Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Where is the Promise? (2 Peter 3:1-7) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



Peter has been warning Christians of false teachers, assuring Christians of two big things: 1. The Scriptures are not the ideas and feelings of men, but the words of God. 2. People will try to twist those Scriptures to serve themselves & drag others with them. Peter’s saying that he wants to remind Christians of this truth: Jesus is coming back. False teachers and scoffers claim that nothing has changed, so Peter offers three examples of God intervening in world history: 1. God’s authorship in creation. 2. God’s judgment in the worldwide flood. 3. God’s coming judgment on the ungodly. The scoffers ask, “Where is the promise?” It’s found in Jesus. It IS Jesus. If Jesus is who He said He is, and if He’s done what He’s said He’s done, then you can know for certain that He'll do what He said He’ll do.