Awesome With Alison

Ep. 96: How to use writing to heal and reveal! With Ashmae!



Hold onto your notepads! You are about to have your hearts opened, minds bent and awesomeness expanded with my girl Ashmae Hoiland @birdsofashmae! Ashmae is an author, artist, storyteller and writing instructor--as well as a beautiful human with deep wisdom! I wanted her to come and share all the tips, tricks, and magic that she has discovered from writing and sharing her own life and stories, as well as teaching and guiding others how to do it too! You’ll walk away from this episode with 3 tangible ideas for how to use writing to benefit your life, and I’m so excited for all of us! If you don't consider yourself a writer or even if you do, listen up! We cover it all! Join us at our Alison's Brand School Build an Awesome Brand Workshop! Text earlybirdblitz to 31996 Awesome with Alison is supported by listeners LIKE YOU! If you have found value in this episode, or any others! Support the podcast! Eric's closing song is "Friday Harbor" in the World Traveler Col