
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 121:16:59
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A Podcast to Catapult Careers


  • Grateful to Serve – Independence Day 2024 (E200)


    We started this podcast 8 years ago on May 26, 2016 and as we've reached our 200th episode, we are extremely grateful for the officers with whom we get to work with on a daily basis.  We're grateful to serve JMOs! We started the podcast with the goal of providing another avenue for military officers to hear and learn more about making the move from the military to the business world. For our first 100 episodes, we mostly focused on interviewing our alumni. In doing so, we have built a base of knowledge that many officers have dipped into to gain insight and confidence as they prepare to transition. For our centennial episode, Joel interviewed our founders, Roger Cameron and Rene Brooks. From there, we have broadened the content. Of course, we still do regular interviews with our alumni, but we also bring other content to the platform, from author interviews to roundtable discussions on current topics to "minisodes" like this episode. In this episode, Joel, Brock, and I each express our gratitude for our serv

  • 3 Tips on Long-Term Career Thinking (E199)


    Welcome back! As Transition Coaches, a topic that we often help officers think through as they are making decisions about getting out of the military is short-term thinking versus long-term career thinking. It is completely natural for officers leaving the military to focus and think in the short term. They have a future date in which they are going to exit the military, usually with in the next 12 months or less, and they need a plan. Because of this, there are typically two main issues that tend to drive decision-making in the transition. First, officers now have full autonomy to make a decision about their future and second, officers, at least while in the military, have never had to fully manage their careers or have had full power to make important career decisions. In this episode, our three Transition Coaches, Joel Junker, Pete Van Epps and Brock Dudley meet to has a discussion about a topic that we discuss often with military officers - short vs. long-term career thinking and decision making.   I

  • Post-military career in manufacturing: Find out what it’s like (E198)


    Welcome back! This is the second installment in our Career Field series podcasts. In our first episode (Episode 192), we featured three Cameron-Brooks alumni who explained their careers within the Engineering Management Career field. In this episode, we invited two of our alumni who launched their careers within Manufacturing. After listening to them, you'll have a better understanding where a post-military career in manufacturing can take your career. Michael Warwick is a former Army Infantry/AG officer. He attended the August 2017 Career Conference and started his career at Oldcastle Building Envelope, which creates glass products for commercial and residential buildings. He spent 5 years at that company, becoming the Plant Manager of his facility before being promoted to General Manager, covering Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. In that role, he managed all aspects of the business, from production to sales and business development functions. This allowed him to pull different levers to positively affect th

  • Real JMO Transition Stories: Cameron-Brooks Career Conference (Ep 197)

    21/05/2024 Duração: 01h04min

    Welcome back! This episode continues our Post-Conference Review series. As many of you know, Cameron-Brooks holds five Career Conferences per year. After every Career Conference, we lead a webcast with a few of our most recent alumni to let them share their experience with the Conference and the follow-up interview process. Hear some real JMO transition stories. We continue to conduct these webcasts because officers continue to provide feedback on these episodes and how helpful they are.  Though everyone's experience through the Cameron-Brooks process differs, our alumni continue to provide valuable insight that will demystify the entire process. In this episode, you will meet: Mikayla Blaska is an Army Infantry Captain, Ranger qualified, who graduated from Princeton University with a BA in Psychology in 2019. She accepted a position with Motorola Solutions as a Territory Sales Finance Manager. Kevin Hanigan is an Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle pilot who graduated from Ohio State University with a BS in Elec

  • The Value of the Cameron-Brooks Preparation Program: E196

    07/05/2024 Duração: 18min

    Let's talk about the value of the Cameron-Brooks Preparation Program. The number one feedback comment I hear from Cameron-Brooks Alumni is, “I wish I had started preparing earlier.” Regardless of whether the officer started 12 months or 2 months before interviewing, they all wish they had more time. Another common feedback comment I hear is, “The transition from the military to a business leadership career and civilian life is more of an adjustment than anticipated.” They are changing career fields, industries, and organizations. They have to adapt and adjust to new cultures, processes, and personality styles. Start Preparation Early In this podcast, I make the argument that JMOs need to start gathering information and preparing for the transition as soon as they even consider leaving the military. Just before I wrote this post and recorded the podcast, I spoke to a naval officer who made the decision two years ago to leave the Navy, and he starts terminal leave in a month. I asked him what he had been doing

