Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 6-Episode 7 – Witches and Orpheus-Sara Mastros



Please welcome this week's guest on the show, Sara Mastros from Pittsburgh who teaches witchcraft, Greek and Near Eastern mythology, Jewish Kabbalah, Pythagorean Mysticism, and practical sorcery online, and at festivals all over the East Coast. Sara grew up in the Amish part of Pennsylvania although not Amish herself within a family that merged Greek and Jewish cultural backgrounds. Magic was not exactly taboo but it seemed that some family members hoped Sara would eventually grow out of this ‘episode’ which she was interested in from early age on. At age eight she ordered two books on witchcraft from a catalogue, namely ‘Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft’ and ‘Encyclopedia of White Magic’ by Paddy Slade. Those were the starting points of further explorations into the practice of witchcraft and magic which lead Sara to university libraries and further to the discovery of different grimoires. In the early 2000s, Sara began to work with the Greek Magical Papyri and then with the Orphic Hymns where some dou