Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#159: Turning Awareness into Action



It’s usually much easier to learn a new concept than to actually put it into practice. In fact, most of us really struggle with turning awareness into action. But why? What are we doing wrong and how do we fix it? Learn tips to put new concepts into action and then learn how to make those new habits stick! Things we’re covering in this episode: How to take awareness, insight and wisdom and turn them into action Find out why the human race in general doesn’t follow through on things Discover why consistency is key when learning something new Learn the tricks on how to stay committed to something Get It Done Membership If you have enjoyed the free week-long Get it Done Challenge, you’re going to love our new membership. The membership challenge begins on April 12th and you have the option to join for a quarter, year or bundle price. This quarter’s challenge is only open through April 15th so be sure to join now! Go to to learn more and sign up. LINKS: