Emile In The Morning At Night

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 37:12:27
  • Mais informações



A podcast where I talk to interesting people over a cup of coffee, at night. Conversations about life and video games every week.


  • EITMAN Ep.039: ESGS 2016 with Koji Igarashi

    05/11/2016 Duração: 53min

    This week we get to talk to Mr. Koji Igarashi on Emile in the Morning at Night during his visit to the Philippines during ESGS 2016! ESGS 2016 was a blast and I had a great time hanging out with everyone. Shoutouts to all the peeps from TooMuchGaming, Geekend Gladiators, Nubs in Cubes, Ungeek, and many many more! ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/emiletang/ ----------- Music: Kevin Macleod - AcidJazz Kevin Macleod - I Knew a Guy Tetrimino - Where's the Wall Chicken at?

  • EITMAN Ep.038: Catch Up Festival 2016

    23/10/2016 Duração: 01h21min

    THIS WEEK THE PODCAST RETURNS I hang out with friends and talk about stuff I missed. ALSO, ESGS and other hype things next week. ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/emiletang/ ----------- Music: Kevin Macleod - AcidJazz Toby Fox - Hotel Level 99 and OA - Golden Flowers Creative Commons 3.0

  • EITMAN Ep.037: Way Too Much Gaming

    10/08/2016 Duração: 01h29min

    I sit down with Carlos, Miguel, and Willem from Too Much Gaming and we talk about how they started TMG and why they do the cool stuff they do. We talk about their articles, their youtube channel, their podcast, these guys really do do alot of things all for the love of gaming. I even got to enjoy listening to Willem and Migoy explain themselves because of their Oppai Adventures on their youtube channel. ----------- Too Much Gaming: http://toomuchgaming.net/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TMGblog https://twitter.com/TooMuchGaming Carlos: https://twitter.com/LosTweeting Willem: https://twitter.com/dentoomw ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements:

  • EITMAN Ep.036: What's up with Rob from Ungeek.ph

    02/08/2016 Duração: 01h23min

    Rob is the Managing Editor of the geek culture website Ungeek. They cover video games, movies, board games, tv series, and tons of other cool stuff. We talk about loads of cool things on this episode. Rob tells us what's up with gaming, what he's into, and we even delve into some Overwatch conspiracy theories. Getting to know rob was super fun and he's probably one of the most optimistic guests I've had, as he firmly believes that the golden age of geekery is just on the horizon here in the Philippines. ----------- Ungeek: http://www.ungeek.ph/ https://www.facebook.com/ungeekph/ Rob: https://twitter.com/robyatco ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight

  • EITMAN Ep.035: At Cosmic Gorgons

    15/07/2016 Duração: 01h05min

    We talk to David and Brian at Cosmic Gorgons, a concept gaming lounge and art hub located at the Cubao Expo. They talk about the place, the community, and all the cool stuff we can expect from Cosmic Gorgons. They want to create an awesome community of gamers, game designers, artists, and all around cool people. Can't wait to visit Cosmic Gorgons again! ----------- Cosmic Gorgons: https://www.facebook.com/CosmicGorgons/ https://www.instagram.com/cosmicgorgons/ https://twitter.com/Gorgonauts David: https://twitter.com/yodaveward Brian: https://twitter.com/Hamstah_Fwend ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements:

  • EITMAN Ep.034: Inside Events with Joebert Yu

    17/06/2016 Duração: 01h03min

    This week we get to talking to sir Joebert Yu, Managing Director of Gariath concepts. Joebert has been organizing gaming events since 2004 and gives us an inside look on how these sorts of events get made and get going. He's organized esports competitions for DOTA 2, League of Legends, Starcraft 2, Hearthstone, and many more titles. He's also responsible for bringing us such events as the Pinoy Gaming Festival, and ESGS, the Esports and Gaming Summit. I actually had this conversation with Joebert quite some time ago, but it's still very vivid in my mind. Learned a ton talking with him and I had a blast just hanging out and listening to his stories about organizing the kind of events that we all love to go to. ----------- Check out PGF: https://www.facebook.com/PinoyGamingFestival/ TMG Facebook Page Check out ESGS:

  • EITMAN Ep.033: It's High Noon Somewhere

    20/05/2016 Duração: 01h27min

    This week I hang out with Ares, Louie, Juabe, and Ana. We talk a ton about Overwatch, Pokemon Sun and Moon, Hearthstone, Civil War, Warcraft, and tons more. Super fun time, should do this more often! ----------- Too Much Gaming: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm TMG Facebook Page Dark Souls Lore: VaatiVidya ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/emiletang/ -----------

  • EITMAN Ep.032: Square Memories with Sid Cardenas from Unlibox

    13/05/2016 Duração: 59min

    This week we get to talking to Mr. Sid Cardenas of Unlibox Studios. Mr Sid Cardenas is a Game Designer from Unlibox Limited, a games company based here in the Philippines which has just released it's pioneer game, Heroes Above, a real time action-strategy PvP game on iOS. We bond over Xenogears, talk game design and the challenges designers face when creating a game, rant about Square, and I even learn a little about basketball this episode. ----------- Check out Unlibox: https://www.facebook.com/Unlibox/ https://twitter.com/UnliboxInc/ Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/unlibox/ ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter:

  • EITMAN Ep.031: OverRoyale

    08/04/2016 Duração: 35min

    Just me this week everyone. I mostly do an update and talk about stuff I've been up to and things that are going on. I talk a whole bunch about Maximum Tune, Overwatch, Clash Royale, and even end up talking about the great butt issue of our generation. Interview with Unlibox Studios coming up next week! ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/emiletang/ ----------- Music: Kevin Macleod - AcidJazz Kevin Macleod - Backed Vibes Clean Tetrimino - Simply Be Grooved Creative Commons 3.0

  • EITMAN Ep.030: With Bari Silvestre at the GGJ

    29/03/2016 Duração: 44min

    This week we're joined by Mr. Bari Silvestre, creator of Pretentious Game, Kill the Plumber, and many more awesome games. With the Game Jam literally shutting down around us, people packing up and stuff, we get to talking about the game industry, Bari's thoughts on game design, and even the systems of things like Steam and Mobile App stores. Really had a blast talking to Bari, learned tons about all sorts of cool stuff. Make sure you guys check out his stuff! ----------- Check out Bari's Games!: Kill the Plumber Pretentious Game Twitter: https://twitter.com/keybol ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter:

  • EITMAN Ep.029: Kevin Boase of Buko Studios at the GGJ

    04/03/2016 Duração: 36min

    This week we're joined by Kevin Boase, The Development Director and one of the founders of Buko Studios. With the game jam coming to a close as we have our conversation, we get to talking about gaming, game development, and even his thoughts on art and the mindset when it comes to developing a games studio. Really enjoyed my talk with Kevin, got some pretty great insight into art and starting up a studio. ----------- Check out Buko Studios: http://www.synergy88studios.com/http://www.buko-studios.com/ https://www.facebook.com/BukoStudios/ ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Foll

  • EITMAN Ep.028: Hanging out with Mars Balisacan at the GGJ

    27/02/2016 Duração: 39min

    This week we are joined by Mars Balisacan. Mars is an independent game developer from Synergy88 Studios who's worked on a whole slew of games from Mobile to Triple A development. Had a great time talking games and game dev. We talk DOS games and WoW too. ----------- Check out Synergy88 Studios: http://www.synergy88studios.com/ https://www.facebook.com/synergy88/ ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/emiletang/ ----------- Music: Kevin Macleod - AcidJazz Kev

  • EITMAN Ep.027: Global Game Jam Day 3

    21/02/2016 Duração: 01h06s

    Final coverage from the Global Game Jam 2016. More talks with the participants and all the other cool peeps out there! Thanks again to the IGDA for having us! Shoutouts to everyone who hung out with us including BREGZ, Kat from Mad Sorbetero, the awesome guys from Too Much Gaming, Kyle from e-sports Inquirer, and a ton of other cool people! ----------- Join the discussion at the IGDA Manila!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/igdamanila/ ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/emiletang/ ----------- Music: Kev

  • EITMAN Ep.026: GGJ Day 2 featuring Karlo Licudine

    12/02/2016 Duração: 01h13min

    It's Day 2 of the Global Game Jam for this one. We try to talk to some of the particpants but mostly we sit down for a talk with Karlo Licudine, the current chairperson of the IGDA Manila We get to talking to Karlo about the local games industry, the games he's into, and how to get into game design among a ton of other stuff. ----------- Join the discussion at the IGDA Manila!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/igdamanila/ Check out Karlo's work: http://www.accidentalrebel.com/ http://www.mindcakegames.com/ ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twit