  • 4 Reasons JMOs Should Read: E195

    22/04/2024 Duração: 16min

    Harry Truman, the 33rd President of the United States, said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” Therefore, JMOs should read. Leaders read because they continuously pursue learning and development. They know they never “arrive” and know everything. Additionally, whether they are politicians, business people, military leaders, teachers, or wherever they lead, they know their environment is dynamic.  They read to stay sharp, adapt to new challenges, explore new ideas, and understand ideas and views that conflict with their own. Often when I speak with Junior Military Officers (JMOs) considering the transition, they tell me they have not read much since they left college. I have to admit that I did not read much during my first two years in the military. Fortunately, a new commander implemented a reading program in my third year, and I also started preparing with Cameron-Brooks for my transition. I developed a habit of reading well before the transition that I continue today. In this

  • Three Tips to Manage Your Career (E194)

    09/04/2024 Duração: 35min

    Welcome back! Today you're going to get three tips to manage your career after you transition to business. I am glad to introduce you to Kingsley Spiller. He's a former Army Infantry officer who moved to corporate America in 2016. He spent his time in the Army as a Platoon Leader, Executive Officer, and Battalion Logistics officer and finished up his career with a deployment to Afghanistan. He launched his business career as a District Manager at Aldi. In this episode, you will get a chance to hear Kingsley's story. Specifically, Kingsley gets into some of the decisions he's made in his career thus far as it relates to career development and where he sees his career going. If you are still in the military and wondering what it's like to navigate your career successfully as you get started, this episode is for you! In this conversation, Kingsley walks through three actions he's taken to ensure success and growth as a leader at Aldi. Start Strong It all starts with getting into the right company. Kingsley inte

  • Military Transition with Cameron-Brooks: We did it! (E193)

    26/03/2024 Duração: 01h07min

    Welcome back! We recently wrapped up our January 2024 Career Conference. The primary takeaway from the Conference is that companies remain motivated to pursue JMOs for their important leadership openings, and the prepared candidate will succeed at the Career Conference. Diving deeper, the key takeaways were: The Economy The economy tends to be a question on JMOs' minds. Specifically, is the economy strong enough to support my transition, and will I find the right job when I exit the military? A fact I love to quote is that Cameron-Brooks has been helping military officers PCS to Corporate America for over half a century, and in all time, we have never canceled a Conference. Not during the "dot-com" recession in the early 2000s, not during the "Sub-prime mortgage recession" in 2008-2009, and not during the "Covid recession" in 2020. Never. Why? Well, just like the military never stops commissioning second lieutenants and ensigns, the business world never stops hiring and promoting leaders. That said, when we a

  • Foot in The Door-THEN Navigate your Career (E192)

    12/03/2024 Duração: 41min

    Welcome back! In this episode, we're going to talk about why it's important to get your foot in the door—THEN navigate your career. You’ll meet three Cameron-Brooks alumni who have successfully made the transition to the business world, all have been promoted and navigated their careers wisely. Two of them happen to be married! We were fortunate enough to have Chazz Hoskins, along with Luke and Marquette Leveque share their experiences with us. This episode was originally intended for them to share their experience in the Engineering Management Career Field. In this episode, Joel and the Panel discuss the misperceptions of Engineering Management, explain what Engineering Management is along with the competencies required to be successful, describe how diversified the work is, and provide the listeners with some sample industries. However, we felt our alumni were great examples of former junior military officers who made decisions early on in their careers that helped them establish a track record of succes

  • Finding Purpose in Your Post Military Career (E191)

    27/02/2024 Duração: 14min

    When I meet with junior military officers JMOs to discuss their career goals, I ask them, “What will make a happy, successful career for you?” I deliberately ask them an open ended question to leave a lot of space on where they can take their answer. I might hear things like, “Using my technical skills,” “Solving problems and making an impact,” or, “Learning, growing and developing.” However, the number one response I have heard over my 25-year career is, “I want to have meaning and purpose.” Finding purpose in your post military career is a common concern. Purpose and Passion Are Different Yes, I agree! Finding meaning and purpose in your post military career are critical to career and life satisfaction. We all want to do work and live a life that matters. We want to know the time and effort we put forth will make a difference in this world. Yet, over the last year or so, there has become a shift in the response. I now occasionally hear, “I want to do something that I am passionate about.” When I ask them

  • My Cameron-Brooks SkillBridge Experience (E190)

