The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

Hacking The 3 "F" Words of Willpower (Part 1) with Dave Asprey



This talk is part 1 of 2 by the one and only Dave Asprey of Bulletproof Coffee and host of Bulletproof Radio. Dave is a New York Times best-selling author and has spent over two decades on hacking his own biology to help him learn seemingly impossible things to transform himself into the success he is today. He has singlehandedly transformed the diets (and waistlines) of thousands of people around the world — not to mention, manage to hack his own biology to become Bulletproof.   In this episode, he breaks down the three things that are affecting a fundamental contributor to our successes and failures; Our willpower. Like most people, willpower is something that causes a lot of energy drain and something we wish we can conjure at any given moment. He’s here to help you understand the core causes of why it feels difficult to control it.   The biggest leak of willpower is applying your precious effort to things that are automated and urges from an untrained animal that’s thrashing inside your body  — Dave Aspre