Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#39: Finish Strong in 2017



With the holidays almost upon us and only a few months left of 2017, I’ve been hearing a lot of people saying they’re kind of giving up for the rest of this year. If you haven’t made the progress you would have liked to, don’t worry! This podcast will show you how to finish strong by giving you the motivation and practical steps to make meaningful progress between now and December 31st.   Things you will learn in this episode:   I give some sports psychology that you can apply to your own business this year     Have you given yourself permission not to finish strong in previous years, and is this what is happening now?     Grab a pen – you’re going to review your goals and resolutions from earlier in the year and see what will make the most impact!     How to create a goal map and identify key projects and tasks, as planning is key…  LINKS: Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.h