Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Psalm 148-150 [Finale of Praise] [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



In these last five Hallelujah Psalms, every word is praise. As the psalmist instructs all created things to praise the Lord in Psalm 148, he follows the creation order from Genesis 1. God made everything in His image and good, but He is still superior in every way. He is to be exalted, not us. “He is good to all, but he is God to His people.” - Charles Spurgeon on v.14. God’s people are pictured in 149:6 as ready for battle, equipped with two mighty weapons. 1. “the high praises of God in their throats” 2. “two-edged swords in their hands” Christians still go into battle the same way today – with the praises of God on their lips and the two-edged sword of God’s Word in their hands. The Lord’s plan isn’t always what we would expect, but it always accomplishes exactly what He intends. - In every place – praise the Lord! - For every reason – praise the Lord! - With every expression – praise the Lord! - With e