Chris Burge Ministries' Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 215:02:33
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Helping people reach their divine potential by applying Biblical truths for personal development and the work of the ministry.Like us on Facebook! us on


  • Do You Have Peace? (Part 4)

    12/07/2022 Duração: 12min

    Before you answer this question, you probably should ask me: What type of peace am I referring to? Did you know that there are four different types of peace referenced in the bible? Yet the majority of Christians are only aware of one type, and that is Spiritual Peace—which we more commonly refer to as being born again. There are three other types of peace referenced in the bible: There is Obedience Peace, which deals with the peace that is associated with complying with God’s commandments. Simply put: It is impossible to be a successful sinner in God’s Economy. There is also Personal Peace, often referred to as the “peace of God.” This is the type of peace that helps us in our decision-making process. Lastly, there is Peace with Others: This deals with having harmonious relationships with those in close proximity. God desires that we have the all-encompassing peace that is composed of all four. If you only have the first type of peace, you can be on your way to Heaven with hell kicking your butt every step o

  • Do You Have Peace? (Part 3)

    11/07/2022 Duração: 11min

    Before you answer this question, you probably should ask me: What type of peace am I referring to? Did you know that there are four different types of peace referenced in the bible? Yet the majority of Christians are only aware of one type, and that is Spiritual Peace—which we more commonly refer to as being born again. There are three other types of peace referenced in the bible: There is Obedience Peace, which deals with the peace that is associated with complying with God’s commandments. Simply put: It is impossible to be a successful sinner in God’s Economy. There is also Personal Peace, often referred to as the “peace of God.” This is the type of peace that helps us in our decision-making process. Lastly, there is Peace with Others: This deals with having harmonious relationships with those in close proximity. God desires that we have the all-encompassing peace that is composed of all four. If you only have the first type of peace, you can be on your way to Heaven with hell kicking your butt every step o

  • Do You Have Peace? (Part 2)

    08/07/2022 Duração: 10min

    Before you answer this question, you probably should ask me: What type of peace am I referring to? Did you know that there are four different types of peace referenced in the bible? Yet the majority of Christians are only aware of one type, and that is Spiritual Peace—which we more commonly refer to as being born again. There are three other types of peace referenced in the bible: There is Obedience Peace, which deals with the peace that is associated with complying with God’s commandments. Simply put: It is impossible to be a successful sinner in God’s Economy. There is also Personal Peace, often referred to as the “peace of God.” This is the type of peace that helps us in our decision-making process. Lastly, there is Peace with Others: This deals with having harmonious relationships with those in close proximity. God desires that we have the all-encompassing peace that is composed of all four. If you only have the first type of peace, you can be on your way to Heaven with hell kicking your butt every step o

  • Do You Have Peace? (Part 1)

    07/07/2022 Duração: 10min

    Before you answer this question, you probably should ask me: What type of peace am I referring to? Did you know that there are four different types of peace referenced in the bible? Yet the majority of Christians are only aware of one type, and that is Spiritual Peace—which we more commonly refer to as being born again. There are three other types of peace referenced in the bible: There is Obedience Peace, which deals with the peace that is associated with complying with God’s commandments. Simply put: It is impossible to be a successful sinner in God’s Economy. There is also Personal Peace, often referred to as the “peace of God.” This is the type of peace that helps us in our decision-making process. Lastly, there is Peace with Others: This deals with having harmonious relationships with those in close proximity. God desires that we have the all-encompassing peace that is composed of all four. If you only have the first type of peace, you can be on your way to Heaven with hell kicking your butt every step o

  • Understanding Strongholds (Part 3)

    06/07/2022 Duração: 12min

    A stronghold is a negative, destructive pattern of thought that satan has built into our minds either through repetition, traumatic experiences, or other circumstances. The enemy wants to create a partition in your mind that separates the truth that you have heard from what you act upon. He wants you to think that there is no use trying to change, or that the situation that you are in is permanent. In short, the strength of every stronghold is hopelessness. The key to living the victorious Christian life is to demolish the partition and allow what you know to translate into how you conduct your life.

  • Understanding Strongholds (Part 2)

    05/07/2022 Duração: 11min

    A stronghold is a negative, destructive pattern of thought that satan has built into our minds either through repetition, traumatic experiences, or other circumstances. The enemy wants to create a partition in your mind that separates the truth that you have heard from what you act upon. He wants you to think that there is no use trying to change, or that the situation that you are in is permanent. In short, the strength of every stronghold is hopelessness. The key to living the victorious Christian life is to demolish the partition and allow what you know to translate into how you conduct your life.

