Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 1-Episode 7 – Benebell Wen



Benebell Wen calls herself an independent metaphysician. It is a term she has created herself, wanting to tell us that she is in her esoteric work not linked to any particular school or lineage, but independent. In the interview we talk about how an ethnic background does or does not influence your approach to and work in the occult world, how you can combine having an important daytime job with being engaged in the esoteric path, and how the two influence each other mutually, and many other topics. Please note that in this episode there is no reviews and news section. They will return - together with other new developments - in August. Show Notes and Links Links and interesting info Benebell Wen on the Web: Facebook Twitter Website Make sure you also find out about her online courses! Get Benebell's books here! Des