Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 2-Episode 7 – Tara-Love Maguire and Christopher Orapello



This episode is the first of three "interview-only" episodes to come this month. That means, just the interview with just a short intro by Rudolf, no news, no reviews. Rudolf is happy to present two people he has wanted to interview for quite some time - but it was now that the right moment had come, because Tara and Chris just released their new book "Besom, Stang and Sword" (get it here) about their Black Tree Witchcraft.But this talk is not only about the book, but about paganism and occultism in general in our time. Chris and Tara are also well-known podcasters, their "Down at the Crossroads" is a classic!       Tara-Love Maguire has been a practicing witch for over 30 years, on a path which has been crookedly influenced by Isobel Gowdie, Marie Laveau, and William S. Burroughs. Growing up as a weird kid in and around the New Jersey Pine Barrens, she found witchcraft within the tales and shadows that dwell there. She co-hosts the podcast, Down at t