Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Precious Faith (2 Peter 1:1-2) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



*Due to technical issues, the audio from today's message was pulled from the livestream video. Even in just the first two verses, Peter practices what he preaches by practicing humility. He leads with the fact that he is a servant/slave of Christ Jesus. He also explains that new life in Christ doesn’t come through privilege, work, or even a human decision, but by a divine gift of God ("by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ"). God and God alone gives the gift that none of us deserve but that all of us need. Believer– is there anything you own that is more precious than the faith that connects you to Christ and blesses you with His entire inheritance? The better you know God through Jesus (who Heb. 1 says is exact imprint of God), the more joy & peace and pleasure & rest you have. • There’s a direct relationship between our knowledge of God and how joyful we are. • There’s a direct relationship between our knowledge of God and how settled we are