Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Living Stones (1 Peter 2:4-8a) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



Peter's strange analogy of living stones only makes sense in the context of a building that is alive, with a Cornerstone that is alive. When a person comes to Christ, they come to a Stone that is alive. Not only is Christ living, chosen, & precious in God’s sight, but so is anyone who participates in His life and is identified with Him. Christians were once as dead as rocks but are now alive and being built into a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices. The thing that makes any offering we bring to God acceptable and precious is that they are offered through Jesus [v.5]. Without Christ, our worship would be unacceptable to God. It’s no surprise that people would “trip” over Jesus. If the Spirit doesn’t breathe new life into your dead heart, it’ll never beat to the rhythm of saving grace.