Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 4-Episode 20 – Arts and the Occult-Hagen von Tulien



In Episode 20, Rudolf welcomes German artist and occultist Hagen von Tulien Hagen is  working in a variety of media including pen and ink, paper cut, collage and digital formats. With about forty years of intense magical theory and practice, he has specialized in creating art as an expression and manifestation of magical states of awareness and its use as an esoteric tool. Throughout the 1990s Hagen was a key figure in the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros (I.O.T.), serving as its section head for Germany. He is currently a Master-Initiate of the Fraternitas Saturni (F.S.) and an empowered adept of the Voudon Gnostic Current, focused on deeply researching the Gnosis of the Saturnian Continuum and of Esoteric Voudon. As a Gnostic Bishop of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis (ordained by Michael Bertiaux), Hagen von Tulien is dedicated to manifesting the supreme and divine Gnosis within himself while assisting others on their own path to kosmic freedom and liberation.