Caroline Phipps

Talk to Me



In this enlightening episode, your host, Rick, is joined by the insightful Caroline Phipps, who brings her expertise to the airwaves each month. This time, Caroline joins us over the phone to delve into the intricacies of modern communication and its evolving dynamics. Caroline shares her observations on how communication has transformed in a post-pandemic world. She notes the paradox of being instantly connected yet feeling more fractured than ever. The discussion starts with Caroline's experiences making phone calls and encountering alarmed reactions, highlighting our growing discomfort with direct human interaction. The conversation touches on the impact of the pandemic on our communication habits, emphasizing how isolation has compounded the challenges of authentic human connection. Caroline reflects on her English upbringing, where expressing emotions was discouraged, contrasting it with today's heightened sensitivities and potential for misunderstandings. Rick and Caroline explore the pitfalls of digita