  • EITMAN Ep.025: Global Game Jam Day 1

    05/02/2016 Duração: 52min

    This week we cover the Global Game Jam 2016 at ADMU. We get to talking to organizers, participants, guests, and all sortsa fun people! Shoutouts to the awesome people who hung out with us at the media table, including Kat from The Mad Sorbetero, Brian and Juabe from BREGZ, Kyle from Inquirer, and all the guys from Too Much Gaming! ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight< /a> Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/emiletang/ ----------- Music: Kevin Macleod - AcidJazz Kevin Macleod - Backed Vibes Clean Kevin Macleod - I Knew a Guy Creative Commons 3.0

  • EITMAN Ep.022: January 2016 Update

    13/01/2016 Duração: 08min

    Been missing for two weeks, I'm totally still alive though. Chickenpox really sucks. Especially when you're older already. SHINGLES MAN. GOD DAMNED SHINGLES. Tons of cool stuff in store for the podcast, looking forward to talking more about life and video games with tons more interesting people this year. ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight< /a> Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/emiletang/ ----------- Music: Kevin Macleod - AcidJazz Kevin Macleod - Backed Vibes Clean Creative Commons 3.0 Toby Fox - Dating Start! Thank you to Toby Fo

  • EITMAN Ep.021: The New Year Game Giveaway

    26/12/2015 Duração: 06min

    I'm having a Game Giveaway to start the year right! Remember, you'll need a steam account to accept any of these. EDIT ack I screwed up the rules for the facebook giveaway here on the podcast, just refer to the facebook page for the actual rules. Sorry about that! There's a giveaway that's going to happen on the facebook page for two awesome collections on steam, the Star Wars Collection and the Bioshock Collection. I'm also having another giveaway right here on the podcast itself for all you listeners out there! Send in those entries to emileinthemorning@gmail.com Leave us a message answering these simple questions: What's your favorite episode of the podcast so far? What game would you like to win? Why should you win it? Best answers win their respective games! List of games for the podcast giveaway: The Deponia Trilogy Gangbeasts Gone Home and Soundtrack Planetary Annihilation Q.U.B.E.: Director's

  • EITMAN Ep.020: Geeking out with Jolo Livelo

    19/12/2015 Duração: 01h05min

    This week I talk to Mr. Jolo Livelo. Jolo's been a Graphic Designer and Artist for about 6 years, is the resident artist of Punchkick Productions, and he is also the creator of the webcomic: Player 1, Player 2. He loves video games, action figures, and all sorts of cool geek stuff so we get to talking a ton about the stuff we all love. I had a ton of fun talking to Jolo this episode. We also have pizza instead of coffee again. And just like last time I was at the Livelo household, my brain attempts to speak in filipino for a prolonged amount of time. ----------- Look for Jolo Livelo on Facebook! ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Follow us on Instagram:

  • EITMAN Ep.019: The Undertale Spoilercast and Video Game News

    11/12/2015 Duração: 01h19min

    This week it's the Undertale Spoilercast! Having just finished Undertale, I decided to dedicate an entire episode to talking about it with my friends. Probably game of the year for me personally. We also talk about video game news for the first half of this podcast for those that don't want the Undertale spoilers. We cover the Game Awards, the FF7 Remake gameplay footage, and anime hair among other things. ----------- Play Undertale: http://store.steampowered.com/app/391540/ ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: http://www.facebook.com/EmileintheMorningatNight Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/emiletang Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/emiletang/

  • EITMAN Ep.018: Moving Minds with Mind Mover Pecier Decierdo

    04/12/2015 Duração: 01h31min

    This week we have a conversation with Pecier Decierdo, a theoretical physicist and a mind mover at the mind museum BGC. Pecier is also a member of Filipino Freethinkers, HAPI, and the Philippine Astronomical Society. Pecier explains a whole awesome mess of science to me during this episode. We end up talking about Star Wars, Star Trek, World of Warcraft, and even Civ5. We even end up talking about the relationship between art and science by the end of it, super great stuff. I really had a blast talking to Pecier. ----------- Check out Filipino Freethinkers: https://www.facebook.com/freethinkers Check out the Philippine Astronomical Society: https://www.facebook.com/groups/183206715905/ ----------- Like our Facebook Page for announcements: htt

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