Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

A Lamp Shining (2 Peter 1:16-21) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



Peter says the truth he and other biblilcal authors have given weren’t cleverly designed fables, legends, or untrue stories – it was truth. When Moses saw the glory of God from the cleft of the rock in Exodus 33 & 34, it was reflected in his appearance for a while. The glory revealed through his face was a reflection of the majesty and glory of God. But when Peter saw Jesus transfigured, the glory shining from Jesus wasn’t being reflected – it was glory bursting from within. What Peter & James & John heard and saw on that mountain confirmed what the prophets had been saying all along. If we say we love God and believe His Word, then we can’t believe and live as though that Word means whatever we want. We don’t need to twist Scripture to be happy. Real joy, real peace, real freedom comes from hearing and believing what God says plainly in His Word and letting it shape our lives.