Nb Publishers

Kwela Book Chat: The Fall by Jen Thorpe



In this episode of Kwela Book Chats the author of the riveting novel, The Fall shares details about her writing process, advice for budding writers, and other behind-the-scenes gems. In conversation with Jen Thorpe is her publisher, Carolyn Meads, who worked closely with her on the The Fall. Stick around until the end to hear the awesome book trailer! More about the book: When Thuli reveals her secret – that she can see into the near future – to journalist Helen, the latter is skeptical. But as Thuli believes she’s seen that #FeesMustFall protest leader, Hector, will be assassinated, Helen looks into the matter. What she finds is odd behaviour by the police on campus. Police sent by President Noné, who wants no trouble from pesky students while she launches her zoo of magical creatures. If what Thuli say is true, they have only seven days to change the future … You can order The Fall by Jen Thorpe from leading bookstores nationwide or your favourite e-tailer. Also available as an e-book. Music: "Intranet"