure you want to take such a big step intuitively? Let's instead focus on your career and your professional pursuits. Personal Prophesy readings are not only empowering, but they can help to guide you toward our own true calling in life. Let's take you from just doing a job in terms of yoru life but where you can feel truly fulfilled in a serious career. Call in for a live on the air reading!

  • Changing the Brain with Tom Shenk from the Brain Balance Center and Live Readings for Callers!


    You don't want to miss this show! (If you must miss it, please access it when you can through the archives for the show.) We worked hard to get this guy: Tom Shenk was Teacher of the Year for his entire school district and went on to be named Region II Teacher of the Year. His research led him to initiate and direct two pilot programs that studied the effectiveness of brain-friendly teaching techniques with weak learners. Later, Tom retired from teaching to open the Brain Balance Achievement enter in Virginia Beach. Tune in to learn from Tom how changeable the brain is. Tom continues to share his message of hope that children and adults can dramatically improve their lives by changing their brains through a healthy, active lifestyle! Live on-the-air Personal Prophesy readings will be conducted as usual during the show on any topic or issues. Call in - we want to hear from you!

  • What Does the Future Hold for You?


    Live on-the-air Personal Prophesy card readings and and unique intuitive insight is offered regarding romantic relationships, career pursuits, friendships, family matters - you name it! Call in for your reading or email me - with your reading question and details about your situation. I'll do my best to respond to your question with a personal reading during the show. ALSO: Pamela Hopkins, energy healer and head therapist at the Healing Fountain in Virginia Beach will be joining us also to answer your most burning questions!

  • 33 Years and Counting: How to Stay Married for the Long Term and Living with a Partner's Disability


    What does it take to not only be married but to stay married for three - count 'em, three! - decades in what is essentially an easily disposable, transient society these days? Adding to the daily ups and downs of marriage, what if your partner also suffers from long-term disability? Please tune in to this show to find out! Gigi and Jerry Toman will be our special guests for this show, having last week celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary. Yes, you read that right: 33 years! Jerry, now a business accountant by trade, has dealt most of those years with a work-related injury from years ago that left him permanently disabled and in constant pain. Still, he's upbeat, inspiring, full of wisdom. Gigi's career as a successful project manager for a number of foster homes for those who are physically and mentally handicapped in Minnesota has been challenging, rewarding and so grounding for her in many ways. During this show, Jerry will share with us his own coping mechanisms as they've raised two children to

  • What Do You Want Most For Your Life and How to Make it Happen!


    Personal Prophesy card readings are capable of intuitively "zero-ing" in on what we desire most in terms of our lives and the true potential for us to be able to make these hopes, dreams and wishes become reality as we walk our paths toward the future. What do you hope for and dream of in terms of the framework of your life? Call into the show for a reading to receive guidance intuitively in how to achieve that hope or dream. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by receiving a reading during the show. Those who call in for a reading will receive an e-copy of my book "The Message: Your Secrets in the Cards" where you can learn how to give yourself readings and never have to pay for a reading again!

  • What Does the Future Hold for You?


    Live on-the-air Personal Prophesy card readings and unique intuitive insight is offered into romantic relationships, career pursuits, friendships, you name it! Call in for your reading or email me ( with your reading question and details about your situation. I'll do my best to respond to your question with a reading during the show!

  • Psychic Soup! This, That & Everything In Between Plus Pamela Hopkins and Live Card Readings for Callers!


    Please join us for Psychic Soup - a mixture of This, That and Everything In Between - including celebrity insights and live Personal Prophesy card readings for those who call into the show! We will also visit with Pamela Hopkins from the Healing Fountain in Virginia Beach who will share with us how to cope with unexpected radical change in our lives. Check in with us..we want to hear from you!

  • Let's Talk! Personal Prophesy Card Readings Offered Live on Every Subject and Situation You Find Yourself Coping With


    Call in for a live reading during this show! Between calls, Deborah will discuss her history with Personal Prophesy card reading and the meaningful insights she's gained over the past three decades conducting readings. Dubbed the "Psychic Love Doctor" first on AOL in the mid-90's, her popularity grew where she was featured on and in sydication. When she took a break from her connection to these online websites to write her book, "The Message: Your Secrets in the Cards" (O Books), her clientele continued to grow. Call in during the show for your reading encompassing every aspect of your life from love relationships to family issues and career pursuits. These readings are empowering, enlightening and filled with awareness about the life you are living and where you are headed in the future. Call in during the just might change your life. We want to hear from you!

