The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

3 Types of Intuition And How to Identify & Use Them in Your Life | Sonia Choquette



Intuition is a powerful skill that has the potential to greatly enhance our decision-making abilities and overall success in life. We often underestimate the power of our intuition. Our special guest in this episode, Sonia Choquette, emphasizes that by embracing our intuition, we can make better decisions and live a more authentic and creative life. Imagine being able to tap into your most authentic self and having it guide your choices. It's a total game changer! Sonia is a renowned teacher of human intuition and has written 27 internationally best-selling books on intuitive awakening, personal, and creative growth. Her work has been published in over 40 countries and translated into 37 languages. She is truly a master in her field. Throughout the episode, we delved into the power of intuition, its importance, how it can transform your life, and its role in guiding us towards our true passions. Developing this non-negotiable skill is essential in today's age, as it allows us to live a life that is both fulfi