    13/02/2024 Duração: 36min

    The DoD launched a pilot program in 2011 called SkillBridge. The intention of the program is to provide service members and spouses with an in-depth and real-world training opportunity as they prepare to move from active duty to post-military employment. Today, the program has grown to almost 3,000 different SkillBridge opportunities. Cameron-Brooks is one of them! So what is the Cameron-Brooks SkillBridge experience like? It's the ideal opportunity for high-achieving JMOs that want to transition to a growth position in business. Cameron-Brooks has been an approved DoD SkillBridge provider since 2022 and many officers have participated in our 12-week, curated training program as they prepare to attend the Cameron-Brooks Career Conference and follow-up interview process. What can come from a Cameron-Brooks SkillBridge opportunity? Lots more opportunity! In this episode, I talk to Wyatt Boyd. Wyatt shares his Cameron-Brooks SkillBridge experience in preparation for the January 2023 Career Conference. At the

  • Need Help With Your Military Transition? Find a Guide! (E189)

    16/01/2024 Duração: 30min

    Welcome back! If you're questioning whether or not you need help with your military transition, this podcast is for you. In this episode, you will meet Colin Floyd. Colin is a former USMC Air Defense officer who attended the August 2023 Cameron-Brooks Career Conference. When I first met Colin, he was attempting to find a job on his own in a medium-sized city in North Carolina. Our first interaction was great - I enjoyed meeting him and learning more about his career goals, but at the time, what he was trying to do and how Cameron-Brooks helps officers were not aligned. We parted ways as friends, and I wished him the best in all of his future endeavors. Fast forward a couple of months, and Colin and I reconnected. He said his situation had changed, and he wanted to explore a partnership with Cameron-Brooks in order to help him reach his career goals. He said he'd had sent his resume to "dozens" in his local area and had not heard back from any. His goal has always been to use his military leadership experien

  • 3 Keys to An Extraordinary Post-Military Career (E188)

    02/01/2024 Duração: 40min

    My experience has taught me that if I want to achieve excellence in something, I should study and learn from the people who have achieved success in that area already. Why should I reinvent the wheel? So, when Cameron-Brooks Alumnus Liam Burns messaged me on LinkedIn that he wanted to be a guest on the podcast and share how he managed his  30+ year career, I jumped at the chance to interview him. Liam is a former Navy Surface Warfare Officer who transitioned to a business career in 1991. He spent the first fifteen years of his career in various sales and marketing leadership positions with Johnson & Johnson. He used that experience to start consulting, executive coaching practices, and C-suite leadership positions with start-up medical companies for the last fifteen years. In the podcast, Liam explains that the key to a successful career is building a strong foundation in the first ten years. With that foundation, one will have many options in the future. These options include living in an ideal location l

  • Will The Economy Support Your Transition? (E187)

    20/12/2023 Duração: 54min

    If you are (or have ever) considered a move from the military to the business world, you have probably wondered if the current economy will support your transition. And the question is not just, "Will I get a job when I get out of the military?" The answer to that question is invariably YES! Finding a job, any job, is not the issue. The real question - the amplified version of the question posed in the title of this podcast is, "Will the current economy allow me to launch my business career by stepping into a leadership role in an industry-leading  company where I can  use my skills to make an impact and grow professionally?" Unlike previous podcast episodes, episode 187 of the PCS to Corporate America podcast was recorded LIVE with 45 guests asking questions and covering the topics surrounding the question "Will the current economy support your transition?" The Economy We conduct 5 Career Conferences each year; of course, 2023 was no different. In the face of higher-than-normal inflation, higher-than-normal

  • Three Keys to Success: Nov 2023 Career Conference (E186)

    05/12/2023 Duração: 59min

    Today we interview three former officers and give you three keys to success! I often get positive feedback on the Post Career Conference reviews webcasts that we do after every Conference. People tell me that it is so helpful to hear the stories of recent Cameron-Brooks alumni as they navigated the Career Conference and Follow-Up Interview Process in order to secure their next career. That is exactly the reason that we introduced these webcasts over three years ago and why we converted the Q&A with the alumni to podcast episodes. It's one thing for me, Pete Van Epps, Cameron-Brooks Career Coach, to explain the process, but it's quite another to hear a few military officers who recently finished the process tell their story. On this episode, I am glad to introduce three of our most recent alumni: Valerie Roberts - Navy Intelligence Lieutenant who accepted a position as an Associate Brand Manager position with Mars, Inc. Beau Hughes - Army Logistics Captain who accepted a position as a Procurement Specialist

  • 3 Reasons for Gratitude in 2023: Ep 185

    20/11/2023 Duração: 20min

    Welcome back. In this "3 reasons for gratitude" episode, Brock and I sat down with some coffee to discuss the benefits of being thankful and having a strong sense of gratitude. As we approach Thanksgiving, we thought it’d be a great idea to share the things that we are most thankful for in our lives that may resonate with you all. We briefly touched on the personal and professional things we are thankful for such as family, friends, mentors, and individuals that have made an impact on our lives. As we enter the holiday season, we are grateful for our nation’s military and first responders. Our goal is this episode was to provide you with material that you can take and apply to your personal and professional lives. How can you use this to be a better spouse, sibling, parent or friend? How can you use this to grow as a leader in the workplace? That said, here are our 3 reasons for gratitude and why you should make it a daily practice. Gratitude increases clarity and improves mental health. Gratitude gives

  • Waiting To Prepare for your Military Transition? Don’t. It Could Cost You (E184)

    10/11/2023 Duração: 33min

    Are you waiting to prepare for your military transition? Junior military officers have a distinct advantage over those who graduate college and straight into the workforce. Simply put – they have leadership experience and leadership potential. There is just no denying that JMOs are given the opportunity to lead as soon as they hit the force. They get to lead teams, manage programs, solve problems, and ultimately make their organization better. You would be hard-pressed to find a company that gives a new college hire the level of leadership and responsibility that a military officer gets from the get-go. And it’s not just that first job in the military. A JMO's leadership experience builds and grows on itself with each successive promotion. It’s that leadership experience and potential that corporate America is looking for. That said, one of the biggest mistakes some military officers make when they exit the military is assuming that their military experience is sufficient preparation to make the move from

  • Why Corporate America Needs JMO Leadership (E183)

    17/10/2023 Duração: 21min

    For three decades, I have led teams, coached leaders, helped thousands of Junior Military Officers (JMOs) transition to business, and worked with hiring managers to hire and develop leadership talent. One common theme is that people want meaning and purpose in their work. They want to create something or serve someone beyond themselves. They want to live undivided lives where their values align with their profession. Organizations Need to Create Meaning and Purpose Now, more than ever in my career, I am convinced we need leaders in corporate America to create and support organizations that provide a place for purpose and meaningful work. I believe the JMO transitioning to a business leadership career can be a part of the solution. When I speak with JMOs about their marketability for business careers, they often explain that they want to leverage their functional experience in logistics, engineering, project management, or acquisitions. Yes, corporate America does want that, but the JMO's greatest strength, w

  • Career Conference BTS (E182)

    03/10/2023 Duração: 56min

    Welcome back! On this episode we bring you a Career Conference BTS as we wrap up our August 2023 Career Conference. We enjoy doing these episodes because it's a bit of a "peek over the fence" as some of our most recent alumni share their experiences through their process and journey. In this episode, we feature: Brad Franke, a former Navy Submarine lieutenant, graduated from the United States with a degree in Economics and Political Science and spent 7 years in the Navy.  Brad accepting an Engineering Management position with Edward Lifesciences. Aaron Markey, a former Army Armor captain, graduated from the United States Military Academy with a degree in Engineering Management and spent 6 years in the Army. Aaron accepted an Engineering Team Leadership position with Modine. Hamilton Jones, a former USMC captain, graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a degree in Comparative Politics and spent 6 years in the USMC. Hamilton accepted a position with Senior Account Management position with Motorol

  • Kicking Off the Football Season (E181)

    19/09/2023 Duração: 24min

    We are in mid-September and kicking off the football season.  With Cameron-Brooks Team Members who attended Texas A&M, Baylor, Notre Dame, West Point, and the Naval Academy, we are huge college football fans. Football is a holiday season here in Texas, you know. So, to celebrate, I hosted a podcast with my good friend, Troy Prehar, who played football at West Point from 1990 to 1993. Troy's second oldest son is a freshman football player at Mary Hardin Baylor, and Troy is also a youth football coach. Additionally, his brother, Mark, played football at West Point. Football runs deep with Troy and his family. Troy partnered with Cameron-Brooks in 1996 and transitioned from the Army to a medical device sales career. Troy has held numerous sales and sales leadership roles over his 27-year career. During this time, Troy has mentored hundreds of junior military officers (JMOs) transitioning from the military into sales careers. During this podcast, Troy tells his transition story. He explains how his dad modeled

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