Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 7-Episode 9 – Polyartistic Occultism-Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule



Finally this Sunday on the show I have the huge pleasure to welcome a multi-facetted poet, musician, sculptor and painter, film visual artist and of course magician Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule. Orryelle opens up about his childhood growing up in Perth, Australia, within a very conservative family and a very conservative place expressing himself in creative ways by writing and drawing and his ‘late huge awakening’ at age 19-20 in Sydney. To Orryelle, art has always been a way of dealing with things that he initially thought to be disembodied – which will be another very relevant topic a bit later – and he shares how his personal boundaries between expressing himself by artistic mediums and consciously performing ritual work have blurred over time until finally all art and magic felt like one thing. Of course, the question how such an amazing artist could develop and hone his skills will be asked and answered where again we experience the respective process of magic and art to be intertwined in inseparable wa