The Accidental Creative

Replay: Plays Nice With Others



What was the secret weapon that made Star Wars successful? (No, it wasn't the Death Star.) And, which Oscar-winning film's script was almost not even written, if not for some harsh words from a friend?In this episode, we delve into the importance of healthy relationships, radical candor, and effective communication in the creative process. We hear stories of challenging relationships and transformative conversations that led to breakthroughs in creativity and collaboration. We learn about the pivotal role others play in our creative work and the significance of becoming the type of person others need in their creative journeys. Guests include Kim Scott (author of Radical Candor), Charles Duhigg (author of the new book Supercommunicators), and Ausin Kleon (author of Steal Like An Artist).Key Learnings:1. Healthy relationships can play a crucial role in the creative process, and the input of others can be transformative for our work.2. Radical candor, the balance between caring personally and challenging direct