Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Luis Von Ahn - Episode 86- Marta On The Move



#86 Luis Von Ahn I wonder how many of you may know, that the widely popular company known as Duolingo, has it's base right here in Pittsburgh, PA?  I sure didn't.  After trying many language courses, Rosetta Stone, and even regular CD's you can listen to on your way to work (never happens), I  found myself drawn to the free app that is Duolingo. I just happened to be browsing online one day, and noticed from their website, that they are Pittsburgh based! What, what? If you listen to my show, you know I love traveling, and merging my cultural experiences with my beloved hometown of Pittsburgh.  Finding out that Duolingo was based here, and that I was addicted to the app, just made my day!  I had to find out who was behind this, and get them on the show. Turns out a gentleman by the name of Luis Von Ahn created Duolingo.  I reached out, scheduled an interview, and a tour of the office.  Wanting to come prepared for the podcast, I started researching Luis, and found myself blown away by what he has accomplished