  • Understanding Strongholds (Part 1)

    04/07/2022 Duração: 11min

    A stronghold is a negative, destructive pattern of thought that satan has built into our minds either through repetition, traumatic experiences, or other circumstances. The enemy wants to create a partition in your mind that separates the truth that you have heard from what you act upon. He wants you to think that there is no use trying to change, or that the situation that you are in is permanent. In short, the strength of every stronghold is hopelessness. The key to living the victorious Christian life is to demolish the partition and allow what you know to translate into how you conduct your life.

  • The Value of Healthy Relationships (Part 4)

    01/07/2022 Duração: 11min

    As I study the bible, one of the things that is crystal clear is that God wants us to have healthy relationships. I'm very concerned when I encounter Christians who have a “me and my bible doctrine.” In other words, they think that the only thing they need to live the victorious Christian life is their bible and the notes that they've taken in church. In my judgment, this is very dangerous and is counter to how God designed us to live the Christian life. God uses other believers in a variety of ways to help us mature. One of my favorite stories is found in Luke 1:41. When Elizabeth hears Mary's greeting, the babe in Elizabeth's womb leaps! Elizabeth was literally pregnant with a baby, but figuratively, you may be pregnant with a dream or an idea. Here's the million dollar question: who makes what you're pregnant with "leap"? That's who you want to surround yourself with, people who encourage you so that you can become all that God called you to be!

  • The Value of Healthy Relationships (Part 3)

    30/06/2022 Duração: 09min

    As I study the bible, one of the things that is crystal clear is that God wants us to have healthy relationships. I'm very concerned when I encounter Christians who have a “me and my bible doctrine.” In other words, they think that the only thing they need to live the victorious Christian life is their bible and the notes that they've taken in church. In my judgment, this is very dangerous and is counter to how God designed us to live the Christian life. God uses other believers in a variety of ways to help us mature. One of my favorite stories is found in Luke 1:41. When Elizabeth hears Mary's greeting, the babe in Elizabeth's womb leaps! Elizabeth was literally pregnant with a baby, but figuratively, you may be pregnant with a dream or an idea. Here's the million dollar question: who makes what you're pregnant with "leap"? That's who you want to surround yourself with, people who encourage you so that you can become all that God called you to be!

  • The Value of Healthy Relationships (Part 2)

    29/06/2022 Duração: 08min

    As I study the bible, one of the things that is crystal clear is that God wants us to have healthy relationships. I'm very concerned when I encounter Christians who have a “me and my bible doctrine.” In other words, they think that the only thing they need to live the victorious Christian life is their bible and the notes that they've taken in church. In my judgment, this is very dangerous and is counter to how God designed us to live the Christian life. God uses other believers in a variety of ways to help us mature. One of my favorite stories is found in Luke 1:41. When Elizabeth hears Mary's greeting, the babe in Elizabeth's womb leaps! Elizabeth was literally pregnant with a baby, but figuratively, you may be pregnant with a dream or an idea. Here's the million dollar question: who makes what you're pregnant with "leap"? That's who you want to surround yourself with, people who encourage you so that you can become all that God called you to be!

  • The Value of Healthy Relationships (Part 1)

    28/06/2022 Duração: 10min

    As I study the bible, one of the things that is crystal clear is that God wants us to have healthy relationships. I'm very concerned when I encounter Christians who have a “me and my bible doctrine.” In other words, they think that the only thing they need to live the victorious Christian life is their bible and the notes that they've taken in church. In my judgment, this is very dangerous and is counter to how God designed us to live the Christian life. God uses other believers in a variety of ways to help us mature. One of my favorite stories is found in Luke 1:41. When Elizabeth hears Mary's greeting, the babe in Elizabeth's womb leaps! Elizabeth was literally pregnant with a baby, but figuratively, you may be pregnant with a dream or an idea. Here's the million dollar question: who makes what you're pregnant with "leap"? That's who you want to surround yourself with, people who encourage you so that you can become all that God called you to be!

  • It's Time to Dream Again (Part 3)

    27/06/2022 Duração: 12min

    God gave you a mind inside of you to repaint your outside world. God gave you your imagination so that you can look at something other than your present circumstances. Your mind has two primary functions: memory and imagination. We use our memory to peer into the past and draw conclusions. We use our imagination to look into the future and envision outcomes. Suffice it to say, Satan wants you to use your memory to demoralize you, and your imagination to cause you to worry. God wants to use your memories to draw comfort on his faithfulness in the past, and use your Imagination to pre-pay victory and positive outcomes. It is critical that we understand these powerful tools so that we can use them to fulfill our destiny!

  • It's Time to Dream Again (Part 2)

    24/06/2022 Duração: 11min

    God gave you a mind inside of you to repaint your outside world. God gave you your imagination so that you can look at something other than your present circumstances. Your mind has two primary functions: memory and imagination. We use our memory to peer into the past and draw conclusions. We use our imagination to look into the future and envision outcomes. Suffice it to say, Satan wants you to use your memory to demoralize you, and your imagination to cause you to worry. God wants to use your memories to draw comfort on his faithfulness in the past, and use your Imagination to pre-pay victory and positive outcomes. It is critical that we understand these powerful tools so that we can use them to fulfill our destiny!

