Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#92: Freedom to Shape Your Future



As you’re looking to 2019, do you believe you have the freedom to shape your future or do you think you have limited options given your specific situation? The truth is that we have a great deal of freedom. Most of us simply don’t want to make difficult decisions. Today, I’m sharing the process I used to plan for 2019, which will provide some behind-the-scenes insight as to what’s next for me (including the difficult decision to narrow my services) as well as some inspiration as you shape your future.   What I’m covering in this episode:   A personal update to follow-up on my Walking the Walk episode  Why I believe you do have the freedom to shape your own future   What I have decided will be my focus for 2019 (and what I’m letting go of...)  How I intend to better serve my clients at a higher level next year    How you can work with me next year if you're ready to go all in and reach some epic goals in 2019  LINKS: