Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with beauty guru Sam Marshall



In this episode, I had the absolute pleasure of diving deep into the world of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the beauty industry with the fabulous Sam Marshall. We peeled back the layers of this multifaceted topic, exploring the transformation that salons are undergoing to become spaces where everyone, irrespective of their background or identity, feels truly welcome. Throughout our conversation, Sam shared her insightful experiences and the progressive steps the industry is taking to cater to a diverse clientele. We touched upon how the industry is moving from a past steeped in exclusivity to one that celebrates openness, with salons mirroring the diversity of those they serve. Particularly, we delved into the nuanced experiences of those who are differently-abled or part of the trans community, highlighting that inclusivity is not merely a noble ideal but also a sound business strategy that broadens clientele and fosters a culture of acceptance. Language in the salon can define the environment. Sam and