  • It's Time to Dream Again (Part 1)

    23/06/2022 Duração: 14min

    God gave you a mind inside of you to repaint your outside world. God gave you your imagination so that you can look at something other than your present circumstances. Your mind has two primary functions: memory and imagination. We use our memory to peer into the past and draw conclusions. We use our imagination to look into the future, and envision outcomes. Suffice it to say, Satan wants you to use your memory to demoralize you, and your imagination to cause you to worry. God wants to use your memories to draw comfort on his faithfulness in the past, and use your Imagination to pre-pay victory and positive outcomes. It is critical that we understand these powerful tools so that we can use them to fulfill our destiny!

  • The Purpose of Consequences

    22/06/2022 Duração: 11min

    Consequences play a big role when you are setting boundaries. When you look at most co-dependent people, one person jumps off the top of a building, but another person is the one who crashes into the ground. In other words, one person is engaged in inappropriate behavior, and another person is paying the consequences for that behavior. The purpose of consequences is so that the offending person is obligated to learn that there is a sowing and reaping process. We live in a day and age where people do not want to take responsibility, but this is hurting us individually and as a nation. Children who never learned the purpose of consequences grow up to be very immature adults—and, I dare say, some of the most difficult spouses. If we will teach our children that there are consequences to their actions, we will spare an entire generation from irresponsible adults!

  • Relational Relief

    21/06/2022 Duração: 09min

    One of my favorite portions of scripture is 1 Peter 4:10 “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” This verse tells us that we are called to be God in the flesh to people. If you are like me, you have had seasons where you just could not sense God’s presence. It is at these times that we need to leverage the body of Christ. Most people try to heal in isolation, meaning they do not share their challenges with fellow believers. This is dangerous, and causes us to get involved in non-relationship-based ways of making our pain go away. This can also lead to addictions. Come join us in an exciting journey and learn how even our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ leveraged relational relief during his most difficult times.

  • Internal Promised Land (Part 4)

    20/06/2022 Duração: 10min

    Most of us are familiar with the migration of the Children of Israel in the Old Testament as they went from Egypt through the wilderness into Canaan. We refer to Canaan as the “Promised Land“—the culmination of all of God’s promises. There is an internal Promised Land that we should be experiencing and enjoying right now while we wait for the manifestation of the external one. I want to look at two passages of scripture: Romans 14:17-18 “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.“ Luke 17:21 “…nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." When we combine these two verses we can conclude that we should be experiencing peace and joy right now. Our joy does not have to be incarcerated by our circumstance. There is a dimension of fellowship with God that most Christians are not participating in be

  • Internal Promised Land (Part 3)

    17/06/2022 Duração: 10min

    Most of us are familiar with the migration of the Children of Israel in the Old Testament as they went from Egypt through the wilderness into Canaan. We refer to Canaan as the “Promised Land“—the culmination of all of God’s promises. There is an internal Promised Land that we should be experiencing and enjoying right now while we wait for the manifestation of the external one. I want to look at two passages of scripture: Romans 14:17-18 “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.“ Luke 17:21 “…nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." When we combine these two verses we can conclude that we should be experiencing peace and joy right now. Our joy does not have to be incarcerated by our circumstance. There is a dimension of fellowship with God that most Christians are not participating in be

  • Internal Promised Land (Part 2)

    16/06/2022 Duração: 11min

    Most of us are familiar with the migration of the Children of Israel in the Old Testament as they went from Egypt through the wilderness into Canaan. We refer to Canaan as the “Promised Land“—the culmination of all of God’s promises. There is an internal Promised Land that we should be experiencing and enjoying right now while we wait for the manifestation of the external one. I want to look at two passages of scripture: Romans 14:17-18 “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.“ Luke 17:21 “…nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." When we combine these two verses we can conclude that we should be experiencing peace and joy right now. Our joy does not have to be incarcerated by our circumstance. There is a dimension of fellowship with God that most Christians are not participating in be

  • Internal Promised Land (Part 1)

    15/06/2022 Duração: 10min

    Most of us are familiar with the migration of the Children of Israel in the Old Testament as they went from Egypt through the wilderness into Canaan. We refer to Canaan as the “Promised Land“—the culmination of all of God’s promises. There is an internal Promised Land that we should be experiencing and enjoying right now while we wait for the manifestation of the external one. I want to look at two passages of scripture: Romans 14:17-18 “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.“ Luke 17:21 “…nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." When we combine these two verses we can conclude that we should be experiencing peace and joy right now. Our joy does not have to be incarcerated by our circumstance. There is a dimension of fellowship with God that most Christians are not participating in be

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