The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

How Billion Dollar Ideas Come To You with Jeffrey Perlman



Are you listening to your ideas? This questions may sound strange but this was how Zumba became the household-name brand it is today. And the speaker sharing this story on Mindvalley’s A-Fest stage is Jeffrey Perlman, former CMO of Zumba. Jeffrey will explain how we can discover our true legacy and harness the power of inevitability in three strategies.   “Zumba was inevitable. It was more real in our heads than the real world.” — Jeffrey Perlman   Highlights from the episode: Jeffrey opens the stage with his truth; introducing, “Gonzalo." He tells the story of how Zumba started from being the joke of the fitness industry to the mega-brand it is today Jeffrey explains the continuum between consciousness and matter, and why you need to listen to it carefully He shares the three stages of stepping into the inevitability of your billion dollar ideas He offers a simple advice on finding inspiration from business models and having one for your business Jeffrey drives the point home with his closin