  • How to Change Your Life...Right Now


    Wouldn't you love to live the kind of life where you can get out of bed in the morning and feel happy to be alive? We'll be sharing all sorts of tips on clearing and shifting your life immediately away from the negative to a much more positive and abundant way of life. It's easier than you may think! The readings I conduct using an ordinary deck of playing cards get right to the heart of our issues, how others feel about us, what we truly *need* to help us achieve genuine love, happiness and success in the future. On the air readings will be conducted for you during the show. Or you can email me your reading requests at: Get inspired! Feel hopeful! You'll be amazed at how empowering these intuitive readings can be. Let's talk!

  • Let's Work on the Problems and Struggles in Your Life!


    Feeling stressed out? Got some heavy issues on your mind? Feeling alone - or maybe a little like the "fool" since April Fools Day? Give us a call during the show for some Personal Prophesy *card reading LOVE*. The readings I conduct using an ordinary deck of playing cards get right to the heart of our issues, how others feel about us, what we truly *need* to help us achieve genuine love, happiness and success in the future.Get inspired! Feel hopeful! You'll be amazed at how empowering these intuitive readings can be. Let's talk!

  • How Social Media Can Ruin Our Relationships


    Personal Prophesy readings strike right to the core of what's really happening in our lives. If we are spending too much time and energy focused on social media, how is this impacting our real life relationships? Let's explore the subject of social media, the connections we make with those via such media and how social media can ruin our "real life" relationships. Live readings during the show will be given to those who call in on any subject or situation. Please join us and call in with your reading questions!

  • Keeping Relationships Sexy: Let's Explore the Sexual Frontier!


    Just about everybody tends to be a little curious and interested in how to keep relationships sexually passionate while also tip-toeing a bit into that vast and mysterious "sexual frontier." Should you try *this* or *that* with your partner? What about fantasies? Role playing? Can you take your relationship out to the fringe sexually and get more adventurous without it doing your relationship more harm than good? Bottom line: How far realistically should you go?Teagan Linley, a female member of our Psychic Love Doctor team at the Healing Fountain in Virginia Beach, will be joining us as a special guest. She holds a Master's Degree in relationship therapy and is our celebrated resident *Sexpert* here in the office. Teagan covers everything in terms of sexuality - heterosexual, bisexual and gay relationships - in a meaningful, positive and supportive fashion. She'll be with us sharing her insights and suggestions on how to keep relationships sexy while guiding us through those areas in terms of "new frontie

  • Trust in Relationships: Building It and Keeping It


    Do you have a personal struggle with trust? Have you thought you were beginning a healthy relationship with a huge amount of trust only to find that it wasn't true at all? Do you worry that you may never be able to feel trust in a relationship again? Let's discuss the issue of Trust during this show as I share with you the many insights I've gained over the 30+ years that I've been conducting Personal Prophesy readings. These insights may surprise you!Pamela Hopkins, lead therapist at the Healing Fountain in Virginia Beach will join us as a special guest.Live on-the-air Personal Prophesy readings will be given during the show so please call in!If you would like a reading during the show but prefer not to be heard during the broadcast, please submit in email to me details about your situation and the question you would like addressed in your reading. You won't be identified during the show.

  • Let's Talk Relationships, Career Pursuits, Friends, Family Issues and More!


    This week's show kick-off topic is: Why do I keep attracting the wrong people? We'll discuss at the start of the show how these "wrong" people come into our lives, how they impact our lives and how we can effectively deal with them.Live on-the-air Personal Prophesy card readings will be conducted during the show on any and all topics and issues you are currently coping with.First three callers will win a FREE Prophesy email card reading (retail value: $40.00) from me, so please call in during the show!

  • Psychic Soup Celebrity Style and Live Audience Readings


    We've had so many requests for another edition of "Psychic Soup" and more celebrity intuitive insights that we are bringing it on for this week's show! For instance: Bill Cosby: What’ s in store for him surrounding the current scandal?Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton from The Voice: Where is this relationship going?Lamar Odom: Life after rehab – what will he be doing next and is there hope for a re-connection with Kloe KardashianKendall Jenner and Harry Stiles: New relationship? Will this last?Miranda Lambert and new boyfriend Anderson East: things heating up? Is there longevity for this coupling?Teresa Giuduce from Real Housewives is out of jail…has she learned her lesson?Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: Are they drifting toward divorce as the tabloids insist?And - again: Live on-the-air readings will be given during the show on all topics/issues. Call in to get yours!

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