Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

New Life / Old Relations [Workplace] (1 Peter 2:18-25) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



Because Christians submit to and trust God fully, they recognize that He establishes earthly authorities over them and calls them to submit to them as well. Christians submit to earthly authorities when God calls them to “for the Lord’s sake” [v.13]. In different levels of government, in the workplace, in the home, and in the church, God has established roles and calls His children to submit to them in varying ways, as expressed in enduring His Word. Peter makes the point that suffering punishment as a result of sin isn’t all that extraordinary, but when believers endure & persevere in the midst of unjust suffering, something special happens. What’s so special? You look like Jesus [v.21-23]. The conduct of believers in the midst of suffering is a picture to a watching world of who Jesus is and what kind of affect He has on a Christian's life. Everything Jesus did He did as an example, but also as a sacrifice. He suffered and went to the tree (cross) for you [v.21]. Jesus